Monday, February 9, 2015

Ascended Masters Are Declaring...... "final removal of the cabal from Planet Earth, occurs on Wednesday at 8pm Est."

Sanat Kumara and Sananda/Jesus - The Cabal Leaves, and BEWARE Who You Blame for Earth's Troubles! 

Sanat:*E1QcQUOBzLp/Ascended_Masters.jpgI am contacting you from my position as participant observer in the affairs of Planet Earth. I am at an Inner Earth meeting of the Intergalactic Council of One.  It is a large gathering of representatives from all the cosmos who are intimately involved in the preparations for the final removal of the cabal from Planet Earth. This solemn ceremony will occur on Wednesday evening at 8 EST, at which time all remaining dark cabal forces will be removed from the planet to be rehabilitated or dissolved, as they choose.

Sananda is speaking.  He is appealing for a carefully coordinated effort from all parts of the Universe Nebadon (yours) to orchestrate the follow-up actions once the removal of the cabal is complete.  We do not want a repeat of what happened following the removal of the Reptilians, when so many dark minions stepped up to take their places, in spades.

We have set a limit on the overall Light/Dark quotient which will be permitted within each individual before they are automatically removed from life on Planet Earth.  However, should many more humans turn away from the Light to take the place of the departing dark ones, it would create havoc, and set us back many years, even if they did not become as murderous and vicious as the departing souls.  Should they rise to new levels of darkness, as their predecessors did, they will be immediately removed. This edict from Source will remain in place forever.

It is a crucial time in the development of the New Golden Age.  It is intended to bring prosperity to all, relief from oppression, and the comfort of knowing all are safe to live their lives in peace.  We cannot allow a proliferation of petty criminals and playground bullies to counteract the marvelous events we have in store for all of you.

There are many exciting events in store for you in the coming months.  Your Intergalactic Federation is on the move.  They are coordinating a careful approach to Earth.  There are many considerations in carrying out a massive operation like this, including (to put it in Earthly terms) the cosmic equivalent of weather, turbulent energy patterns, gravity, and approved air traffic control routes.  Separate meetings under the guidance of Commander Ashtar will be moving forward during these coming days.

At the same time, the focus of your Ascended Masters turns to the conditions on the ground, and what we can expect to occur in the aftermath of the removal of the leaders of most of the world’s banks, corporations, media organizations and political entities.  The most obvious for the U.S. will be the cessation of all activities of the secret government, providing those of you on the ground can maintain a high level of Light energy.

I will explain how important your role is now and why.  Removing the leaders, the darkest of the dark leaders, will still leave the shadow structure of the organizations they put in place.  This will be felt in a similar way to what you have experienced with the removal of the dark sleeper cell.  The cell is gone, but the memory of its vibration is still present within your brain and body.  This too must be eliminated through careful focus and determination.

We are now at a similar point in the evolution of the planet.  Removal of the “dark cell” of leaders will leave in place the dark thought forms you are used to and many of their minions.  These beings, like all of you, have been spared for the time being because they carry within them a promising proportion of Light in spite of their past involvement with darkness.

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