Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Veterans Today "Attacks/Responds" to Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot

Kerry Cassidy: Descent Into Insanity

By Mike Harris, Financial Editor

Friends are advising me not only that I should distance myself from Kerry Cassidy but that her recent poorly veiled attack on me, and it is exactly that, is a sign of dementia.  Joining the dregs of the internet, Cassidy is floating a grand theory, plagiarized from a dozen lunatic blogs, tying the imaginary Jade Helm conspiracy to one bizarre fabrication after another.

I like Kerry, and have worked to do so despite the warnings I have long received, citing her as a “queen poser” among the UFO community.  I had deemed her both pleasant and harmless and now I find her neither.

Now and then we all have seen a good friend embarrass themselves. There is no joy in watching this happen. It only makes one wonder what were they thinking, or were they thinking at all?? Or just being stupid at that moment?

Today, Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot published the most misleading and unsound article on her blog, I have ever seen on her site, which makes me question all of the other articles she has published.

This article was about the dispute within the Alternative Media regarding Jade Helm.


The accusations were flying. I was even mentioned in a questioning light about my recent and “convenient trip” to Italy, and my visit with the Keshe Foundation and the opening of the Spaceship Institute at LUM University.

The Project Camelot article was filled with few facts, and lots of speculation and just plain BS. The focus was the disagreement about Jade Helm. Gordon Duff says it is not a big deal. In this case Kerry sides with the lunatic fringe of the alternative media who seems to be drinking their own Kool-aid, the group that claims that Jade Helm is the beginning of Martial Law within the USA, with only 1200 soldiers.

When irresponsible claims are made and promoted by formerly credible journalists, we as the discerning public can begin to see who is the controlled opposition and who is being “handled” by their masters.

There is no small number of dangerous and rash claims within this article, everything from failed assassination attempts upon minor bit players within the alternative movement, people so insignificant that it would not be worth the effort to rub them out. Real power players do not use that tactic to swat gnats.

Here is what we know and can verify; Jade Helm is a real military exercise that will be running from July to September in the Southern tier states.  VeteransToday.com recently did some major housekeeping, by dismissing contributors who had been discovered fabricating evidence for their articles. Gordon Duff formerly worked for a clandestine government agency, and is a master at his craft. Kerry probably pinched her nerve while taking a kick boxing class to keep fit and over did it. At least that is what she told me directly.

Here is what is fabricated; there were no botched assassination attempts. One man likely had a minor stroke while driving, common for a man of his age and poor physical condition. The other is a known liar and drunk, who has been caught again, simply making things up for attention, which conveniently cannot be verified, with no witnesses or other supporting evidence, just another bold faced lie.

The dismissal of contributors at VT has nothing to do with any orchestrated grand plan to impose martial law within the USA.

Just because Wal-Mart has closed some stores for remodeling and plumbing upgrades, does not mean FEMA camps.

We in the Alternative Media need to be super vigilant to being deceived by those who wish to both mis-lead and discredit us and our publications.  Making claims that cannot be supported is not journalism, it is wild speculation meant to mis-lead the public. As I stated earlier, we in the discerning public have the opportunity to finally see who the honest and reliable journalists are and who is working to deceive the public at the behest of their unseen masters.

What makes this so troubling is that I know everyone mentioned within Kerry’s article and it hurts to discover that some are not what they seem, and others are exactly what they represent themselves to be. I have gained access to the real UFO community, the people who are truly in the know, not those who had a dream or channeled some imaginary information from the recesses of the subconscious. It is time for the poser and charlatans to be exposed so the public can gain real and factual information, not nonsense meant to mislead the public.

Like I said at the beginning of this article, it is awkward when a good friend embarrasses herself in such a public manner by posting irresponsible conjecture and fabrications.
