Human Trafficking For Slavery Off-world, Self Policing Slavery On Earth, Liberation Through Self Knowledge | Corey GoodETxSG
[Update 5/24 – In an earlier version of this article, I mistakenly wrote that Carolyn had no memories of what occurred inside the moonbase. In fact, she had partial recall of an event she experienced there. I have updated the relevant paragraph above and the conclusion, and apologize to Carolyn Hamlett for my initial error.]
Most of the information covered in this Dr.Salla article, we covered in the update Trapezoid Base On Moon. We will pull a section from that article, SECRET MOON BASE USES ABDUCTED HUMANS AS SLAVE LABOR, for this update.
Corey stated that the use of humans in slave labor and various other purposes is much more severe than we think. Millions of people go missing every year, and it this could be one of their final destinations.
Carolyn Hamlett is a former mind control victim and possibly a SSP Program asset who revealed the following about one of the bases on the Moon:
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