Monday, May 25, 2015

GoodETxSG Update - May 24th, 2015

Cobra, Dr Salla, Black Sun, Earthquakes and Nazi UFO Secrets

24 May 2015 : 15:19

Cobra, Dr Salla, Black Sun, Volcanic Activity and Earthquakes, Nazi UFO Secrets

Secret Space Program Alliance and Cobra

Has a line drawn in the sand over the SSP Alliance/Sphere Alliance "NARRATIVE"? Things are getting interesting in the conflict and there may be a taking of a divisive tone by design. This is it's self is a sign of things to come. A major reason the Lt. Col. in the SSP Alliance I report to has requested that I avoid fraternization or conflict with groups who are in contact with monitored societies, advanced civilizations and various off worlders. This is an extremely delicate time (Issues) and there is no time for any divide and conquer operations among/against the "Awake and Aware" community.. Discernment now more than ever is key. These bases are going to be isolated and maintained up until the Event according to plan...They will then be handed over to humanity. No intervention is being permitted per the Sphere Alliance after the Mars Attacks/Atrocities that cost many of the slave labor their lives. The various SSP's will remain in tact until the Event per Tear-Eir and my last face to face conversation.

I am unaware of most of COBRA's information as I have not followed him or others online. I did not realize he has mentioned any previous affiliation w/ the Agartha Network (If this is correct). If I had known this I would not have mentioned them by name as the group that worked w/Ancient Teutonic, Suebian or Gothic Societies and NAZI offshoots during the 1930's onward. There has been quite a lot of info I have not released of this nature because of the divisive effects it could have on groups within the "Truther Movement" (I have been instructed to wait for full disclosure to ferret out these details). I was not looking for division or conflict between any groups w/that statement iv Dr. Michael Salla's Article. I do think we should meditate on peace and love however and not anything that will tie us energetically or karmically to the deaths or injuries of others (Despite our intentions). Use your discernment in your participation in events leading up to The Event. Everyone will answer for their actions during this time and karma is said to be immediate (For both STS & STO Individuals) because of the cosmic energy we are currently coming into resonance with.

btw: Surgery went well, the surgeon was very surprised at the amount of healing in the last week. Thank you for all of your healing vibes. I am in pain and using one arm/hand... but doing better than expected.

There is a nerve block in for now... w/they take it out the pain will get much worse...

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