Friday, February 6, 2015

Archons And Mind Parasites And Extremophiles, Oh My!

Archons And Mind Parasites And Extremophiles, Oh My!

By: Clint Richardson (
I seem as of late to be using the phrase “in their right mind” a lot.
For instance, I often say that nobody in their right mind should be melancholy to what is happening in the world. No one in their right mind should be ok with the fact that the U.S. government in its U.S. Code has an active biological weapons program that makes it “legal” and “acceptable” to test those biologics, radiation, vaccines, and any other thing for “research purposes” on any and every population in the world, including and especially its own. And no body politic of “people” in its right mind would sit back and allow what the United States government has become in all aspects of politics and war.
Yet the deeds are done, and the crime against us is only getting more and more organized and lethal.
And this leads me to believe that my over-use of this declaratory judgement in assumption of the default belief in the state of right-mindedness might very well be misplaced. And so perhaps it is time to consider the very strange and unbelievable reality that maybe, just maybe, the majority of the population is not in fact in their right minds. And if this is the case, well then it might just be possible that they no longer even have the ability to controltheir own minds…
More and more I contemplate that those who might read this blog and others like it are in fact seeking answers to questions that cannot be found with an “educated” and “entertained” mind. It is not so much that there is no answer to be found, but rather that the answers that can be found do not conform to the reasoning and intent of the asker of the questions. In other words, the questions that seem unanswerable only appear that way because their askers will not look in the places where those answers might so obviously be hiding.

The difference between history (his story) and fiction, and between science and science fiction, has been so divisively blurred and so masterfully intertwined that most of us have been educated through entertainment to ignore anything resembling reality if it has been before musingly portrayed as a story of science or other fiction. Ironically, while the science fiction of yesterday could be considered the uninhibited dream of what the future could hold, today it seems that fiction is dead, and that the rules and science of fiction have been devolved and redacted, fitting only into the defined tenets of today’s real scientific limitations. Today, fiction writers are not dreaming of future possibilities and dystopias, they are describing the planned future of a dystopian science reality. The limits now placed on the imagination of the writer of fiction seem to be solely based on the current but flexible limitations of the practice of modern science. And so the once vibrant dream of utopian philosophers has seemingly also come to its visionary death, for today’s practitioners within the institution of science have taken up not the study of nature but the art of the alteration and control of nature. Anti-nature…
And so those of us who still feel; we who still conform to and therefore know the natural aspects of empathy, logic, reason, virtue, responsibility, and all that makes up the uniqueness and wonder of man are left hopelessly wondering why everything in the world seems somehow, for lack of a better term, just innately wrong. We search for individual answers that, when thoughtfully placed in connective order, we hope might make up the clear summation of the problem at hand. And yet no matter what, the ultimate answer still seems to lay out of sensual understanding. From our sense of reality, we seek a type of knowledge that very likely cannot be obtained through the ordinary processes and facts that otherwise we may find using the traditional scientific method. For that method was created to specifically study the natural state and order of things. So we must ask ourselves some very disturbing questions:
How can we possibly use this traditional scientific method to find answers when all of nature is being corrupted by the abuse of modern scientific methods?
If science is the study of nature and how it works without the intervention of man, and if at the same time nature itself is being fundamentally altered by the false institution of science, what then should the new definition of modern science be?
More to the point, how can a reasonable researcher use traditional scientific means in logical sequence to accomplish the goals of this new non-traditional science?
What was before the study of the laws of nature is now the study of the destruction of those constants. What was before the craft of benefiting mankind through understanding the natural process is now the craft of overcoming that process to control mankind through control of nature.
So for those who seek provable answers using the traditional scientific method, it is advised that you should go back to watching re-runs of “History Channel Presents.” For today, we are going to delve into what is indeed possible yet seemingly not. And as of yet, there is no proof or test that I can offer you to satisfy your “scientific” curiosity. Instead, for a brief moment, I ask you to consider that what might be the answer to your unanswered questions may very well be so different than you expect that you won’t even wish to bring up the subject to friends and family for fear of ridicule. And honestly, the only reason I am writing this now, with the same contemplation and fear in mind, is that I have a strange feeling that only those of us left out here that are still in our right mind will believe that the following information is perhaps more self-evident than any other explanation.

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