Monday, September 15, 2014

AEON of HORUS: The Occult History of NASA

Published on Sep 14, 2014
Since its inception in 1958 the truth of NASA’s occult origins has been discretely hidden from public awareness; origins linked to perhaps the most “wicked” of all occult practitioners in modern history, Satanist, Aleister Crowley. As well, the highest echelons of NASA’s administration were dominated by secret society initiates including Freemasons and Nazi SS personnel, most notably, Wernher Von Braun. This high-tech occult cabal secretly used the Apollo moon missions, not to advance science, but to serve their devotion to the mystery gods of ancient Egypt.

Never Before Seen Photos from 9/11 RELEASED

EXCLUSIVE: Never Before Seen Photos from 9/11 RELEASED

It has been over 13 years since the tragic day of 9/11 and many who have
survived that horrendous day are still having a hard time coping with
everything that happened.  One of those people affected is Ricki, a
survivor who lived through the worst of that day and is still
suffering physically and mentally from the trauma. He has explained to
us the shell shock and post traumatic stress he goes through almost
everyday that made him close off and not develop the photos that he
took that day. In an exclusive interview he gave WeAreChange, Ricki
has entrusted us with those photos and told us to publish them. We are
releasing all the photos that we were given for you, 13 years later
that no one else has seen. Ricki still has other photos that have not
been released, these are the photos that we are given and we are
letting you make up your own mind about them. Please also note Ricki
is not a professional photographer and grabbed what he could to take these photos.

Watch The Original Video Here To Get The Full Story.


See More Photos Here ...

How to Build a Water Activated Flashlight

Published on Sep 15, 2014
Super easy 3D printed NS coil tubes work great for making a water activated flashlight. This is the first concept build. If you do not have a 3D printer, you could use a PVC pipe for the tubes.
Build details, links and 3D file here:

Benjamin Fulford Update - September 15, 2014

The Nazionists are losing, Europe is surrendering, Japan is close to revolution

That school yard taunt “liar liar, pants on fire,” pretty well describes how the world views what passes as government in the United States, Israel and their few colonies. Nobody believes their tall tales about aliens, ebola, beheadings, race riots, airplane shoot downs etc. They have lost the ability to manipulate world events.

The clearest sign of the imminent defeat of the Nazionists came in Europe last week. On September 10th Russia reduced gas supplies to Europe, on the 11th the US announced new sanctions and on the 12th the EU indefinitely postponed a free trade agreement with the Ukraine. The free trade agreement with the Ukraine was supposedly the reason for the fascist coup that took place there, so postponing it indefinitely looks very much like the EU surrendering to Russia. Furthermore, the new US sanctions hurt Exxon and BP, companies vital to the US economy, far more than they hurt Russia.

The P2 Freemason lodge is saying they have already reached an agreement with Russian President Vladimir Putin to reform the current world political structure in order to make it more fair and inclusive to the people of the planet. They say the obstacle to this goal is the rogue US corporate government.

The British government, for its part, has reacted to the situation by agreeing to issue the first ever Renminbi denominated government bond issued outside of China.

Alfred Webre & Rafapal: Global Currency Reset

Rafapal: Global reset & Iraqi Dinar revaluation starting; End of Fed Dollar & return to U.S. Treasury dollar, BRICS currency; Wanta Gold (collateral accounts) coming


VANCOUVER, BC – In this ExopoliticsTV interview from Madrid with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Spanish journalist and author Rafael Palacios (“Rafapal”) reveals startling developments pointing to the start of the global currency reset, imminent revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar, and with it the linked end to the Federal Reserve-backed U.S. dollar and return to the U.S. Treasury Dollar and the emergence of the new BRICS currency as well as the ultimate emergence of the Wanta Gold (collateral accounts), held in trust for the benefit of humanity and a new era of prosperity for humanity.