The True Matrix Story Based on Cobra’s Update’s April 18th 2015
Therese Zumi here; I have been following Cobra’s blog since its very beginning in the spring of 2012. I also attended one of his first conferences namely the one in LA Nov 2012. I started my website four months prior to meeting Cobra and he encouraged me to continue writing and this resulted in the presentation of The Event information as given by him in LA. He then gave links to this info on my website in the spring of 2013. In the past two or three months I have been compiling and studying information about the Archons and the 2 separate although aligned factions of them namely the Jesuit Archon group along with their minions the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers and the Chimera Archon group. This article is designed to be an overview of the history of our entire situation of imprisonment by these beings up until the present. The vast majority of the information compiled here comes from Cobra.
Truth of Our Imprisonment
We know that Our Solar System has been under control of Orion/Andromedan Chimera Empire and their Draco/Reptilian minions for the last 26,000 years, effectively putting planet Earth under quarantine status, isolating it from positive ET races. These archons came originally from the Andromeda Galaxy and then created races such as Draconians and Reptilians through genetic engineering over long time periods – millennia – using them as slaves to expand and run their empires.Because new readers ask the question “why do the Galactic Confederation not just land and intervene and stop this madness now” I am including a direct quote from the Solar System Update that Cobra provided us with on February 9th 2015 which reads “The Light forces were forced to sign a non-interference treaty which states that they will not interfere on the surface of planet Earth directly and in turn the Chimera will also not interfere on the surface directly. Although this treaty was quite harmful for the development of humanity in the last 26,000 years, it has also prevented humanity from being harvested by Chimera and their Draco/Reptilian minions directly. This is the reason the Resistance Movement agents are not contacting human beings on the surface of their planet. This treaty is also the reason why the Reptilians have not been massively eating humans for breakfast in the open in surface human cities after 1996 when their presence under the surface of the planet was huge, with 500 million entities present. This treaty is also the reason strangelet bombs were not detonated on many occasions. As soon as the Chimera threat is gone, the Light Forces will intervene on the surface of this planet directly.”
These mad archon beings who are controlling us through their two distinct groups namely the Chimera Archon and the Jesuit Archon dark nobility family faction do not in any way think or function like human beings. You must understand that Cobra is in no way exaggerating the situation when he explains why the Light Forces had no choice but to sign this ‘non-interference treaty’. This is the reason that he repeats to us again and again that The Event or the final day of the Liberation of this planet will not commence until the electromagnetic fence – the veil – the matrix - has been taken down completely.
Cobra's Visit to Nearspace Beyond the Veil
Archon Control
The truth about our reality here is so chocking and so unbelievable it sounds like a plot from an extremely complicated space war movie. In fact up to nearly 80% of modern day space war movies with their scary frightening stories of aliens and their plans to take us as hostages have been created and inspired by the minions of the aliens who have been holding us hostage for over 25000 years.When Cobra started his blog in the spring of 2012 we started to hear the truth about our prison wardens the archons. He was chosen by the RM to be their spokesperson and was informed on a regular basis about updates that were considered necessary to convey the truth to us - puzzle bit after puzzle bit - so that we could digest the information. It was less than one year ago in April of 2014 that we were given the information about the chimera and their military bases. It was then we learned that there were two separate but cooperating archon groups controlling us on every level imaginable, namely on the surface, from chimera bases just below surface and not in least on the astral etheric planes.
Positive Military Becomes Aware of the Immensity of Our Control
The group that Cobra often refers to known as the Positive Military have had plans for decades for mass arrests of the cabal. However it was not until April or May of 2012 that they became aware of the reason behind the many disturbances and interferences of their plans. It was first then that they became aware of the presence of the archons! It was then in the spring of 2012 that they learned about the powerful group of physical archons within the Jesuit Archon faction who had access to nuclear weapons and were threatening to use them if need be if mass arrests commenced! They were cut away from their access to these weapons in June 2012.However what we did not know until nearly two years later was that the archons – another group of them – the so called Chimera - were controlling 12 main military bases worldwide and had other even more dangerous bombs namely strangelet and toplet bombs!! (1) That was a great chock and we were all thinking ‘what next’. We were wondering if there could ever be a chance of liberation from these mad beings? Then amazingly we were informed by Cobra on January 29th 2015 that“ALL physical strangelet and toplet bombs of the Chimera group have been cleared. Only plasma strangelet and toplet bombs are now remaining. Plasma plane remains the main strong area of the Chimera group and this needs to be taken care of before the Event happens.” In the Monthly interview with Cobra in March of 2015 Rob Potter asked Cobra what the difference was between the physical and plasmatic strangelet/toplet bombs and we were informed that there is very little difference i.e. equally very dangerous.
On the surface physical plane the archons are incarnated within the Jesuit organisation into so called black nobility families. They spiritually control their administrators the 1) Draconian Illuminati that run the financial system, 2) their warriors = reptilian mercenaries that protect the Illuminati and 3) their slaves = US = you and me and everyone else through our nine to five jobs.
The Veil/Matrix and Its Two-Fold Function of Controlling Us
This Veil/Grid/Web/Matrix/Net exerts control over us on two levels. On the (1) physical level the Jesuit Archon faction maintain control over us through the 1a) Orion Babylonian debt slave financial system and 1b) through mass media programming. So to simplify things one could say that the Jesuit Archon faction work mainly on this physical level through the Rothschild faction who manages the money for them {they have been their bankers for the last two centuries} and controls the media. 1c) The Rothschild faction has also totally infiltrated modern medicine and genetically altered us through vaccinations which they developed through the W.H.O. in Nazi concentration camps during WW2. The Jesuit Archon faction is where we find the master mind controllers who have used 1d) religious indoctrination and the design and creation of ‘hell’ (see Jesuits below) to keep us in tow. 1e) They have controlled education worldwide.Then the control is exerted on the 2) etheric astral and mental planes levels through 2a) electromagnetic spacetime distortion chambers that create the illusion of a closed loop that appears to be eternal {Philadelphia experiment} and their version of so called Hell and Heaven etc. 2b) every human being is planted with etheric crystal implants before incarnating which remove memories from these planes and past lives. They control us with these implants using their remote control operated etheric scalar implant technology. It is they the archons who have been the so called ‘lords of karma’ pretending to be higher spiritual beings ‘encouraging us’ to incarnate time and time again in their prison. What we call karma is their programming system. On average it is they who decide 65% of our life path.
The archons have had Draconian administrators on the etheric and lower astral planes who maintain the artificial intelligence technology that has been keeping the matrix in place.
In turn the Draconian administrators’ use reptilian slave warriors to constantly exert mental and emotional pressure upon the incarnated humans so as to suppress any spiritual advances or fight for liberation.
They have also used amoeba like elemental beings to exert additional pressure on us.
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