Throwing the Game: Why the globalists are exposing their own false-flags (and the real agenda behind the Paris attacks)
Have you noticed how all the recent false-flag “terrorist” and
“lone gunman” attacks seem like they were planned by the Keystone Cops?…

…It is no accident that they are so easy to see through.
Back when I was covering the Boston Bombings in my first blog, I realized something fairly early on. I wrote about it on 18 April 2013…
>>> You’ll have to pardon me for having my standard “paranoid” thoughts, but this is just too easy. I’m left asking myself…
Did the Cabal really believe they could get away with such an old-school false-flag at a place where there would be thousands of people with digital cameras, camera phones, and instant access to global social media sites?
Is their OPSEC really so sloppy that they’d use the same crisis actors at different staged events?
Could this be part of the engineered “takedown” of the demonized Western secret societies so the glamorized Eastern secret societies can take the reins of power?
To put it plainly, did they intend for us to put this puzzle together? Is this a small, flashy illusion intended to draw us into the grander illusion at work in the background?
I will write more about this when the Boston event dies down. For now, and regardless of any ulterior agendas that are in play, this event is helping in the awakening of the general public, so I’ll continue to flow with it. <<<
Since then, there have been more false-flags, including many that appear to have been wag-the-dog theatrical productions staged with crisis actors. This being the case, you gotta ask yourself a few questions:
> Why would the globalist intelligence agencies stage false-flag attacks that are so sloppy that any regular jagoff with an internet connection (like me) can see the inconsistencies?
> Why would alt-media disinformation sites that are known to be globalist mouthpieces be pointing out all the inconsistencies to the public and openly labeling them false-flag attacks?
Cui bono? (Who benefits?)
As I noted in the excerpt above, these are the benefits the globalists accrue from such practices…
1) These blown false-flags help to wake the people up. Dramatic events like this get lots of attention, and as people eventually catch on to the inconsistencies between “the official story” and what actually happened, they start looking for answers. As I’ve written before, the current awakening was engineered by the globalists to facilitate the transition to the NWO. They can’t run a dialectic on the population until the public is awakened to the two sides (the “evil” West and the “good” East).
2) These events help to establish the credibility of the alt-media disinformation sites. As people begin to see the inconsistencies and look for answers, there is a whole cast of colorful alt-media characters waiting to provide them. And once the disinfo sites have established credibility with the newly awakening ones, they sell them the East versus West dialectic.
3) These events provide “evidence” of how “evil” the West is, thus supporting the East vs. West dialectic. If you watch whom the disinformation sites blame for the attacks, you get the usual suspects…
…the Nazis…

…and the Zionists…

…or as disinfo mouthpiece Benjamin Fulford calls them, the “Nazionists.” They are the bogeymen in this globalist fairy tale.
But the great thing about disinformation sites is that if you know how to correct for their spin, they also give you the real reasons behind everything. Take the Paris terror attacks of the past week for example. Veterans Today blurted out the real agenda behind them for everyone to see (in the VT article linked above)…
“One thing I missed in the original blog post: The timing of the Charlie Hebdo event was suspicious, not only because it closely followed Netanyahu’s threat that France was making a grave mistake by supporting Palestinian statehood and unleashed pre-scripted Zionist talking points against France’s pro-Palestine position……But also because the Zionists are panicking at the success of European anti-New-World-Order parties in general, and the French Marine LePen/Alain Soral/Dieudonné contingent in particular.”
Let me explain why I bolded that last section…
Once the globalists trigger the New Lehman Event and take down the West, the Western populations will be furious at their leaders. The globalists know this. This is why they’ve been preparing to scapegoat the existing political figures and replace them with pre-marketed “outsiders” who will “set things right again.”
If you’ve noticed, the Establishment has had existing leaders like America’s Obama and France’s Hollande force wildly unpopular policies upon the people, thus preparing the scapegoats for the slaughter. Now can you guess who they’ve been grooming as the “outsiders” who will replace these unpopular figures? In America, it is politicians like Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Elizabeth Warren. And in France, it is the “French Ron Paul“…

…This picture shows Jean-Marie Le Pen and his daughter Marine Le Pen, who are the French analogs to Ron Paul and his son Rand Paul.
So who will be the “British Ron Paul”? Nigel Farage?…

In the same way that the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) have been positioning themselves to be the “wise supranational institution” that “saw it all coming” and “could have prevented it if only we’d had the power,” controlled opposition figures like Ron Paul and Marine Le Pen have been positioning themselves as the solution to the problems that now beset us.
Note what Marine Le Pen said about Ron Paul before she went to visit him in Washington in 2011…
>>> Le Pen specifically cited hopes of meeting Ron Paul, calling him “a great defender of an international monetary system anchored on the gold standard.” <<<
Bingo! Both she and Paul believe in an international monetary system with some sort of gold backing. And wouldn’t you know it — that’s exactly what the globalists have in store for us: an asset-backed, multilateral global financial system.

