Friday, November 28, 2014

Live Webinar With Kelly La Sha, george kavassilas, Perry Mills - FUNDAMENTAL PURPOSE - Live on November 29, 2014

Fundamental Purpose





Many of us contemplate the four primordial questions of life:

  • Who are we?
  • Where do we come from?
  • What are we doing here?
  • And, where are we headed?

In this upcoming Rise Round Table Event, we are going to focus on the third of these primordial questions; What are we doing here? We all at some stage in our lives feel like we came to the planet for a reason, as though we have come here to do something significant but we just don’t know what that is. We can’t quite pin it down.  It is so close yet so far. Can feel it but still don’t know.

Join us as we further explore this enigma and share how consciously integrating with your Divine, Sovereign and Authentic Self enables, empowers and guides you to embark on the enduring and majestic phase of your life and enact what is considered your, ’fundamental purpose’.

Finding Your Fundamental Purpose . . . .

“What is my purpose?” ......That is a question that restlessly lurks in the back of our minds while we are being pushed and pulled, distracted and confused by a million disparate reflections of ourselves mirrored back from our cultures, families and religions. If only one could know the answer to their purpose, he or she could fully feel a sense of direction, peace and satisfaction in their lifetime here.

Unfortunately, most of us struggle for air, trying to keep our heads above water in a deluge of demands for our attention and compliance. We look longingly at examples of people fully engaged in stimulating and free lifestyles or “important” occupations. We rationalize that only the lucky, the talented, the entitled or the blessed get to live a life of joy and fulfillment, while the rest of us grovel for the leftovers.

But what if you discovered a shining jewel residing within you that erased all of the impossibilities of a life so uninspired? What if you woke up one morning and realized that all of the burdens of your life, past and present, somehow had now miraculously transformed into gifts? What if the treasures that you only dreamed would free you from your suffering, revealed themselves as already living within you, overlooked and un-noticed? What if it was right under your nose and you just couldn’t see it?

We can’t look at fundamental purpose without knowing ourselves deeply. And that purpose can never be known without a courageous and honest inquiry into our most spiritual nature. Concurrently, one could never know their purpose without an affirming connection to the intelligence that speaks through their own bodies, emotions and intuitions. These communications, although not easily deciphered, are genuinely speaking from your inner contours and soulful aspirations. But most of these communiques are drowned out by a cacophony of voices from “non-self generated” sources.

Your fundamental purpose may easily be the most natural thing to actually discover. It already has announced itself through a plethora of appetites, ideals, inclinations, secret aspirations, and bucket-list items that you are generally too embarrassed to reveal. Wouldn’t your fundamental purpose be found in the vicinity of what you passionately care about? The true and sacred values that are written in your heart of hearts are your guiding lights to your greatest discovery; the discovery of your soulful and fundamental purpose. Join us as we delve into the depths of yours.