the past couple of weeks, I’ve run across the word “Rubicon” a good
number of times, right down to the title of last week’s “The 100″
episode. I didn’t even know what the word meant, but since I can usually
take a hint (when applied with a sledgehammer), I decided to look it
up. What I found on was rather interesting:…in phrase to cross (or pass) the Rubicon “take a decisive step,” 1620s, a reference to a small stream to the Adriatic on the coast of northern Italy which in ancient times formed part of the southern boundary of Cisalpine Gaul; crossed by Caesar Jan. 10, 49 B.C.E., when he left his province to attack Pompey.Rubicon infers that some kind of irrevocable action was taken that made a significant change to the natural course of events. With my Montauk Project background in time and timelines, the first thing that occurred to me is that we’ve jumped tracks and are now locked on to a specific timeline heading towards the future. I am not sure as to what that path is, as I simply don’t have access to the resources provided by black budget projects that I did, 30 years ago. But then again, I am good friends with serendipity…
For those that have read my postings on the ConsciousHugs (formerly SoldierHugs) forum, I’ve never been one to make dated predictions, but I do discuss general trends. One of the things that happened during the Phoenix III experiments was that we did encounter some kind of distortion, referred to as a “bump,” when temporal rotation had reached about 1.5 full cycles of Earth’s orbit, at the zero crossing. Earth’s cycle is like biorhythm that recurs every 20 years. This was in 1983, so it was estimated that something was going to happen around 2013. This, of course, was close to the famed Mayan “end date” of December 23, 2012, so that got connected with this phenomenon, even though the actual data indicated that the bump was not only later on (mid-2013), it also lasted longer. It was more like a “hill” in the timeline, than tripping over a string and causing instant, massive change. But nobody had any idea of what it was, nor what it meant.
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