EXCLUSIVE interview with Rev Kevin Annett (Youtube)

Child welfare groups across Europe and North America have vowed to be extra vigilant over Christmas, in the wake of eyewitness accounts of Satanic cult sacrifices involving children on important dates of the Roman calendar.
Last month, Neon Nettle reported on the serial rape and killing of a young boy in a Ninth Circle cult ritual in the Jesuit-run International Youth Centre within San Lorenzo Church, less than a mile from the Vatican. The incident is alleged to have happened at midnight on the 22nd February, according to an eyewitness, coinciding with the old Roman festivals of Feralia and Terminalia.

Human sacrifices tied to Roman festivals:
In an exclusive interview with Neon Nettle, the former minister of the United Church of Canada, says: “Christmas is always a difficult time for people anyway. You tend to see not just suicide, but crimes tend to spike during that period of the year. So do these violent incidents.”
How concerned should we be that more children could become victims?
“These things happen regularly,” he says. “They are definitely tied into, not just Roman festivals, but also Satanic calendars. There are certain days of the year that seem to have more significance in terms of human sacrifice. New moons apparently often tie in to those times of the month as well. But the Roman festivals are significant because they seem to be guiding the actions of these cults that operate within or around the Catholic Church.”
These criminal elements can be termed “Saturn Death Cults,” says author and researcher, Troy McLachlan, because their ritualistic and murderous activities are derived from a distorted understanding of Saturn worship, “where the authority of Saturn is used to justify extreme control mechanisms up to and including ritual murder.”

Children trafficked into arms of cults:
The elite Ninth Circle embraces judges, politicians and clergymen among its membership, relying on highly organised criminal syndicates to supply children for their gruesome sacrificial rites.
“The biggest source of easily obtained children is usually immigrants,” continues Annett. “We know that in North America, aboriginal children are the easiest to grab, because legally they are in a different category. They are not citizens. If they are living on reservations, they are wards to the state. So they can easily be taken away and disposed of without any legal consequence. But in Europe, we know that immigrants are a big target.”
Brave Satanic abuse survivor, Toos Nijenhuis from Holland, was one of several who witnessed European church and government officials engaged in the ritual rape and murder of children.
“The first time I met Toos Nijenhuis, who was a member at a young age of one of these Satanic ritual groups, she said that often children from Portugal would be sacrificed,” says Annett. “She remembers that from hearing the language they spoke and hearing reference made to these Portuguese kids."
"There’s a pipeline of some kind going from Portugal to Holland to provide children – we know that. It comes from North Africa, it comes from anywhere children can be got rid of… like in a war torn area like Guatemala.”
“It does come from right within the system too. Both Anne Marie van Blijenburgh and Toos mentioned that they knew children had been taken out of youth detention centres in Holland by the police in the pay of the Ndrangheta."

The Church’s secret history:
The existence of the Ninth Circle may have only come to light fairly recently, but evidence shows Church officials been secretly torturing and killing children as far back the eighteenth century according to a document supplied to the second International Common Law Court case in Brussels. And since 1962, an obscure document written in Latin, the Crimen Sollicitationis, has enforced a culture of secrecy surrounding sexual misconduct among priests.
“The very first murder described to me that occurred in a [Church-run] Indian Residential School in Canada, the killing of Maisie Shaw, occurred near to midnight on Christmas Eve 1946,” continues Annett.
“I know, having interviewed hundreds of people, the occult significance of the number of deaths in residential schools. Children were definitely being killed in a ritualistic manner in these schools. A recent example of that is William Coombes who witnessed Queen Elizabeth taking ten children from the Kamloops Catholic School on October 10th 1964.”
“We brought a police-trained psychic to the site where this occurred and she said she saw the ten bodies laid in an occultic configuration; that they’d been killed within 24 hours of being kidnapped. Again, October 10th 1964 – the numbers all add up to ten: tenth day, tenth month, 19 and 64, they are all ten. And there were ten children.”
“Also, there were seven boys and three girls killed. And when you look at the book of Job in the Bible, that’s the number of children Job had, who were killed by God. Seven boys and three girls were sacrificed by God to test Job’s faith.”
“These are largely Jesuit-inspired cults. The Illuminati were formed the same year the Jesuits were officially outlawed in 1774. So it would be easy to keep this secret in that circle. But generally too, we find that when child rape and child trafficking goes on, everyone is sworn to secrecy because they know that they could all go to jail. So they all have a vested interest in keeping it quiet.”
When Neon Nettle approached ECPAT UK, an organisation campaigning against child trafficking and exploitation in the UK - relating to the paedophile rings, they said they had no knowledge of religious cults. “It’s not something we’ve come across,” said a spokesperson. “Ritual abuse and witchcraft, but nothing associated with this [Saturnalia] festival.”
In a twist of irony, INTERPOL held an international conference at the Vatican City in April, just weeks after the alleged San Lorenzo Church Ninth Circle ritual killing, where its Secretary General, Ronald K. Noble spoke movingly of human trafficking, saying that no matter the difference in mandates, nationalities or uniforms, “we are allies in a global fight to protect human life and dignity.”
INTERPOL acted on evidence supplied by European-based ITCCS activists leading to 1,000 arrests of mainly ‘criminal middlemen’ and the rescue of 30 Romanian children from the Italian Ndrangheta networkin September.

International Common Law Court of Justice:
When asked about the effectiveness of the group’s Brussels-based International Common Law Court of Justice, he states: “The effectiveness is proven in the fact that four of the major people who were named in the indictments in our court have all resigned.
Not just Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, but also Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Secretary of State, Sean Brady, the Cardinal of Ireland, and the Head of the Jesuits, Adolfo Pachon. All of them stepped down, or have announced their resignation after being named publicly in our indictment.”
“We may not have the power right now of a regular court, but we have a great moral power – and it’s having an effect. The guilty will never come out and announce, ‘yes, you’re right’, but they’ll show by their actions that we are. Also, other courts can use the evidence to issue arrest warrants. That’s being recognised. These people in power know the significance of just publishing the evidence against them. You can tell by their reactions.”
VIDEO: Exclusive interview with Kevin Annett talking to Neon Nettle about Saturnalia, Satanic cult rituals and child trafficking, Marc Dutroux and the Dutch Royal family, targeted individuals, the transhumanism agenda and more. Watch it below: