Friday, February 7, 2014


The game of FEAR can leave you in panic and a state of shock. At times it can also make you do irrational things, and get you stuck in that realm of information.

FEAR= False Evidence Appearing Real

Do we have anything out there to fear?

Well of course we do to a point. We have people out there ready to go to war trying to exert their power over the world.

So how do we win this?

It’s not about winning as if we are playing a game. There are people that want you to think this. As we remove the fear and no longer pay attention to it, their stage in which you are fixated to; crumbles even faster. What it is about is removing the fear from your life and coming together to fix the things that we know need to change. We can’t do this by sitting around on the internet all day, as that is just a place we can spread awareness. Either way the world of cyber space stays in the world of cyber space. Let’s take those ideas from Cyber Space and put them into our physical space. Communities need to act and get together in real time. We need to come together again and work together. Set aside all those differences we enjoy arguing about so much. Who’s right, who’s wrong, what’s happening next! As things around the world change while more, and more people awaken to the truths; we are changing things right before our eyes.

To top all this off our intentions are 100% affecting all that is around us. As we learn to hold ourselves in a higher space through our hearts on a daily basis, our reality starts to match that which we desire. You can see it all around you. The system that is in place is slowly crumbling before our eyes. All that we have been indoctrinated into is coming to a head, and the truth of the game they played is shocking; yet coming to the forefront of more people’s awareness. Once we become aware of that which was done, we start to come together for the common good of all. Humanity is at a place today where more are coming to the realization that this system is not working. At the same time around the world people are taking action to bring forward new systems, and new ways of working together to better the world as a whole.

Those who still believe that this is all there is in life, they are still unaware of all that is going on. As we wake up one at a time and learn to leave our differences aside, we find strength in numbers. It is there that we will find the pot of gold at the end of rainbow. That pot of gold is something that is much more precious than any metal. It is Union in the way of the Highest Divine Good and Truth for all of Humanity. It is using Love itself to come together. LOVE OF LIFE! There are those who do not value the life of others. They view it as a commodity to pump up their own FEAR! We must remember that those that are out there who claim to be running the show, are also running in fear. They let themselves be over taken by the egoic mind, and let power darken their hearts. They to FEAR! They fear losing control, being found out, amongst other things.

Join Midwest, Florida and dt along with Dr. Hendo Henderson - Tonight, Friday, Feb. 7, 2014

This is going to be a great call tonight as Midwest plans to get deep down into the true history of the United States and expose some of the lies we've all been told.  

So please join us at 9:00 Eastern...  712.432.0075  PIN 928342#

Be sure to check out Midwest's website at for links to some very powerful information that she will be discussing tonight.  I'm posting those links right now.

Regards, dt

Visit stage2omega at:

Project Camelot Intel Update - The Dinar Saga

Lately as all those who invested in and follow the dinar saga know, things seemed to be 'heating up'.

The so-called dinar sites and self-appointed financial gurus were hitting the airwaves stating after 2 or is it 3 years of waiting the Dinar was finally set for a worldwide revaluation.  So they say.

What has happened, according to research and consultation with a few sources is that the upper echelon (the already super wealthy, cabal insiders and illuminati rank and file --upper tier) it was said, have been going into banks and coming out with... SKR's or Safe Keeping Receipts.

They haven't been "cashing in" as some claimed.  But it may actually be at least as good or even better depending on the deal they cut with the Bank involved.

What Is A Safekeeping Receipt

Safekeeping is where an asset owner elects to place that asset in the care of an Agent (in custody with a fiduciary), usually a Bank or a Financial Institution and receives an acknowledgement from the caretaker / fiduciary as to their “Safekeeping” of that asset. The asset owner may elect to have such an acknowledgement sent to a third party. A fee may be required for these services.

The various assets that can be held in such arrangements range from: Shares, Bonds, Real Estate, Titles to properties, Precious Metals, Oil and Natural Reserves, among others.

The owner of a SKR may monetize this instrument much like a SBLC, Bond or BG and use these funds as an alternative funding source or as a Proof of Funds (POF). Our SKR’s are issued with an ISIN/SEDOL code and can be verified in the London Stock Exchange – SEDOL screen as well as having the capability of SWIFT Transfers.

The very rich and insider crowd has, according to certain well known pundits, extended to Congressmen and women of the gold old or not so good, USA.  So where does that leave "the people" you may ask.

This is the thing.  According to evidence from a very solid source people in the upper echelons of the US government such as "O" and Bush and the usual suspects, were getting SKR's as far back as over a year ago and were filmed doing so....

Incoming Planet Sized Object Reported by University of Austin

Published on Feb 5, 2014
A student at the University of Austin reports an incoming object spotted on the Giant Mcdonald Telescope.

Snowden Threatens U.S. with Release of Personal Information of All Government Officials

BOMBSHELL: Snowden downloaded entire roster of U.S. government - all names, home addresses and other personal info of **all** officials and gov't employees -- including law enforcement -- plus bankers, corporate boards of directors and more! 

February 6, 2014 -- (TRN) -- Edward Snowden, the former contractor at the National Security Agency took with him multiple "Doomsday" packages of information when he departed the country and began revealing how intensely the US Government is spying on its own citizens. He has the personal home info for all Elected Officials, Law Enforcement, Judges, Bankers, Corporate Boards of Directors and more!

At a classified briefing for members of Congress which took place on Wednesday, members found out that Snowden took with him:
  • a complete roster of absolutely every employee and official of the entire US Government.
  • The names, home addresses, unlisted personal home telephone and personal cellular phone numbers, dates of birth and social security numbers of every person involved in any way, with any department of the US Government.
  • The files include elected officials, Cabinet appointees, Judges, and  **ALL** law enforcement agency employees including sworn officers.
  • Similar files with the personal information of EVERY government contractor and all employees of that contractor!
  • Similar files with all the personal information of EVERY Bank Corporation, their operating officers and their Boards of Directors, including all current and former members of the Federal Reserve
  • Similar files with all the personal information about anyone holding any type of license from the Government such as Doctors, Lawyers, Stock Brokers, Commodities Traders . . . . and many more.
  • Similar files with all the personal information of EVERY non-bank Corporation in the U.S., including their operating officers and Boards of Directors.

Snowden has made it clear that if he is arrested, if he vanishes, or if he "dies" from any cause whatsoever, ALL of the information in his possession will be published publicly.

Alfred Webre & Leuren Moret: Fukushima radiation has made Hawaii and Pacific islands unsafe for humans

Tom Heneghan Update - February 6, 2014

ALL Patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Thursday   February 6, 2014

Identify The Enemy, It Is CNN!

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert


UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported that CNN cable new network, (202) 898-7900, and its Nazi Jew Paperclip NSA stooge Wolf Blitzer is actively promoting a FALSE FLAG terrorist attack at the Sochi, Russia Olympics.

Russian President Vladimir Putin
AP Photo/RIA Novosti, Alexei Nikolsky, Presidential Press Service
source  source

Blitzer is involved in financial economic blackmail versus Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin on behalf of crooked U.S. banks, which now need a worldwide "BAIL OUT".