ALL Patriot Americans MUST know with sources inside
American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the
corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly
propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions
and defend YOUR Constitution Bill of Rights,
the Supreme Law of the United States
Sunday December 7 , 2014
It is Leak
City as the Day of Reckoning Approaches

UNITED States of
America - It
can now be reported that sources close to U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy,
Democrat of Vermont, have uncovered evidence linking JPMorgan Chase, US
Citibank, Bank of America and previously reported Bank One in using
secret, illegal 1845 accounts in the matter of illegal dark pool
trading, bogus algorithm electronic quotes, and massive interest rate
and foreign currency manipulation.
Note: The Central Bank of Japan has been fingered as a major co-conspirator.
this hour, the Central Bank of Japan, along with the NAZI Paperclip
controlled Central Bank of Ukraine, is involved in a massive attempt to
destroy the Russian ruble.
The technique being used is called "electronic algorithm generated spoofing".
This evidence has previously been classified, and get this, as
'National Security' by current U.S. Attorney General and Marc Rich
defense attorney, Eric Holder.
secret illegal 1845 accounts have been used by the Bush-Clinton Crime
Family Syndicate to engage in massive worldwide narcotic trafficking and
engineer a worldwide NAZI Paperclip NSA espionage network, which
includes utilizing and controlling the entire U.S. media.
Reference: CBS News and Bob Schiefer have now been bought off and compromised by the Bushes and the Clintons.
We can now report that U.S. Justice Department officials are now in
rebellion and working directly with the elements of the Patriotic U.S.
Military and have leaked documents of the 1942 'plea bargain' of the
former Republican U.s. Senator of Connecticut Prescott Bush (granddaddy
Bush) revealing that then Congressman Prescott Bush plead 'Nolo
Contendre' aka same as a guilty plea to violating the terms and
conditions of the Trading with the Enemy Act aka then Congressman
Prescott Bush operating as a German NAZI spy in giving aid and comfort
to Adolf Hitler during the 2nd World War.
plea bargain, which Prescott Bush agreed to, was that no current or
future relative of the Bush German NAZI bloodline could ever run for any
political office for all time.
this means, folks, is that Prescott Bush's election as Republican U.S.
Senator of Connecticut was illegal and violated the terms and conditions
of his 'Nolo Contendre' plea bargain.
this also means is that daddy Bush's (George Herbert Walker Bush)
presidency was illegal, Jeb Bush's governorship of Florida was illegal,
George W. BushFRAUD's governorship of Texas was illegal, and George W.
BushFRAUD's alleged pResidency was doubly illegal (Dick Cheney and the
NSA stole the year 2000 presidential election via electronic vote
us not forget that John 'Skull and Bones' Kerry Cohen current U.S.
Secretary of State and former U.S. Senator is a 3rd blood cousin to the
Bush Family. Accordingly, this mean that Kerry's election as
Massachusetts U.S. Senator was illegal under the terms and conditions of
granddaddy Prescott Bush's 1942 plea bargain.
At this hour we can divulge that U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry
(illegally installed by Obama) and U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein,
Democrat of California, are actually involved in a ponzi scheme together
covering up a CIA TORTURE REPORT detailing extreme torture and
assassinations of major 9/11 witnesses held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
second CIA TORTURE REPORT also exists detailing that U.S. CIA officials
have been engaging in torture and murder of Ukrainian citizens who are
opposed to the U.S. NAZI installed Ukrainian government and the annexing
of the Ukraine by the U.S. NAZI Paperclip occupation government.
closing, we can now report that the NCAA College Football gambling
scandal continues to escalate. Once again, U.S. Justice Department
officials are reporting that last night's Big Ten college football game
was fixed with the final score being Ohio State 59 and Wisconsin 0.
Wisconsin had 2 loses, which meant that the University of Wisconsin
could not qualify with a victory for college football's final 4. The
Ohio State victory allowed Ohio State University to qualify.
that both Wisconsin and Ohio State are members of the Big Ten
conference, which means that Ohio State will now get a $3 million pay
off for qualifying for the college football Final Four, which Ohio State
has to share with all Big Ten conference members, including the
University of Wisconsin.
Department officials have now concluded that the Southeastern
Conference college football game between Alabama and Arkansas was fixed
as well as the Southeastern Conference college football game between
Auburn and Texas AM was fixed and, as previously reported, the college
football game between University of Notre Dame and Florida State
University was fixed and stolen when Las Vegas gamblers and the Florida
State coach Jimbo Fisher were able to compromise Atlantic Coast
Conference (ACC) back judge, anti-Catholic bigot, Pat Ryan, into calling
a bogus penalty on Notre Dame's winning touchdown with 15 seconds left
in the game.
outrageous call clearly mentally drained Notre Dame's team for the rest
of their games, caused numerous injuries and basically wrecked the rest
of their season all caused by Las Vegas gamblers and religious bigotry.
to CBS Sports and their college football announcers Gary Danielson and
Verne Lundquist for subtly and diplomatically making this point clear
during yesterday's broadcast of the SEC college football championship
game between Alabama and Missouri.
closing, stay tuned for future intelligence briefings in which we will
detail that Washington Post reporter David Ignatius as one of the
individuals responsible for an elaborate espionage program that was
directed by the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate dating back to 1997
against then Vice President Albert Gore Jr. now year 2000 duly elected,
non-inaugurated, natural born REAL President.
David Ignatius' favorite movie is "Body of Lies" and has been on U.S.
CIA payroll (Operation Mockingbird) for over 30 years.