I will caution you all to take a deep breath after the event and study your options because there will be a few of them.
I have to play softball with you all because I have signed a NC/ND and I will not endanger myself. :) I love you all but I like myself and my financial world intact! Other than that how is everyone?
[MarkZ] Good to see you all.
[jtwest] MarkZ does that mean you have exchanged ??
[MarkZ] jtwest no
[5150] MarkZ You signed an NDA? than why are you here risking anything. IMO there is nothing you can say so protect yourself and your future.
[MarkZ] 5150 I am not risking it if I watch what I say. I popped in to say DO NOT RUSH to the first banking option. Stay calm, you will have options.
[MarkZ] Ok before you ask. I have been very busy. Life is good. Kids are great. Way too much crazy stuff out there, remember if someones source comes from Reno you should probably ignore it.
Highlander65] MarkZ seems like Thanksgiving is not that far off hun .... praying we do indeed have the most special Thanksgiving this year....
[Rider] MarkZ MarkZ Hello my friend. TY for coming by. We have missed your visits.
[MarkZ] Rider I have missed getting to visit. After this is finished I will tell you why I have been MIA.
[ChildOfGod] MarkZ If you could answer, will there be future currencies going? I mean sometime down the line after RV
[MarkZ] ChildOfGod I believe so yes. Not all currencies are ready. There is a huge push to have them all done by 2018 though so we should have some furture chances to grow our blessings.
[ChildOfGod] MarkZ I agree ... time is on OUR side!
[highlander65] MarkZ aaah yes don't be the first mouse ... we get it lol
[MarkZ] highlander65 The first mouse will only get crumbs. Wait for the real cheese.
[K Boom] MarkZ- Can you discuss rates? Contract rate for VND?
[MarkZ] K Boom No on rates. That would get me in trouble.
[pursuitoftruth] MarkZ, Hi. Glad you are doing well. Thanks for giving us a boost. Thanksgiving is perfect. Still a lot of cleaning up going on in the background?
[MarkZ] pursuitoftruth Wow is all I can say to the cleaning up. Lots of that has been going on. At the same time the dollar has been systematically attacked so it can no longer be the one reserve currency. This has been done to force the US to play ball and to soften the impact if the US didn't concede.
[5150] MarkZ attacked? it is the highest in years.
[MarkZ] 5150 true that
[MarkZ] 5150 by attacked I mean as a reserve currency. How many countries can now trade without it? I lost count this month, I think after Canada signed to trade directly with China this week it went well into the 30's of countries that will now trade without converting to or using the US dollar.
[zach77] MarkZ Can you give the latest on CMKX/CMKM? Thanks.
[MarkZ] zach77 The decision was made to hold CMKM until right after the 'reset'. As I understand it those deliveries will start the first business day after the relese.
[5150] MarkZ was that not always the case with the CMKM? That it was last to go/
[MarkZ] 5150 No, originally the CMKM fines and penalties were to go before the reset with the trust money coming afterwards by about 10 days.
[johnny law] MarkZ Hey Mark I just got back and I'm wondering what your take is on Karen Hudes interview about the IQD and the VND?
[MarkZ] johnny law I didn't see it.
[5150] MarkZ The dollar is not the dollar as we know it anymore. Correct?
[5150] MarkZ in fact there are 2 dollars now.
[MarkZ] 5150 It is a process if that is what you mean. It HAS NOT BECOME GOLD BACKED YET. There I said it. The internet hype about that part being done is straight up bunk. Will it be soon? Very much should be. The mechanism is in place and close to done.
[zach77] MarkZ Do you know what the F&Ps are for CMKM?
[MarkZ] zach77 I am hearing anywhere from 5-9 per share but I am treating it as rumour.
[bryan1972] MarkZ why now? what has changed to make you think "this" is really it?
[MarkZ] bryan1972 A few things. A couple I can't share and some I can. Now that the world no longer needs the US dollar to trade though is the best sign you could have. The system for post reset is now in place. Now the US gets to figure out it's place in the future financial world.
[pursuitoftruth] MarkZ Has the US finally conceded?
[MarkZ] pursuitoftruth yes. Reluctantly but yes.
[5150] MarkZ Process?come on you are kidding.This process has been going on for months. 2 different level of dollar. One at a higher level and one for the common folk
[MarkZ] 5150 This process has been going on for decades.