Also note what Ron Paul’s office said about the meeting…
>>> Last month, Paul’s office had defended scheduling the meeting, with the Texas Republican’s spokeswoman, Rachel Mills, writing in an email, “Paul generally meets with foreign politicians and political leaders who request a meeting, particularly when they share his interest in monetary policy and the destructive nature of central banks.” <<<
Bingo! Who else is speaking out about the destructive policies of national central banks? The BIS, that’s who. The globalists plan on shutting down some (if not all) national central banks like the Federal Reserve and replacing them with the (globalist controlled) national treasuries (which will operate in concert with the global central bank, although they probably won’t label it a “central bank”). Keep in mind that when the G20 Central Banking Cabal hold their meetings, both the central bank heads AND the government finance ministers attend…

…They are all on the same page.
Here are more quotes from Marine Le Pen from after the meeting…
>>> Following the meeting — alternately described as “quick” by Miller and “very interesting; we spoke at length” by Le Pen — Le Pen praised Paul, and her own National Front, on their economic policies.
“He has been a visionary on this subject, as we have been visionaries on the economic crisis that today besets Europe,” <<<
Bingo! She and Paul have been “visionaries” who “saw it all coming,” just like the BIS.
>>> “I believe it was Einstein who said you cannot solve problems with those who caused them. So, in American political life as in French political life, it is more difficult to imagine that the people who contributed to causing the crisis, to accelerating it, would be able to SOLVE it,” Le Pen said. [all-caps added] <<<
Yahtzee! Problem / Reaction / Solution. Those who “contributed to causing the crisis” (like Obama and Hollande) must be replaced by the “visionaries” who “saw it all coming” and “could have prevented it if only we’d had the power.”
All this being said, the globalists want the awakening public to see the Paris attacks as false-flags conducted by the “Nazionists” in support of an evil Western agenda. This helps them wake people up to the East versus West dialectic, establish their disinfo purveyors as “the real truth tellers,” and provide evidence that the “evil West” must be stopped by the BRICS “freedom fighters.” It also helps them in their “leadership marketing” effort of replacing the current “incompetent” leaders with their controlled opposition counterparts (Paul, Le Pen, Farage, etc.).
Any questions?
(This is actually a rhetorical question, since I don’t really have the time to answer questions.
Much love…

…It is no accident that they are so easy to see through.
Back when I was covering the Boston Bombings in my first blog, I realized something fairly early on. I wrote about it on 18 April 2013…
>>> You’ll have to pardon me for having my standard “paranoid” thoughts, but this is just too easy. I’m left asking myself…
Did the Cabal really believe they could get away with such an old-school false-flag at a place where there would be thousands of people with digital cameras, camera phones, and instant access to global social media sites?
Is their OPSEC really so sloppy that they’d use the same crisis actors at different staged events?
Could this be part of the engineered “takedown” of the demonized Western secret societies so the glamorized Eastern secret societies can take the reins of power?
To put it plainly, did they intend for us to put this puzzle together? Is this a small, flashy illusion intended to draw us into the grander illusion at work in the background?
I will write more about this when the Boston event dies down. For now, and regardless of any ulterior agendas that are in play, this event is helping in the awakening of the general public, so I’ll continue to flow with it. <<<
Since then, there have been more false-flags, including many that appear to have been wag-the-dog theatrical productions staged with crisis actors. This being the case, you gotta ask yourself a few questions:
> Why would the globalist intelligence agencies stage false-flag attacks that are so sloppy that any regular jagoff with an internet connection (like me) can see the inconsistencies?
> Why would alt-media disinformation sites that are known to be globalist mouthpieces be pointing out all the inconsistencies to the public and openly labeling them false-flag attacks?
Cui bono? (Who benefits?)
As I noted in the excerpt above, these are the benefits the globalists accrue from such practices…
1) These blown false-flags help to wake the people up. Dramatic events like this get lots of attention, and as people eventually catch on to the inconsistencies between “the official story” and what actually happened, they start looking for answers. As I’ve written before, the current awakening was engineered by the globalists to facilitate the transition to the NWO. They can’t run a dialectic on the population until the public is awakened to the two sides (the “evil” West and the “good” East).
2) These events help to establish the credibility of the alt-media disinformation sites. As people begin to see the inconsistencies and look for answers, there is a whole cast of colorful alt-media characters waiting to provide them. And once the disinfo sites have established credibility with the newly awakening ones, they sell them the East versus West dialectic.
3) These events provide “evidence” of how “evil” the West is, thus supporting the East vs. West dialectic. If you watch whom the disinformation sites blame for the attacks, you get the usual suspects…
…the Nazis…

