Sunday, February 15, 2015

Alien Agenda XIX: High-tech Soul-snatching and the long planned Final Solution

Some Secret Space War Contractors and Secret Agencies have been infiltrated, mind-kontrolled and hijacked by Alien ETs who are deploying an incredibly Evil Agenda which includes the use of high powered Psychotronics to mind-kontrol the masses, Terra-forming to prepare the Earth for Alien Settlements, followed by a planned near total extermination of humans. All Americans must learn the truth and withdraw consent by taking back our USG from the Organized Crime Cabal which has been hijacked by Evil Alien ETs and is doing its "Dirty Work."

by  Preston James

dd395-Darpa5This article is written for the clandestine, spook community and ex-military with some working knowledge of Intel and the UFO/Alien ET “problem.”  If you are not up to speed on UFO or Alien ET issues, you are probably wasting your time reading this article. A number of video clips are included, so you may want to come back and read this article in sections. It is very difficult to obtain information about the American Secret Space War Fleet, the Majestic Twelve “Study and Control” Group for all UFO and Alien ET matters. It is exceedingly difficult to get actual valid information about the Alien Agenda which is now being deployed through privatized, highly specialized, beyond-black, Defense Contractors hijacked by an evil alien group. This article is an attempt to open the door of secrecy a bit wider and provide as much information as possible to Veterans Today readers. Although several VT Directors have top Secret “Beyond-Black” Space War Clearances, the information in this article was not provided by any of them.
Many Veterans Today readers know from numerous VT articles published about the ongoing Secret Space War, Alien ET Treaties, and Anti-gravity Craft (AGCs) that super high-tech alien technology was exchanged for repeated access to human subjects by serial abductions.

Over the last few years VT has supplied far more real inside Secret Space war information than anyone else. Normally anyone involved in such disclosures would be terminated with extreme prejudice in days or even hours by very strange men dressed in expensive suits driving new or almost new black Lincoln or Ford Town Cars. These men are referred to as “Men in Black” (aka MIBs).
Insiders have reported to friends that these MIBs are alien ET/Human hybrids or Aliens able to make themselves appear as humans and can function inter-dimensionally.

Thanks to Steven Greer MD who organized over two hundred insiders who worked in areas of the Military and had witnessed evidence proving there were Alien ETs visiting earth and flying ultra high tech anti-gravity craft (SGCs). Dr. Greer has done a lot to change the scenery with many private and productive negotiations with Congress.

Dr. Greer tried very hard to get serious Congressional hearings set up to investigate Alien ETs and UFOs, as did US Representative Steven Schiff from NM, but so far these have not materialized. Representative Schiff was allegedly murdered by the MIBs for pushing too hard to expose the Roswell secret and trying to arrange for ground-breaking Congressional Hearings.

The usual weapon of choice has been strange highly-malignant fast spreading cancers.

Dr. Greer has created a situation where many Secret Space War leakers now feel safe and understand that any secrecy agreements they entered into are null and void because they are criminal.

Greer’s Disclosure Project created a major turning point in the disclosure process by which insider witnesses reports get communicated openly with no Secret Shadow Government prosecutions or terminations, which were previously the norm before Dr. Greer’s excellent work. Because all Secret Space Wars have been so highly compartmented, most who witnessed evidence of Anti-Gravity Craft (AGCs) or ETs on the ground or in treaty-based joint human/ET work situations never knew the full story or ever had a chance to get it.

Dr. Greer has apparently been briefed on the evil anti-human Alien ETs, the high number of abductions or the incidents of crash-recovered UFOs with cannibalized humans on board, which suggest that Dracos in some cases consume humans as food. There have been incidents of strange murders of leakers by MIBS often disguised as suicides, aka “arkensides”, and covered up by civilian or military police who are either mind-kontrolled, or have been told to follow directions and are too afraid to not do so. There is a bigger long term historical record that goes all the way back to ancient Babylon through Khazaria, aka Transylvania, and now through the World Zionists (WZs) based in the City of London, the New Crusaders, formerly the Teutonic Zionists or Hanseatic League.

Early Sumerian carved in stone depiction of a Draco God from the sky.

It is apparent that some select Secret Space War Contractors became criminal enterprises over the years and it has been reported that these were infiltrated and hijacked by a certain incredibly evil group, the Dracos.

