Sunday, January 25, 2015

RTS Update - "Good Cop, Bad Cop": The final act on the Global Stage of US vs Them & Shadow of Tomorrow: Acts of Desperation

TN- One Network"Good Cop, Bad Cop": The final act on the Global Stage of US vs Them"

...At this point in "time" even main stream pundits are stating what the alternative media has been saying for years: That the so called two (three, four) party political systems of "democratic" countries are no more than an illusion of choice. The reality is that all of these political parties are one and the same and working for exactly the same goals. Of course the booby prize for making this fully transparent goes to US Congress, which has thoroughly highlighted and blazingly shone a spotlight on the fact that it doesn't matter which "party" is in power- they are all one and the same. Nothing is done differently as an end result of who has "control" of Congress. While it's easy to point this out when making fun of the US, Canada, England, Australia, Germany, France...... you name it: They are all the same, and all run from the same Template. The vast majority of the "awakened" public know this.

Now comes the jump in reasoning that many people seem to miss.
If the players of the internal, national, "governments" are all the same..... why would anyone think that International politics would be any different? To clarify: They are all just the same girl in a different party dress GLOBALLY. ...


Shadow of Tomorrow: Acts of Desperation

...This next step will be the final act of the global war on humanity that has been fought almost silently for the past 60 years. While their play was put in motion under the cover of darkness, hidden behind a heavy curtain of disinformation, misinformation, lies and outright fraud, the end goal of their decades long viewed plan is about to be launched- out of desperation. Desperation, because so far, things have not gone as they expected. Nor as fast as they expected.

Tonight on Transpicuous News, LIVE stream video news coverage on CCN, TONE and RTS, I will be discussing both of these articles in details, after reviewing this weeks latest news headlines and the current main stream media lies and spin doctoring.