Secret Space Program, ET Federation Delegation & MILAB "Experiencer", GoodETxSG "Q & A"
Hello "TOT" Members and Guests,
I have been very happy with the "Vibe" (As they say) of the people and the leadership of this Forum since I recently joined. It is quite a bit different than what I was used to from the previous "Forum" I was at...
While I was a Member of "Another Forum" I was convinced to do a recording that was to be used by a certain Formerly Respected and Well Known Researcher for their own "Research Purposes Only". It was a VERY informal and impromptu recording of a "Conversation" (Not an "Interview") between the Former Researchers Wife (At the time) and Myself while she was in town on other business. Things aligned just so to where we were able to do over 3 1/2 hours of recordings. The Former Researcher contacted me shortly after and stated that they thought this really needed to be released (They knew my desire to help other MILAB's) to assist other MILAB's and to bring together some information in one place that some other people may find useful.
I had just had reconstructive surgery on my shoulder and bicep tendons in the two weeks prior and was not feeling my best or my sharpest. This was not ever supposed to be released to the public so I was comfortable doing a recording at the time. When the former researcher pressed for me to release it publicly I asked that they edit it and secure my Anonymity on the "Forum" and the Recording. They did so and it was released. Almost immediately there were many questions coming in and the former researcher began to push me to drop my anonymity and come out as myself and answer questions. I explained how I couldn't do this for the same security reasons that I had explained to them prior to us doing any recordings. After a few days of negotiations they made some changes to my current Forum Profile and asked Current Members who knew who I was to please not release my name in public Forum (As I am asking you to please not do here). Once this was done I began to answer hundreds of Questions.
The former researcher had edited out most of the content in the recording that covered the MILAB subjects including Entity Attachments, Mind Control and a few other Topics and because some of the topics went against their "Scientology" Belief System they removed the information out of an "Executive Decision". These topics of course came back up during the process of the questions and answers and this is when things went "South" as they say with this Former Researcher on their tightly controlled "Forum". For those interested in what all occurred you can see them as they unfold in the Q and A thread link to the other forum unless they have been removed.
(I have to say the former researcher came up with the cheesy name of the Interview recording and the Thread, not myself)
Thread on Project Avalon where hundreds of Questions were posed to GoodETxSG. Many of the important ones out of the Thread are posted here. Visit PA and the Thread to see the Posts, Q's and A's along with Videos and Images.
A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower on Bill Ryan’s (Un-Affectionately known at "The Hat" on TOT) You Tube Channel:
Related Threads: Unless they have been removed these threads have just about ALL of the talking points and full information presented from during and after the "Interview" as well as My "Journals"
THREAD: A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG) Starting at Post# 166 (Now over 600 Posts of DEEP Q and A's)
Thread: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation
Thread: U.S. Has 8 Cigar Shaped UFOs In Space Fleet Used For “Solar Warden,” Program To Protect Solar System
Thread: Why Are the Bankers and Ex-Intel Types Running For Their Lives? (Confirmed for MONTHS by my vanishing sources)
In case some of this information has been removed from that Forum I have placed it on my Blog that is linked off of this Forum.
GoodETxSG Secret Space Program, ET Federation Delegation & MILAB Participant
After I ended my membership at this "Forum" the former researcher came out with a News Letter attacking MILAB's calling them "Dangerous" and "Malfunctioning Weapons"... Which upset many of the MILAB's and even more of this Former Researchers Peers and Current MILAB Councillors who were referenced in the news letter with out their permission. I write about the whole situation in my blog that is linked off this Forum. I have seen that many of the members here are familiar with this material and have formed some interesting opinions of me. I would ask that you open your mind and go over the material from the previous Q & A's and my Q & A's and interactions with you here then form your opinions again with me separate from that "Other Forum" where I had no idea what all was in store for me once I allowed the first recording to be done...![]()
So, please bring me your questions but do first read through the first Q & A thread so we can avoid going over the same questions and material as much as possible. I would like to also avoid circular debates by stating that I encourage EVERY ONE to please run this information through your own Discernment Filter... If it doesn't resonate I accept that, If it does resonate with you that is fine too. I will not push my beliefs or ideas on anyone.
I am only going to report from my memories and first hand experiences from being in MILAB Programs from the age of at least 8 years old, to being Drafted into both the Earth Delegation Support "Intuitive Empath" Group and One of the Several Secret Space Programs on a Research Vessel in a support role as well. There were other roles we (IE's) were called in to do but many of those were at times dark and not things I like to cover in detail very often.
I will be honest and answer what I do know, If I don't know the answer to a question I will not speculate I will say so. This is how I operated in the prior Q & A thread and it went pretty smoothly for the most part as long as there was mutual respect between everyone involved. I look forward to your questions. Please give me a little time to get used to your Forum and Members.
I will be posting the Part 2 Interview and Transcript for the Part 1 Interview as soon as I find a place to host the files.
