Media complicit and indispensable to “false flag” success
Boston bombing, Charlie Hebdo and Sandy Hook
would never have stood a chance against a vigilant press but for
abdicating its responsibility to the public. William Shanley's suit
against the media over Sandy Hook may be the most important ever
lodged--and might be the reason he is now missing
While it wasn’t announced as “A Stephen Spielberg Production”, the Boston bombing appears to have been one. Nathan Folks, the Hollywood producer and director who identified Carlos Arredondo, who has been celebrated as a national hero, as an actor he had cast in one of his own films and that the event was staged as an example of “hyper-realistic filming”, in which a scene is created to resemble as closely as possible a actual event, such as a bombing, in order to give inexperienced soldiers, for example, a sense of what they may encounter in combat, has told me that it is common knowledge in Hollywood that Steven Spielberg was involved.
The Charlie Hebdo case was exposed almost immediately by discerning eyes, such as those of Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, who observed that the shooting of a police officer with an AK-47 did not withstand critical scrutiny, since his brains were not blown out of his head and there was no blood on the sidewalk, which would have been impossible had this been a real event. And it turns out that the scene was framed so cleanly because there was an “+” marked on the roadway where the right wheel of the car had to stop for filming.
These events are now inextricably intertwined, because the defense attorney for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev requested a postponement in the trial because of the public hysteria created by these events in Paris, as the AP has reported in The Washington Post (14 January 2015). The trail judge immediately dismissed the request, but the defense could prevail by demonstrating that the bombing was a staged event, where the media has concealed the truth from the public. That would be far more effective any mere postponement:
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