[bigbear] MarkZ Hello when will the TRN be showing ???????????
[MarkZ] bigbear That I can't answer.
[5150] MarkZ yes please explain the TRN
[MarkZ] 5150 Until the dollar refunding is completed it is not 'LIVE', that requires a certain individual to be seen and for him to be allowed to complete his job. He has been in place and waiting 25 years to do this.
[highlander65] MarkZ glad that guy is still alive lol
[MarkZ] highlander65 He has had attempts made on his life. Not many at the top of this who haven't. Heck one fellow has been shot twice in the last few years. Tough fellow though, I would truly hate to have been the folks that missed those shots! He doesn't play!
[highlander65] MarkZ I can imagine ... hope he gets to do his job very very soon
[gizmosmom] Who is HE MR Mark Z
[MarkZ] gizmosmom That is an answer that has to wait a little longer.
[sandytob] MarkZ What do you mean by the dollar refunding?
[MarkZ] sandytob That would take forever to explain. I will cover that with a youtube series after this is done. I have the architect committed to helping me explain how we got here, how they changed the world etc
[expectancy ] Is this a great weekend markz
[MarkZ] expectancy answering that could get me in warm water.
[bigbear] MarkZ Any Chance we will see the republic soon?????????????????????????????????????
[MarkZ] bigbear yes!
[expectancy ] Markz lets go for some grand marnier and cigar
[MarkZ] expectancy How about some Balvenie Doublewood single malt and a nice cigar?
[miabella] MarkZ You've done a great job tonight and for that 99.9% of us are grateful....the other % well.... lol
[MarkZ] miabella well some people will never be happy anyways. :)
[snowcap71] Mark Z I don't smoke cigars anymore. Lol
[MarkZ] snowcap71 I rarely do and I bet I would have a serious head rush from one now because it has been so long.
[gizmosmom] Sorry Mark Z I got your tweet was very excited to come in and meet with you to hear what what excited you so much.. :)
[MarkZ] gizmosmom I honestly haven't been this positive and excited about where we are in sometime. I feel good about it.
[snowcap71] MarkZ I guess if you are excited then we should be also
[expectancy ] Markz are you staying off Facebook or is this just a flyby
[MarkZ] expectancy I have to make myself check FB. I like living people so much more than digital folks. Plus it allows them to keep me on my toes. 5150 is making me dance tonight. :)
[gizmosmom] Mark do you feel like this weekend is a possibility
[MarkZ] gizmosmom That is narrowing it down too much for comforts sake for myself
[nikki23] Mark are we at the any moment time line as some have claimed?
[MarkZ] nikki23 Ok..... don't shoot me for saying this, it is a DIRTY word in dinarland.... Yes, we are in any moment land again. The difference is that a HUGE number of controls have been put in place since the last time we were this close and got derailed.
[wilru] Everyone is going away after exchange why risk it, will nc/nd let you talk
[MarkZ] wilru afterwards yes it will. It won't let me talk about who exchanged what for how much and etc but it will let me talk about the history and what happened. Just not who made how much and the like.
[K Boom] MarkZ Mark- so chances of being derailed again? Percentage-wise in your view?
[MarkZ] K Boom 2% TOPS
[gizmosmom] Oohhh love that 2 % way coool
[K Boom] MarkZ Wonderful odds- THANKS
[gizmosmom] Oh Mark so nice to hear this from you. I joined your site when you came back on the scene with pistols loaded and then you were gone
[MarkZ] gizmosmom I pissed off both sides when I came back. :) It shook a lot loose though.
[nikki23] Thanks for shaking things loose!
[gizmosmom] Mark I figured that.. was praying for you as all the others that are out there risking their necks for us
[pursuitoftruth] MarkZ I have missed hearing from you so much. I look forward to hearing the story from your perspective. It has been quite a ride. Thank you for putting yourself out there for everyone.
[MarkZ] pursuitoftruth Shoot it was getting to close to comfort. I had to duck
[snowcap71] Mark Z we all are Praying for you
[possum] MarkZ Hi from an Aussie possum, do you know if there is an Aussie bank connected to a group exchange like G64, given that we now understand the G64 is only for US citizens? Thank you
[MarkZ] possum I do not know. G64 is a nice fellow though. He is real and yes the group is real.