Thank you,
The Majority of the Information comes from My Own Direct Experiences and Memories while I was "Actively Deployed". There ARE times for all high value assets when they are "Reactivated" or "Called Up" again when needed (Usually very short term). Recent developments have caused this to occur on more than a few occasions (It looks like there will be other opportunities for and increase in "UnAnnounced Reactivations" in the near future).
As for my "Sources", They are people I trust who I served with (And trained with often from the age of 8 years Old) in former Programs and who are still actively placed in SSP Programs and also in some cases Programs they have been transferred to over the years to down here on the Surface. In ALL cases I get an opportunity to meet face to face with the individuals from time to time and we exchange what we may have gleaned from our various perspectives.
Many have had changes in their access to information and went from "real time" information to having to seek out what is going on. It is hard for some of those who are active to acclimate to a position of less access (Especially IE's). So a professional courtesy for those with "real time access" sharing information (In the form of words, documentation, images and video's) although forbidden and mostly untolerated, it goes on anyway. I cannot be anymore specific than that.
In the few recent "Reactivation" scenario's that I have been involved in, there have been off world contacts involved including the mentioned "Blue Avian's" (Allies of the "Sphere Beings") in the previous thread. I am not sure if that information can be split off into this thread...
I hope this answers your question as it is as specific as I can come to doing so.
Thank you,
March 16th, 2015 Update
I am still trying to find out what these incidents were... For certain.
There have been "Unconfirmed reports of HUGE explosions on Mars sending debris into the upper atmosphere"... This seems to have occurred not far from some "Lava Tube Systems" that are known for being used for large underground base systems. (I have absolutely ZERO information on if this was a Human or Non-Human Facility that was attacked both on Mars and "Off Shore" of the "Carolina's"...)...
There has been a lot of second and third hand intel about what occurred off the coast and what was attacked but nothing that I can confirm at this point as it is complete hear say.
However, ALL OF THOSE in attendance at the "Alliance Conference" knew EXACTLY what the "Atrocities" were that the "Blue Avain" was referencing through me.
There were many references that were made and questions answered where I had absolutely NO IDEA what I was answering or the details of the subject matter...
I have put out feelers on these "TWO ATROCITIES" that were mentioned as I very much want to know what they were referencing. These incidents seemed to be a turning point in the behaviour of the "Alliance" after the recent "Defection Groups" had joined and pushed them to act quickly on "Actionable Intel"... These were incidents done by the Alliance and were not done in their "Finest Hour" from what I gathered...
I think in coming weeks there will be more and more surprize for many who have put faith and blind faith in others... It was explicitly stated that the lower vibrational, service to self beings would begin to collapse under their own actions and negative ... They would self destruct from their own behaviours...
There are a few people that come to mind that this is happening to and who will also drag others down because of "Guilt By Association" or by "Covering Up" some of their activities... When we engage in hero worship of other humans this is bound to happen anyway.
When we worship beings or look for salvation from outside sources we will be taken advantage of or let down as well...
At least this time we are being told NOT to turn information into a religion, NOT to look for salvation from the outside and to finally stand up and take responsibility for our own futures. It is refreshing to me to have an outside force who could easily come and set themselves up to be a "Trickster God" element do the opposite...
To stay in the back ground and deliver messages telling US to change our way of life and thinking. Focus daily on becoming of more "Service to Others", to Forgive (Let go of Karma) and LOVE to raise our vibratory state of being to match the changes that are already occurring to our Solar System.
The lower vibrational/fear based beings are watching themselves self destruct not being able to control their own behavior. Some of the more recent examples of this that a few of us have been let in on (Members of various Forums) who have talked to victims and used Citrix Go To Meeting to share desktops and view "Video's, "Audio's" and "Photographs" along with exchanges in chat sessions between a source and the clients they were supposed to help have been images that have been difficult to get out of our heads... The victims have been shut down quickly on various other Internet Mediums and it has been sad to watch... They have gathered together though and are about to release the bulk of this evidence on their own in a legal way and as a way of healing and taking back their sovereignty.
There ARE also more and more people stepping forward who ARE loving and service to others who are standing firm for each and every human suffering and trying to raise them up and help them heal instead of take advantage of them. I wished those people received the recognition they deserved... I can think of Two MILAB Councilors right now who fit this category...
But I agree, sharing information and misjudging character has never been so dangerous... Especially when there are some that leak information that is very sensitive to really unstable people on the Internet and get away with it... I too was a victim of this recently and had some VERY sensitive information of my own dispersed... It is upsetting to say the least.
Discernment is key right now...
Looks like there are more postings on Fulfords Blog. This is all leading up to the Video Interview and other work DW and I will be doing later this week for a MAJOR RELEASE! So this is just more "Bits and Pieces"... There are some more smaller comments made by DW on the Forum that were not posted: