Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Neil Keenan Update - December 30, 2014

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Keenan’s Empty Sock — Santa did not come

As we all know, after leaving the first bunker, Neil Keenan was given a box that we saw opened which contained gold kilo bars, a gift for his incredible stamina in staying with and protecting the assets.

With little concern for his own health, Neil regularly put in 20-hour days with his utmost focus being the protection of those who were with him — his own security came second.  True to his resilient nature and love for action, he remained on the front line, taking all the shots.

It took nearly a month to get everything cleared up with just the one box, and before it even got to that point, Neil had “flipped” it in return for a bigger box and the promise of an even bigger return. This would facilitate the Keenan Team’s arrival, and as seen in the previous video, the box is huge and allegedly contains much more than the box of gold that was already opened.

Neil’s honesty and straightforwardness has brought about a unique closeness with the Elders, and once again, they wanted to show their appreciation.  Not only did the Elders promise a larger box, but they also promised an additional box that Neil could take from the bunker, along with their approval for the creation of video footage inside the bunker of any length he wished.

With the assets from the bunkers, Neil’s intent was to provide gifts of friendship to all of those who have worked so diligently in supporting his efforts. His Team would then be properly set up and base operations would soon take off from there. Neil had also counted on giving some of this gift funding to Nelu, Jo, those with Cosmic Voice, and many others who have assisted him along the way so that all would have a fantastic Christmas.

But no, this did not happen.

Continue Reading at .... http://neilkeenan.com/neil-keenan-update-keenans-empty-sock-santa-did-not-come-2/