It has reached the point where some top Congressional Intel Committee members have taken the position privately that most of the Secret Space War activities have been conducted criminally, and therefore any witness coming forth and disclosing cannot be prosecuted for violating their secrecy agreements and must be protected. There is safety in groups and Dr. Greer’s Disclosure Project has provided that, as well as a compelling set of DVD video of their history-making private disclosure hearings, which had numerous elected officials present and participating.

The harassment of Secret Space War leakers has lightened up over the last several years.
In past years typically the less the leaker knew overall, the more likely he was to get threatened by American Intel Agents with prosecution and 10 years in jail, no appeal allowed, a quick secret biased trial with no bail and sealed court records, but without getting terminated. If the leaker had gained serious direct information about AGCs or Alien ETs or worked on projects directly with or near them that was a different matter and he was more likely to get a visit from MIBs and had a much higher chance of a spontaneous termination if his knowledge level was high.

Over the years these men have been called men in black and they have been the replacements for the earlier men in brown who wore brown suits, wide-brimmed hats and drove pristine older large luxury cars like Lincoln Continentals and big Chrysler 300’s.

Digest-(R)Some years later it was learned that a special Intel group run out of Kelly AFB had assembled a special team of “block-headed” weird looking large military Intel men to imitate the Men in Brown and use their methods to cover up top secret USAF UFO tests.

Has the original Majestic Twelve Study and Control group expanded over the years and changed its agenda from “disclosure must be forever verboten” to “we must progressively and systematically disclose over time in an orderly fashion”?

It has now been reported from peripheral sources that the Study Group which controls the dissemination of information about ETs and the joint treaties which have been established has changed its composition in recent years, with more from other nations added to form an international working group.

There was always a split in Majestic Twelve, but the senior men always voted against any official disclosure because certain Alien ET groups they had negotiated treaties with for ultra high technology in exchange for access to human and animal genetic material had included that in their treaties and both sides wanted it.

And here is where it gets quite strange, despite this study group assembled from different nations to study and manage the Alien ET and Secret Space War matters, individual nations and defense warfare corporations have their own special arrangements or treaties with different Alien ET groups.
It is now suspected that the City of London, a private nation, has been infected with a treaty for high technology, especially mind-kontrol technology, with an anti-human group referred to as the Dracos.
This group apparently is associated with Annunakis from ancient Sumerian and Babylonian times and specializes in Babylonian Money Magic, Black Magic, and deep black arts surrounding secret death cult Luciferian (Satan) worship, which requires continual human sacrifice and mass death by staged wars for profit.


The first American Treaties with Alien ETs.

The Alien ET groups with which the first American treaties were made turned out to be quite sinister. The Alien ETs were doing many evil things to humans and animals. But because of some interesting Cosmic Rules of Play, they were actually afraid of open disclosure to the public because they understood that secrecy allowed them to continue their evil ways, and disclosure would put an end to their sinister powers on Earth.

More on these Cosmic Rules later in this article and their relationship to Human free will, consent and ignorance of ETs which is required for these incredibly “evil beyond imagination” entities to function on Earth with any power and effectiveness. And there is a sinister relationship between these evil ET entities and the non-corporeal evil entities, which serve as private consiglieries for the self-proclaimed “Illuminati” rulers who run the large Organized Crime Cabal (OCC) that is the World’s largest parasite and is comprised of Teutonic Zionists, aka the New World Crusaders, who want to set up an Illuminati NWO Kingdom in Jerusalem and seat their World Zionist Dictator. All this will be covered in the last part of the article.

American Secret Space War Contractors go criminal and develop deep black “off the books funding” from worldwide narcotics and weapons trafficking, and engineered proxy wars fought by mercenary groups.

Secret Space War Patch by Trevor Paglin which emphasizes that some Alien ETs eat humans. The Latin phrase translates as “tastes like chicken” and a knife and fork is displayed.

These American treaties became absorbed by private Defense (Secret Space War) Contractors and essentially became privatized. At the same time these private contractors were actually hijacked by the Bush Crime Cabal and their CIA and drifted into large scale criminal activities to raise black “off the books” funding. But their criminal ways became habitual and ever expanding and they worked with the World Zionists and the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS) to pre-stage and socially engineer major wars.

