Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Dr Michael Salla Update - Full ET disclosure plan involves document dumps & whistleblowers coming forward

 Full ET disclosure involves document dumps

 Written by Dr Michael Salla on

Secret space program whistleblower Corey Goode has revealed in detail the goal of an alliance of secret space programs concerning disclosure of extraterrestrial life and technology. Goode describes the goal as a “full disclosure event’ involving massive document dumps on a scale that overwhelms the corporate run media’s ability to spin and limit disclosure efforts to protect elite individuals being exposed for crimes against humanity.

Goode appeals to other whistleblowers to come forward, as he has, to reveal their knowledge of secret space programs. His efforts appear to be bearing fruit with one individual coming forward on his website to claim that a corporate run space program is killing off former astronauts to prevent them becoming part of a “full disclosure event”.

From June 5-9, Goode attended a series of three meetings between different factions and alliances concerning how much to disclose about the truth of extraterrestrial visitors and secret space programs using advanced technologies. During his June 9 meeting with human elites he describes as the “Committee of 200” and others, an offer was made for a “controlled disclosure”:

They stated that they had been forced through generations of mind control and threats to do all of the things that they had done. They further stated that they would prefer to work with the Alliances in setting up a new financial system that was fair to all of humanity and to begin a controlled disclosure that would not expose certain crimes and incidents that would incriminate them in their life time…. Taking all of that in consideration they proposed that a plan be agreed on that allowed the release of certain information and technologies while withholding the majority of information for a 50 year time period.

This “controlled disclosure” offer has led to concerns and questions about the kind of disclosure that is being planned by the “Secret Space Program Alliance” that Goode is working with. In his June 15 response to one of these questions, he explained the goal:

Continue Reading at ...... http://exopolitics.org/full-et-disclosure-plan-involves-document-dumps-whistleblowers-coming-forward/