It is always intriguing when Ben’s sources reveal data that is similar or identical to what I’m hearing. One of these is the assassination threat against the US President. There is no doubt that he is at very high risk now. Furthermore, I was able to independently confirm last week’s leak that there is high drama, including yelling, going on every day in the White House.
Specifically, Obama is now being “sat down three times a day and told to stay the f- out of everything that is going on.” Up until now they gave him some semblance of control over the situation. They let him make certain decisions. Now he’s finally being told he has absolutely no power over anything. Just say nothing, do nothing, sit there and let us do what we need to do.
There was a story a few weeks ago that Obama was “ignoring” the Presidential Daily Briefings and only getting them in writing instead of in person. This was used to reflect negatively upon him. I since found out that he wasn’t being OFFERED the briefings in person. Then when they need something against him, they blame him for it.
Bear in mind that all of this comes from an insider who very seriously does not like Obama.
There are two other things here that are worth mentioning. One is that two different space probes experienced fiery deaths last week, one of which was Richard Branson’s long-awaited project. Don’t forget that Elon Musk, head of Tesla, also had a space probe that exploded on its first major test run.
Although we haven’t confirmed it yet, foul play is strongly suspected in each of these cases. Why? Because as soon as you get even into LEO (low earth orbit,) there’s so much stuff up there that’s not supposed to be there, they can’t expect the “masking” to work well enough to conceal everything. We would know too much too soon.
Both Elon Musk and Richard Branson are powerful men who are not part of the Cabal, and who would gladly release any anomalous photos and films. All the Cabal would have to do is use simple torsion-field technology to zap the craft as they go up, and soften the matter until it comes apart at the weakest points.
Then the controlled media goes on a rampage about “greedy billionaires” whose “ego” and “hubris” has taken them so far into never-never land that there is no hope for them. So there is the dual benefit of throwing them under the bus and taking the widespread public discontent due to the deliberately sabotaged economy and aiming it at public targets.
The other important point is that Ben didn’t take credit for predicting the almost complete 180 on Ebola in the mainstream media. Although it was being talked about like the worst thing ever when he wrote that prediction a week ago, within a week it has become non-existent. The stories have all dried up and it’s like it didn’t even happen. The alternative media is still tracking it, but the number of articles about it have decreased by about 900 percent.
I am sorry to hear that two of Ben’s allies have now been arrested and that he is threatened with the same. This is no easy game and Ben has kicked every hornet’s nest in sight.
I have been asked repeatedly about Ben’s statement last week regarding the alleged Mars base. First of all, if that did happen it would be a great humanitarian tragedy. There are at least 200,000 personnel on that base, including 10,000 who are from our planet and the rest from elsewhere. It would be a huge atrocity if they got blown up.
I am very confident that what we are seeing is nothing more than a lens flare. Notice the burst of light originates from the exact center of the object. Our atmosphere creates varying degrees of light refraction since light has to move through air to get to the telescope. This causes mirages and distortions just like you see from heat rising off of hot pavement, for example. This same effect is why stars appear to be twinkling. The amount of light that can actually make it to us is continually fluctuating.
Lastly, it is very, very rare for anyone to be able to come back to our society if they have had any contact with this “breakaway civilization.” If you spend any length of time in an underground or off-world base, the likelihood that they will ever let you return to any life on the normal surface of planet earth is extremely small. You have to make a permanent life decision and there’s no turning back. They further guarantee this by giving you an injection that makes it literally lethal to return.
Everything about the financial systems opening up is right on. It is becoming very obvious that we are going through massive changes, as I said in last week’s epic article, which you definitely should read if you haven’t already:
This includes discussion of at least five major Hollywood films that are all predicting the defeat of the Cabal and helping to foster it.
I also point out how the Ebola image used by the mainstream media is actually very close to the secret Cabal symbol for Tubal Cain, which they see as Lucifer’s great-great-great grandson and the father of their bloodline.
This, along with the name ISIS, shows how they have to put their “signature” on everything in order for the magic to work. There’s also a detailed discussion of how this use of magic resurfaced with Queen Elizabeth’s astrologer John Dee, the original OO7 or “Two-Ball Cane.”
These are exciting times. I have had dreams suggesting there is still very high risk of new and disruptive events. The morning of the Canadian shooting I had a dream in which two empty school buses were about to be hit with missiles and I had just enough time to turn on the hazard lights before they were going to blow, as a warning to get people away from them.
Interestingly, these buses were parked precisely on the street where I used to sell the gold coins I had bought from a modest inheritance in 2000, in order to keep myself going. This suggests the possibility of market turbulence in the gold supply.
There are other interesting things going on I don’t want to mention at this point. Suffice it to say that this insider war is very real, and as I wrote in the article, it is becoming increasingly visible and public. I also am seeing a very strong and continuous push being made towards Disclosure, and the attacks on Elon Musk and Richard Branson’s space probes cannot stop this from happening.
- David Wilcock