Monday, February 9, 2015

MarkZ Update - February 9, 2015

"Here is it. That is the magic question. We are seeing the signs and movement all around us of the impending global currency change but yet it is still not here. First remember that we as individuals really aren’t that important compared to getting this right for the whole world. I know it is tough to see it that way when you are suffering but try to think bigger. 

Life is not fair and it will never be fair. Many of the banking crowd will escape prosecution and many will rue the day they compromised their ethical duties. This will not be perfect, yet it will be far better than the system we currently suffer under. I have so many ask what stalled it this time or similar complaints. The truth is that nothing stalled it, the trigger will not be pulled until it is deemed relatively safe to do so. 

The results of pulling the trigger to soon because 20% of the people are suffering could devastate 90% of the world for generations financially. The stakes of this far outweigh temporary pain, even if we as individuals think we have it hard. I have friends that live in mud huts, deal with tribal genocide, rape, disease, starvation and the like daily. 

If we are facing foreclosure, not being able to afford starbuck’s twice a day, eating spaghetti instead of fillet or living in North Dakota instead of California we still have it made when you compare our American lifestyle to much of the world. Could the reset occur this week? Absolutely! Could it drag weeks longer? Possibly. 

The point is you as an individual can not change that by thinking woe is me and the world isn’t fair. Not everyone makes the team, gets a trophy or anything else in life. Get busy, work hard, change your own lives while we wait for this thing. Stop being a victim, take control of your lives as individuals. 

Keep getting up when life knocks you down, that is something you can control! I needed to get that off my chest….. Actual news I will post this evening as there is a tremendous amount of it out there of late. I hope you all have productive days….. Go work hard and work smart… " 
