The Book of Man: Introduction from Brian O on Vimeo.
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There are few of us who have averted childhood without hearing the grand ole tall tale that "Storks are responsible for bringing babies". Perhaps there may be some truth to that statement, though not as sweet and glamorous as the fable may sound.
This past weekend I had the pleasure of interviewing Brian Onley, author of The Book Of Man and producer of a documentary by the same name. In his work, Brian details compelling data dating back to our origins prior to the timeline provided by science. The Book Of Man offers a provocative perspective of how man may have more than one "engineer" and multiple "donors" in its DNA pool.
The genetic inheritance passed down from these particular donors could be responsible for traits in our "hu'man" makeup that extend beyond our physical vessel. Our tendencies for violence and domination could very well come from one type of donor; while our immense capacity for love and compassion may come from yet another. The contrast of extreme "polarities" or emotional pendulum is what makes us so unique and why we are being watched from above with great interest. So what is it we are not being told, and why?
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