[ivy10] MarkZ my job is easy compared to yours. just sayin lol praying praying
[MarkZ] ivy10 I am actually expected to be here afterwards. Many of you will get to meet me during the exchange process and afterwards. Of course some might throw fruit or pies but oh well...... Can you make it blueberry pie?
[K Boom] and poptarts
[snowcap71] Mark Z will there be 800 #'s?
[MarkZ] snowcap71 Not some magical fix all 800 number. There will be numbers for a number of banks and you will get harassed by wealth managers. How many of you are already getting strange random wealth management calls already?
[mystery] Contract rates real too?
[MarkZ] mystery yes
[K Boom] MarkZ Mark- so you feel SAFE enough to resurface after a long absence. Victory for the good guys?
[notsoguru] MarkZ does the US have to be gold backed before the RV/GCR? when you say close - as in 2014? 15? or 16? - we have been hearing close for a long time,so if ot done by thanksgiving then 15? and when you say wait to get the cheese how long are you anticipating for us to wait to get better results?
[MarkZ] notsoguru It will be gold backed about 2 mins before the RV/Reset or whatever the latest clever term is for it.
[notsoguru] MarkZ ah ha so no heads up!
[5150] MarkZ You signed an NDA? than why are you here risking anything. IMO there is nothing you can say so protect yourself and your future.
[MarkZ] 5150 I am not risking it if I watch what I say. I popped in to say DO NOT RUSH to the first banking option. Stay calm, you will have options.
[MarkZ] Ok before you ask. I have been very busy. Life is good. Kids are great. Way too much crazy stuff out there, remember if someones source comes from Reno you should probably ignore it.
Highlander65] MarkZ seems like Thanksgiving is not that far off hun .... praying we do indeed have the most special Thanksgiving this year....
[Rider] MarkZ MarkZ Hello my friend. TY for coming by. We have missed your visits.
[MarkZ] Rider I have missed getting to visit. After this is finished I will tell you why I have been MIA.
[ChildOfGod] MarkZ If you could answer, will there be future currencies going? I mean sometime down the line after RV
[MarkZ] ChildOfGod I believe so yes. Not all currencies are ready. There is a huge push to have them all done by 2018 though so we should have some furture chances to grow our blessings.
[ChildOfGod] MarkZ I agree ... time is on OUR side!
[highlander65] MarkZ aaah yes don't be the first mouse ... we get it lol
[MarkZ] highlander65 The first mouse will only get crumbs. Wait for the real cheese.
[K Boom] MarkZ- Can you discuss rates? Contract rate for VND?
[MarkZ] K Boom No on rates. That would get me in trouble.
[pursuitoftruth] MarkZ, Hi. Glad you are doing well. Thanks for giving us a boost. Thanksgiving is perfect. Still a lot of cleaning up going on in the background?
[MarkZ] pursuitoftruth Wow is all I can say to the cleaning up. Lots of that has been going on. At the same time the dollar has been systematically attacked so it can no longer be the one reserve currency. This has been done to force the US to play ball and to soften the impact if the US didn't concede.
[5150] MarkZ attacked? it is the highest in years.
[MarkZ] 5150 true that
[MarkZ] 5150 by attacked I mean as a reserve currency. How many countries can now trade without it? I lost count this month, I think after Canada signed to trade directly with China this week it went well into the 30's of countries that will now trade without converting to or using the US dollar.
[zach77] MarkZ Can you give the latest on CMKX/CMKM? Thanks.
[MarkZ] zach77 The decision was made to hold CMKM until right after the 'reset'. As I understand it those deliveries will start the first business day after the relese.
[5150] MarkZ was that not always the case with the CMKM? That it was last to go/
[MarkZ] 5150 No, originally the CMKM fines and penalties were to go before the reset with the trust money coming afterwards by about 10 days.
[johnny law] MarkZ Hey Mark I just got back and I'm wondering what your take is on Karen Hudes interview about the IQD and the VND?
[MarkZ] johnny law I didn't see it.
[5150] MarkZ The dollar is not the dollar as we know it anymore. Correct?
[5150] MarkZ in fact there are 2 dollars now.
