Monday, February 9, 2015

Huge "NUKE" Like explosion at Donetsk chemical plant, E.Ukraine caused by cigarette butt or missile?

Published on Feb 9, 2015
Windows were shattered and homes shaken in Donetsk after a huge blast rocked the vicinity of a city chemical plant. A Ukrainian MP praised pro-Kiev forces for hitting a target – but said they “don’t know what they hit.” FULL STORY:

Published on Feb 9, 2015

The spokesman for Kiev's Anti-Terrorist Operation said that rebels were at fault for the accident.

"This was caused by a dropped cigarette butt," Andrey Lysenko told the media on Monday.

"Accidents often happen in factories where no one is responsible for fire safety. Well, it's chaos, and they are barbarians."

Not all pro-Kiev officials agreed.

The Ukrainian military deployed a Smerch (the BM-30 Tornado) multiple rocket system to shell the area in the city, Boris Filatov, former deputy head of the industrial Dnepropetrovsk Region and a member of the Ukrainian parliament (Verkhovna Rada), said on his Facebook page.
According to Filatov, the men who fired the missiles “do not know what they hit because they were shooting based on coordinates.”

Earlier, Ukrainian far-right politician and paramilitary commander Dmitry Yarosh, who is involved in the Kiev military action in southeastern Ukraine, confirmed on his Facebook page that the explosion was caused by Ukrainian artillery.