This was done to get their hands on massive black funding, but also a much more sinister purpose, to feed the negative energy needs of the Dracos who essentially had gained control of their minds through their associations with little Grey genetically engineered and hived androids.

So essentially what happened, a Secret Shadow Government emerged around this Alien ET collaboration and resulted in the private contractors gaining enough power to work with the IZCS to hijack most American Institutions in order to enact an Evil Alien Agenda that had infected the minds of the principals and controllers of these private Secret Space War Contractors.

Relationships and treaties between Secret Space War Contractors and Alien ETs expanded and diversified over the years.

A very interesting book of real special access program patches by Trevor Paglin. These were made up at the request of the program participants and pilots not the USG so they are not classified.

But over the years more ET “Ambassadors” approached Majestic Twelve members as well as the larger Nations of the World and various new treaties have been negotiated. Several new major World Nations had negotiated directly with Alien ET groups. Suffice it to say that some of these Alien ET groups appear to be less evil and parasitical and actually have negotiated arrangements into their treaties for gradual disclosure, done in ways that will not panic the people of this World.

Some of the older Majestic Twelve men and the private Secret Space War Contract Corporations they are closely associated with or actually run, some privatized, some purely governmental, continue to be hostile to disclosure because they know it will spread and in a short time all their secret funding will become exposed and the Public will want to get involved and change their specific programs and cut off the criminal enterprises providing obscene amounts of income. They know disclosure will eventually become near complete and will quickly erode their black funding, much of which is based on many societal evils like narcotics trafficking and staged wars.

There are reports from insiders that the younger Majestic Twelve folks want disclosure, but they want it done in stages through TV shows, movies, internet and books and they want it done progressively and slowly so as not to induce panic or seriously disturb business markets. And the younger embers want all the criminal funding enterprises that are anti-human and parasitical cleaned up and eliminated. they also want the evil Alien ETs exposed and defeated and their human associates who they have supported for years in order to have their negative energy needs met also defeated.


This phrase was very commonly used by folks working in Secret Space War special access “beyond black” programs. It was used as a joke, i.e. black humor, but was also considered a serious warning to not disclose what one was working on to outsiders and not to ask questions or sek information outside of your own area.

There have been some reports that Majestic twelve has been expanded and has some new affiliated subgroups which are allowed full access to “be read in” on all the MJ secret documents as part of a new gradual disclosure policy.

Due to these claimed recent changes by the top members of this “MJ study group” which now controls a substantial proportion of the treaties between Alien ETs and various large Governments of the World, disclosure is not just being allowed in systematic, progressive steps as it was for the last twenty years, but is allegedly being now actually mandated by the Top Directors of Majestic 12.

It appears that the American Secret Space War Defense System has become bifurcated between good elements that are consorting and merged with evil Alien ETs and other groups which are involved with Alien ETs that appear benevolent to humans.

There are some contractors that are known to be completely evil and under the total control of Aliens and are enacting their alien agenda to deploy high powered ultra-hightech psychotronics.
Sheeple 19
This deployment of ultra-hightech pychotronics is an attempt to completely mind-kontrol humans all over the World, in order to them lead them into war, starvation and a quite radical 90% worldwide population reduction while terra-forming the planet for re-population by their own kind as well as a substantial number of their newly created race of greys or “droids” which will serve as their slaves and serfs.

It seems evident that American MJ folks now have mandated disclosure and are in process of disclosing.

Part of this is that it is alleged to be required by some treaties, but there is also a recognition that the current private Fiat Banking System which is little more than a criminal Counterfeiting System run by the World Zionist’s Organized Crime Cabal (OCC) working out of the City of London Financial district is actually a house of cards and is going to fail anyway and would be a good time to disclose.

It is likely that disclosure of Alien ET visitors is now mandated by Majestic Twelve to be revealed in progressive steps and in as positive terms as possible to prevent undue panic with the public.

This Alien ET/anti-gravity secret is the greatest secret of mankind ever and its public disclosure by high ranking officials of the USG in whatever form it occurs will be revolutionary and will send shock-waves around the World bringing great relief to many who always sensed Alien ETs and their anti-gravity craft were real. But it will also crush many of the Peoples’ view that the USG was a benevolent parent figure that would never lie to them.

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