Friday, January 16, 2015

Steven Greer Update- January 16, 2015

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January 17, 2015

Below is the commentary from Dr. Greer's intelligence source regarding this briefing.
Steve GreerThe commentary in and of itself is very revealing.

Click here to go to our website for the 7 pages of briefing papers. (This is under papers.
Go to Letters and Briefing Documents.  It is the last one listed and is a zip file.)

The Eisenhower Briefing (18 November 1952) was sent to Dr. Greer by an intelligence source with the following commentary.

"The MJ-12 papers is a contingency plan to test the public's reaction to the information.

I have a friend who said this to me who was in the Navy.  Majesty files are the real ones.  He also told me about the code word "Poderosa" and why the executive order on the MJ-12 papers is wrong.  They did it for a reason.  And ___________ project Grudge Blue Book Report #13 is 100% real.  Lt Col. Friend told this to me when I took him to dinner here in Lakewood near my home in 2011."

" That MAJI = Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence.  All information, disinformation and intelligence is gathered and evaluated by this agency.  This agency is responsible for all disinformation and operates in conjunction with the CIA, NSA, DIA and the Office of Naval Intelligence.  This is a very powerful organization and all alien projects are under its control.

MAJI is responsible only to MJ-12.  MAJIC is the security classification and clearance of all alien connected material, projects and information.

MAJIC means MAJI controlled (MAJI plus controlled + MAJIC).  The MJ-12 papers is a contingency plan to test the public's reaction to the information.  I have a friend who said this to me.  Majesty are the real one is they want to show the President . That's if they trust him. 

Click here to read the document. (Scroll down to Letters and Briefing Documents. It is the last one on the list.  Open as zip file.)