[MarkZ] 5150 It is a process if that is what you mean. It HAS NOT BECOME GOLD BACKED YET. There I said it. The internet hype about that part being done is straight up bunk. Will it be soon? Very much should be. The mechanism is in place and close to done.
[zach77] MarkZ Do you know what the F&Ps are for CMKM?
[MarkZ] zach77 I am hearing anywhere from 5-9 per share but I am treating it as rumour.
[bryan1972] MarkZ why now? what has changed to make you think "this" is really it?
[MarkZ] bryan1972 A few things. A couple I can't share and some I can. Now that the world no longer needs the US dollar to trade though is the best sign you could have. The system for post reset is now in place. Now the US gets to figure out it's place in the future financial world.
[pursuitoftruth] MarkZ Has the US finally conceded?
[MarkZ] pursuitoftruth yes. Reluctantly but yes.
[5150] MarkZ Process?come on you are kidding.This process has been going on for months. 2 different level of dollar. One at a higher level and one for the common folk
[MarkZ] 5150 This process has been going on for decades.
[bigbear] MarkZ Hello when will the TRN be showing ???????????
[MarkZ] bigbear That I can't answer.
[5150] MarkZ yes please explain the TRN
[MarkZ] 5150 Until the dollar refunding is completed it is not 'LIVE', that requires a certain individual to be seen and for him to be allowed to complete his job. He has been in place and waiting 25 years to do this.
[highlander65] MarkZ glad that guy is still alive lol
[MarkZ] highlander65 He has had attempts made on his life. Not many at the top of this who haven't. Heck one fellow has been shot twice in the last few years. Tough fellow though, I would truly hate to have been the folks that missed those shots! He doesn't play!
[highlander65] MarkZ I can imagine ... hope he gets to do his job very very soon
[gizmosmom] Who is HE MR Mark Z
[MarkZ] gizmosmom That is an answer that has to wait a little longer.
[sandytob] MarkZ What do you mean by the dollar refunding?
[MarkZ] sandytob That would take forever to explain. I will cover that with a youtube series after this is done. I have the architect committed to helping me explain how we got here, how they changed the world etc
[expectancy ] Is this a great weekend markz
[MarkZ] expectancy answering that could get me in warm water.
[bigbear] MarkZ Any Chance we will see the republic soon?????????????????????????????????????
[MarkZ] bigbear yes!
[expectancy ] Markz lets go for some grand marnier and cigar
[MarkZ] expectancy How about some Balvenie Doublewood single malt and a nice cigar?
[miabella] MarkZ You've done a great job tonight and for that 99.9% of us are grateful....the other % well.... lol
[MarkZ] miabella well some people will never be happy anyways. :)
[snowcap71] Mark Z I don't smoke cigars anymore. Lol
[MarkZ] snowcap71 I rarely do and I bet I would have a serious head rush from one now because it has been so long.
[gizmosmom] Sorry Mark Z I got your tweet was very excited to come in and meet with you to hear what what excited you so much.. :)
[MarkZ] gizmosmom I honestly haven't been this positive and excited about where we are in sometime. I feel good about it.
[snowcap71] MarkZ I guess if you are excited then we should be also
[expectancy ] Markz are you staying off Facebook or is this just a flyby
[MarkZ] expectancy I have to make myself check FB. I like living people so much more than digital folks. Plus it allows them to keep me on my toes. 5150 is making me dance tonight. :)
[gizmosmom] Mark do you feel like this weekend is a possibility
[MarkZ] gizmosmom That is narrowing it down too much for comforts sake for myself
[nikki23] Mark are we at the any moment time line as some have claimed?
[MarkZ] nikki23 Ok..... don't shoot me for saying this, it is a DIRTY word in dinarland.... Yes, we are in any moment land again. The difference is that a HUGE number of controls have been put in place since the last time we were this close and got derailed.
[wilru] Everyone is going away after exchange why risk it, will nc/nd let you talk
[MarkZ] wilru afterwards yes it will. It won't let me talk about who exchanged what for how much and etc but it will let me talk about the history and what happened. Just not who made how much and the like.
[K Boom] MarkZ Mark- so chances of being derailed again? Percentage-wise in your view?
