Engineered collapse of Western financial system looms
The world is headed for some turbulence over the coming months as
part of the final removal of the Khazarian mafia from control of the
Western financial system, multiple sources, including Japanese
government, MI5 and pentagon officials say. The world missed a recent
window of opportunity for a peaceful settlement of the financial war,
they said. As a result, several stubborn hold outs of the cabal, like
Israel and their Washington DC stooges, will have to be removed through
war and through the engineered collapse of most of the large cabal
financial companies, the sources say.This will result in chaos in Europe and several regional wars notably in the Korean peninsula, the Middle East and the US.
The situation in Europe might be the first to blow up as a result of a financial chain reaction expected to be triggered by an unavoidable Greek default, the sources agreed. German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s recent visits to China and Japan were aimed at
getting money to prevent the collapse of the German financial system when Greece defaults. She returned mostly empty handed, Japanese and Chinese government sources say.
One indicator of how unusual the situation is was a joint statement published last week by European Commission President Jean-Claude Junker and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsirpas that called for higher pensions and wages for Greeks. In other words it showed political opposition to bank imposed austerity.
Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, for his part, proposed creating a new development agency or economic planning agency to start rebuilding the Greek economy. To make this possible he proposes putting all of Greek bad debts into a “bad bank” or garbage can bank. This is in effect proposing a default.
If the Greeks default on their over $300 billion in debts, this will create a domino effect that will pull the rug out from over $500 trillion worth of derivatives that are creating the appearance the European banking system is solvent, MI5 and other sources say.
A Japanese fixer in charge of high level financial transactions and an MI5 source both said the BIS or central bank for central banks in Switzerland was broke and was jacking up stock prices in Europe, Japan and the US to try to camouflage this. However, the sources said the Greek can might be kicked down the road until September or October.
The Greeks have also been working closely with the Russians and Chinese to make sure they get new financing from the East in the event of a default to the IMF and the Germans.
This Greek situation is likely to put an end to a different scenario being engineered in the UK by newly re-elected Prime Minister David Cameron and his EU masters in Brussels. The scenario they planned was to use the boogeyman of Scottish independence to force greater UK integration into the EU and put an end to British moves away from the EU. It is clear that Nigel Farage, head of the UK Independence Party, was put under some sort of threat to force him to pull his punches during the recent UK election campaign. However, the Greek situation is expected to make this whole plan obsolete because the EU itself will be struggling to survive.
The British financial elite have, in any case, already linked their financial system with China and Asia in order to insulate themselves from the upcoming German/EU collapse, Japanese, Chinese and British sources agree.
The situation in the United States is also headed for more chaos and possibly even civil war. The clearest sign of this has been all the major explosions of oil trains, power plants, factories and other infrastructure across the US. Here for example you can see pictures of a nuclear power plant explosion and a train fire that took place last week:
Pentagon sources say that a civil war is possible between the US military and mercenary armies paid by the Khazarian Mafia. The recent talk in the Khazarian propaganda press about some operation called “Jade Helm” is aimed at inciting Americans into believing US armed forces are their enemy. In addition, the Khazarians are now saying ISIS (Israeli Security Intelligence Service) is in the US ready to start trouble.