Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Black Goo Explained by Harald Kautz Vella - Bases 46


There are 2 forms of Black Goo, one made by the earth, and another that was landed here by intention, in a a meteor swarm, 80,000 years ago. Both are sentient and are designed to create life from the materials on the planet. In simple terms, its a "seed" device.

The intelligence that seeded the off world goo, is creating life that is bypassing the natural order, and bringing lifeforms to a higher level of order than they should naturally be. In this case BIG spiders.
In this first of 3 parts, German researcher and discusses smart dust, and the Black Goo. Use of Scalar Physics is discussed, so you will have to pay attention. This is about an extraterrestrial, dimensional Predator species that is silently assimilating humanity, and all life on earth.

These interviews are released for free, as a public service, by the Bases Project. See also Bases 17,18 and 25. the next day Harald presented his findings to the Woodborough Conference, for Bases, see separate upload. He will be present at Bases International Conference and Film Festival, July 31st-Aug 2nd at The Theatre On The Hill, Marlborough, Wilts

Harald is co-author with Cara St Louis of Dangerous Imagination, Silent Assimilation.


Harald Kautz-Vella continues this detailed interview on the alien Black Goo, concentrating on Morgellons, and the existence of "M State" matter. The creatures comprised of the alien black goo related seem to exist in a partial state of matter, not quite in this dimension. Thus implants in people which are in a translucent fluidic matter.
Smart dust is mentioned.

A short clip of something that is claimed to be derived from the alien black goo is shown.
As with all such matters, detailed scientic results and data is required. If we can get it.
Continues in part 3, on the "AI", all computers have a link via an Artificial Intelliegnce

Computer system have a collective intelligence, working under a collective “AI” or artificial intelliegenec. Some financial centres, have a quantum computer , derived from the alien black goo. The square wave signal in computers have a direct connection with this alien black goo, due to their scalar signature. The use of synthetic RNA as a bio-weapon, in Iraq War 2. All point to the creation of a synthetic bio race, with no empathy or ‘feelings’

Smart Dust and Bio Robots. Bio-Photons is the food for these octo-form creatures. But the earth, or mother nature is neutralizing this alien black goo so it has a balanced positive nature. Too bad to be true, too good to be true?