…and the Zionists…

…or as disinfo mouthpiece Benjamin Fulford calls them, the “Nazionists.” They are the bogeymen in this globalist fairy tale.
But the great thing about disinformation sites is that if you know how to correct for their spin, they also give you the real reasons behind everything. Take the Paris terror attacks of the past week for example. Veterans Today blurted out the real agenda behind them for everyone to see (in the VT article linked above)…
“One thing I missed in the original blog post: The timing of the Charlie Hebdo event was suspicious, not only because it closely followed Netanyahu’s threat that France was making a grave mistake by supporting Palestinian statehood and unleashed pre-scripted Zionist talking points against France’s pro-Palestine position……But also because the Zionists are panicking at the success of European anti-New-World-Order parties in general, and the French Marine LePen/Alain Soral/Dieudonné contingent in particular.”
Let me explain why I bolded that last section…
Once the globalists trigger the New Lehman Event and take down the West, the Western populations will be furious at their leaders. The globalists know this. This is why they’ve been preparing to scapegoat the existing political figures and replace them with pre-marketed “outsiders” who will “set things right again.”
If you’ve noticed, the Establishment has had existing leaders like America’s Obama and France’s Hollande force wildly unpopular policies upon the people, thus preparing the scapegoats for the slaughter. Now can you guess who they’ve been grooming as the “outsiders” who will replace these unpopular figures? In America, it is politicians like Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Elizabeth Warren. And in France, it is the “French Ron Paul“…

…This picture shows Jean-Marie Le Pen and his daughter Marine Le Pen, who are the French analogs to Ron Paul and his son Rand Paul.
So who will be the “British Ron Paul”? Nigel Farage?…

In the same way that the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) have been positioning themselves to be the “wise supranational institution” that “saw it all coming” and “could have prevented it if only we’d had the power,” controlled opposition figures like Ron Paul and Marine Le Pen have been positioning themselves as the solution to the problems that now beset us.
Note what Marine Le Pen said about Ron Paul before she went to visit him in Washington in 2011…
>>> Le Pen specifically cited hopes of meeting Ron Paul, calling him “a great defender of an international monetary system anchored on the gold standard.” <<<
Bingo! Both she and Paul believe in an international monetary system with some sort of gold backing. And wouldn’t you know it — that’s exactly what the globalists have in store for us: an asset-backed, multilateral global financial system.

Also note what Ron Paul’s office said about the meeting…
>>> Last month, Paul’s office had defended scheduling the meeting, with the Texas Republican’s spokeswoman, Rachel Mills, writing in an email, “Paul generally meets with foreign politicians and political leaders who request a meeting, particularly when they share his interest in monetary policy and the destructive nature of central banks.” <<<
Bingo! Who else is speaking out about the destructive policies of national central banks? The BIS, that’s who. The globalists plan on shutting down some (if not all) national central banks like the Federal Reserve and replacing them with the (globalist controlled) national treasuries (which will operate in concert with the global central bank, although they probably won’t label it a “central bank”). Keep in mind that when the G20 Central Banking Cabal hold their meetings, both the central bank heads AND the government finance ministers attend…

…They are all on the same page.
Here are more quotes from Marine Le Pen from after the meeting…
>>> Following the meeting — alternately described as “quick” by Miller and “very interesting; we spoke at length” by Le Pen — Le Pen praised Paul, and her own National Front, on their economic policies.
“He has been a visionary on this subject, as we have been visionaries on the economic crisis that today besets Europe,” <<<
Bingo! She and Paul have been “visionaries” who “saw it all coming,” just like the BIS.
>>> “I believe it was Einstein who said you cannot solve problems with those who caused them. So, in American political life as in French political life, it is more difficult to imagine that the people who contributed to causing the crisis, to accelerating it, would be able to SOLVE it,” Le Pen said. [all-caps added] <<<
Yahtzee! Problem / Reaction / Solution. Those who “contributed to causing the crisis” (like Obama and Hollande) must be replaced by the “visionaries” who “saw it all coming” and “could have prevented it if only we’d had the power.”
All this being said, the globalists want the awakening public to see the Paris attacks as false-flags conducted by the “Nazionists” in support of an evil Western agenda. This helps them wake people up to the East versus West dialectic, establish their disinfo purveyors as “the real truth tellers,” and provide evidence that the “evil West” must be stopped by the BRICS “freedom fighters.” It also helps them in their “leadership marketing” effort of replacing the current “incompetent” leaders with their controlled opposition counterparts (Paul, Le Pen, Farage, etc.).
Any questions?
(This is actually a rhetorical question, since I don’t really have the time to answer questions.

Much love…