Republic is Conspiracy Theory to Many?
This is only a presumption to what should happen as many things have not been given to the public at this time, and if in the next few weeks it is still not given and things are rolling as usual or worse, then it is becoming a Conspiracy.
Having the Republic come into view for the Real Control is not going to wait till Iraq approves its budget, the RV is established, and/or the GCR is in place, as We The People need to take Control ourselves NOW as the World is counting on us.
Down to less than 48 hours till the 114th Session of Congress meets on January 6, 2015 for the Required Annual Meeting of the year, even though it is to meet on January 3rd per the Constitution.
If General Carter Ham is to take advantage of this opportunity for ALL members of Congress to be together then now is the time to make the Official Announcement of the Republic and many others are back from the holiday vacation.
According to what I have learned about is that the Republic is still under Martial Law from Lincoln in 1861, yet he may have been a member of the BAR so he was not Constitutionally Qualified to be President, now all present Elected or Appointed Government Officials are not qualified to take charge.
Many of the Government Officials, if they have heard about the Republic being now in place, have just assumed there is no problem for them to meet as usual and make the budget for them and laws against the people as General Carter Ham does not have enough backing to follow through and get rid of the Cabal, even when the Corporations have not kept their Charters up to date and get further in Debt with the no backing of Gold.
There are things that need to be taken care of for the whole country to be aware of and that is the Emergency Broadcast System is to be enacted for when General Carter Ham is speaking in front of Congress on Tuesday for the Major Announcements, and then to broadcasting of all the agenda to what is going to be happening.
The Department of Defense was to bring back many of our troops from foreign countries to give the backing of the Republic, or else if there no longer is a budget then they are to not be left there to die of no backing support.
General Carter Ham can have the Capital building surrounded by the Republic Military and not let anyone leave as it took time for those to join together for this maneuver.
There are some laws that need to be Enforced and not just Removed because they were Corporation laws, and this goes back to at least 1861 when the Southern States walked out of Congress without Adjourning Constitutionally, or even back to 1819 when the Original 13th Amendment was Ratified.
Are ALL present and former Government Officials to continue with receiving their present pay and pensions along with keeping their bank account funds, homes, cars, and much more while the rest of us that were subservient of “Trading with the enemy Act” of 1917 and the other laws from 1933 on get no immunity for all our debts to be paid?
Are we to file our income tax return for tax year 2014 to pay the taxes as usual even though the 16th Amendment was not Constitutionally Ratified and as there are no funds available to access as the Republic is now $18 Trillion in Debt without the Wanta Plan, N.E.S.A.R.A., or the Chinese funds backing?
Notices to the City of London, the Vatican, and the Rothschilds be issued that ALL those funds they received are to be returned with interest or Criminal actions will be taken.
There should be an Official Document that is to be introduced for We The People to use to inform our Creditors that our Debt is Cleared and there are no penalties or closure of our accounts or services, as well as those companies be Officially informed by their States.
General Carter Ham should have We The People stay as Collateral from the 1933 laws till ALL Government and Personal Debts are paid off, especially for the bringing back of jobs in America for us to make the funds ourselves.
There should be a Notice to ALL 50 State Governors of their now compliance of the Republic and the U.S. Constitution, and if not have them arrested within days along with all members of their legislatures, as they have been Corporation supporters of THE UNITED STATES, INC. since 1871.
If the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports’ funds for ALL Government Entities are not released to the Public then ALL those Government Officials at ALL levels are to be arrested and their personal funds seized.
The Unified Common Law Grand Jury should be promoted to the country and their Indictments on the Federal Judges be implemented with actions forthcoming.
All of those now in prison or have been convicted on parole are to have their cases looked at and then cleared and released for non violent crimes, primarily those on the Income Tax Fraud, and not the Elite supporters, especially those corporations that had a big profit, paid no income tax, and still got a refund.
Those Judges and Court Officials that took advantage of the Treasury Direct Accounts on those convicted and even those that just got a citation are to be removed and their assets seized.
The States are to inform the People that a Drivers License is no longer required for anyone as that makes them an ‘Enemy of the State’ and the Registration of the motor vehicle is no longer required as that makes the ownership as the State.