Thursday, December 18, 2014

How to create your own Promissory Notes - Michael Tellinger

Published on Dec 18, 2014
Michael Tellinger explains how he successfully created and paid the banks with his own promissory notes. Please pay close attentions to the details - you can download a copy of the generic Promissory Note on the UBUNTU Party Website. Click on the note to open the text box and fill in your own details - You may need to change the legal data on the top right, based on the country you are in.
PLEASE DO NOT pay other people mor businesses with your notes - they are meant for BANK and Government departments only.

Do not take your NOTES into a bank and attempt to pay it to the teller - they are not trained to deal with it and will send you away. Follow the instructions in the video. Or read the following.


Please study the sample Promissory Note carefully.

Get to understand it and what its function is and what is actually written on it.

It was specifically created for the South African legal system – so you may need to adapt it for your country’s legal references on the top right hand side.

It has text boxes so just click on the text box and fill in what you need.

Tom Heneghan Update - December 18, 2014

ALL Patriot Americans MUST know with sources inside
American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the
corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly
propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Protect and defend   YOUR   Constitution Bill of Rights,
the Supreme Law of the United States

Thursday   December 18, 2014
NAZI-Communist Bitch George Soros Has Now Crossed the Line

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert


UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported that North Korea has been the headquarters for the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve and the Central Bank of Japan (BoJ) ponzi scheme with NAZI-Communist Jew George Soros' hedge fund as the major enabler.

Hungarian NAZI Jew Soros has conspired with the BoJ, U.S. Citibank and the Saudi Royal Family to attack the Russian ruble as to create cross-collateralized, undermargined foreign currency derivatives to support U.S. and Japanese equity crisis. 

Soros has no cash now given his losses in the gold market but uses crooked offshore entities that allow him to use liabilities aka bank I.O.U.s as assets.

Soros directly conspired with the Obama Administration and the Saudi Royal Family aka closet Zionists to attack the price of oil and overnight futures markets as to further depreciate the Russian ruble on behalf of the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve and the Central Bank of Japan's ponzi scheme.

Freedom4Humanity: "Earth’s dark is poised to surrender to the Earth’s Light"

Freedom4Humanity Blog - Source Link


Posted on

The Earth’s dark is poised to surrender to the Earth’s Light and voluntarily step aside, cooperating with the Light in an orderly and cooperative transfer of power. The surrender agreement was negotiated at the end of November but layer upon layer of resistance surfaced to be cleared. All major impediments are now gone and the agreement is being rolled out within both the European and US dark infrastructures. It seems inappropriate to name names or identify key individuals until such time as the surrender agreement is publicly endorsed which is poised to happen.

Since early November, my friend Katelon and I have met daily and used our etheric level skills to call forth an assembly of Light. The dark have been invited daily to observe and participate in clearing away the energy of resistance to shifting into a shared human timeline of the Light. The surrender agreement became a key aspect of this shift when it was negotiated nearly a month ago.

The surrender agreement is simple and straightforward. The dark voluntarily ends their long reign over humanity and cooperates in turning over power to Light based humans. In return, the dark will be granted amnesty for all crimes committed. The dark hoped that a cover-up, partial or complete, would be part of the agreement but the Light refused on the grounds that Light based governance based on a cover-up of any kind would not be Light based governance; just another form of darkness.
For years now, the Earth’s Light has been supported by technologically superior ET forces who have prevented the Earth’s dark from using nuclear weapons or creating another fear based false flag operation of the magnitude of 9/11. In early November, the Chimera, dark loving ETs with underground strongholds in Europe and the US, surrendered to the Light and turned over their technology to the Light; including destructive technology such as strangelet and toplet bombs which had held humanity hostage.

At that point, nothing remained to prevent the Earth’s Light from mass arrests and removing the Earth’s dark by force. It was within this new balance of power that the surrender agreement was negotiated. Why would the Light negotiate rather than use force? Agreements based on negotiations and voluntary surrender produce energy signatures that are very durable and supportive of ongoing Light based structures and so negotiated agreements are very much preferred by the Light.

Madonna "Illuminati" Song LEAKED! "Illuminati is the Truth and the Light" She Sings!

Published on Dec 18, 2014
Madonna "Illuminati" Song LEAKED ONLINE! "Illuminati is the Truth and the Light" She Sings! "Everybody in this party is shining like Illuminati." "It's not anyone you love to hate" Mark Dice breaks it down. *SUBSCRIBE* for more great videos! Click "Like" "Favorite" and sound off in the comments.

Mark Dice is a media analyst, author, and political activist who, in an entertaining and educational way, gets people to question our celebrity obsessed culture and the role the mainstream media and elite secret societies play in shaping our lives.

Mark's YouTube channel has received over 95 million views and his viral videos have been mentioned the Fox News Channel, CNN, the Drudge Report, TMZ, the New York Daily News, the Washington Times, and other media outlets around the world.

Historic Speech in Damascus sends Shockwaves around the World

by  Preston James

From the Left: VT Financial Editor Mike Harris, VT Managing Editor Jim Dean, VT Senior Editor Gordon Duff and VT Director Colonel James Hanke.

Last week Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today delivered an Historic Keynote Address at the International Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism held in Damascus, Syria. This speech is sending shock-waves around the World.

Gordon Duff was part of a Veterans Today Senior Staff Delegation that traveled to Damascus and was in consultation with the Veterans Today Board and other like minded individuals within the American Military and Intelligence community and other such individuals from sixty-eight different nations around the World who were at the Conference.

This Delegation included Veterans Today Senior Editor *Gordon Duff, Veterans Today Managing Editor **Jim Dean, Veterans Today Director ***Colonel James Hanke, and Veterans Today Financial Editor ****Mike Harris.

Gordon Duff’s speech quickly changed the focus of the whole conference and is now sending shock-waves around the World in the various Diplomatic, Military and Intelligence corps around the World.

Why is his speech Historic? For a number of vitally important reasons. This speech is the first time in history an American Intelligence Team of “non-activists” gave a military briefing to an audience of this type, including key Military Leaders of diverse Tribal Forces throughout Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, along with a Russian delegation and many others from around the world. Before this historic speech by Duff, no one has ever dared to speak the simple truth about the true problem, that it is not Terrorism in the Mideast, but it is the effects of large scale international Organized Crime.