Thursday, May 7, 2015

Pleiadian Starseed, Sierra Neblina, Audio Update - May 6, 2015

"GalacticU is about discovering your innate wisdom, bringing Soul Families together and empowering you with the tools you need to successfully navigate Physical Ascension while leveraging all the help we can get from our Galactic Family." - Sierra Neblina 


 Listen to the Update from Sierra here......

Long ago, Sierra answered the call to come and assist our planet, Gaia, during this time of Ascension and great change. A Pleiadian Starseed, Sierra was born to a civilian mother of Cherokee and Irish decent, and a military father with a mysterious, other-worldly background. Years later, Sierra would learn that her parents consented to participate in a human/hybrid ET experiment.

She had a deep patriotism and an inexplicable longing to join the US military, which she did in 1990. While still serving in the reserves, Sierra had her first ET experience when she was visited by a little grey.

Sierra was ready for answers. She plunged into a deep investigation of military cover-up of ET contact and Human abductions. This caught the attention of the military, resulting in a trip to Norad and serious threats of harm to her family if she continued her search. The threat worked and Sierra spent the next 8 years off the grid getting by with short-term construction projects.

During this time, Sierra continued to explore her psychic gifts, discover more about her Dream Walker heritage and was even sequestered by Colorado Search and Rescue for her work as a registered Medium. In 2007, Sierra was struck with a series of strokes that resulted in left side paralysis and prolonged outer body experiences.

While recovering, Sierra learned about her soul agreements, she met her Galactic Family, learned about her life as Commander Anunda and she then began her Galactic training. She also made a new arrangement to accept a Braided Walk-In to help with her recovery and to help her complete her mission on Gaia.

Her website is:
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