[MarkZ] K Boom 2% TOPS
[gizmosmom] Oohhh love that 2 % way coool
[K Boom] MarkZ Wonderful odds- THANKS
[gizmosmom] Oh Mark so nice to hear this from you. I joined your site when you came back on the scene with pistols loaded and then you were gone
[MarkZ] gizmosmom I pissed off both sides when I came back. :) It shook a lot loose though.
[nikki23] Thanks for shaking things loose!
[gizmosmom] Mark I figured that.. was praying for you as all the others that are out there risking their necks for us
[pursuitoftruth] MarkZ I have missed hearing from you so much. I look forward to hearing the story from your perspective. It has been quite a ride. Thank you for putting yourself out there for everyone.
[MarkZ] pursuitoftruth Shoot it was getting to close to comfort. I had to duck
[snowcap71] Mark Z we all are Praying for you
[possum] MarkZ Hi from an Aussie possum, do you know if there is an Aussie bank connected to a group exchange like G64, given that we now understand the G64 is only for US citizens? Thank you
[MarkZ] possum I do not know. G64 is a nice fellow though. He is real and yes the group is real.
[ivy10] MarkZ my job is easy compared to yours. just sayin lol praying praying
[MarkZ] ivy10 I am actually expected to be here afterwards. Many of you will get to meet me during the exchange process and afterwards. Of course some might throw fruit or pies but oh well...... Can you make it blueberry pie?
[K Boom] and poptarts
[snowcap71] Mark Z will there be 800 #'s?
[MarkZ] snowcap71 Not some magical fix all 800 number. There will be numbers for a number of banks and you will get harassed by wealth managers. How many of you are already getting strange random wealth management calls already?
[mystery] Contract rates real too?
[MarkZ] mystery yes
[K Boom] MarkZ Mark- so you feel SAFE enough to resurface after a long absence. Victory for the good guys?
[notsoguru] MarkZ does the US have to be gold backed before the RV/GCR? when you say close - as in 2014? 15? or 16? - we have been hearing close for a long time,so if ot done by thanksgiving then 15? and when you say wait to get the cheese how long are you anticipating for us to wait to get better results?
[MarkZ] notsoguru It will be gold backed about 2 mins before the RV/Reset or whatever the latest clever term is for it.
[notsoguru] MarkZ ah ha so no heads up!
[snowwolfsdee] MarkZ they showed the Iraqi coins on the Canadian news tonight, saying they had new currency
[MarkZ] Canadian news is much less censored. US news sucks dirty, sweaty butt.
[pursuitoftruth] MarkZ You said it brother.
[highlander65] MarkZ rofl Good description haha
[harleycharley] Hey Mark! In your opinion, what is the hold up?
[MarkZ] harleycharley There isn't a single easy answer to that.
[lilypad] MarkZ, will you be one of the people giving us instructions for the exchange?
[MarkZ] lilypad possibly, it depends if I am needed for that. I really can't say more than that now and I apologize for being so vague.
[sananddan24] MarkZ how will we know when this happen?
[snowcap71] Mark Z is it true that you will pay tax on the way you answer questions? Like using the word exchange or cash out?
[MarkZ] snowcap71 How you exchange is more important. Just try to wait a couple of days afterwards if you can afford to. It could make a HUGE difference in your rate and taxes. Seek good solid advice from capable people.
[gizmosmom] MARK It seems alot of the gurus are excited and talking more this week..like some of the duct tape has been loosened. Even you coming out tonight makes me think this is any minute
[MarkZ] gizmosmom Try to stay grounded but the news is great.
[harleycharley] Mark, do you think we are exchanging this weekend?
[MarkZ] harleycharley No
[snowcap71] Mark Z- I've waited three yrs. I guess I could hold out a few more days when it happens
[gizmosmom] A few more days is ok..just wish someone knew when
[harleycharley] Hey do you think this year will be like last year?
[MarkZ] harleycharley no
[K Boom] MarkZ G20 Relevance?
[MarkZ] K Boom Important in that they will be covering how the new system is going to work in real life I believe.
[MarkZ] If I do not get reprimanded for my visit tonight I will try to stop in tomorrow. Late season soccer tourney will have me up freezing cold and sleepy soon. Bless you all.
[MarkZ] Hopefully I will see you about the same time tomorrow.
[Rider] MarkZ Thank you Sir