
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Bix Weir Update - "Alan Greenspan was acting out a secret plan to rig the markets and ruin the US Dollar thus forcing a return the US onto a Gold Standard"

I am amazed by how many people still have no idea that Alan Greenspan was acting out a secret plan to rig the markets and ruin the US Dollar thus forcing a return the US onto a Gold Standard and the destruction of the banking cabal.
I’ve proven it five ways til Sunday over the past 7 years but still only a handful of people actually get it and even fewer believe it. It’s amazing to me that the PROGRAMMING of the “Central Banker = Bad Guy” meme is so ingrained in the minds of the Sheeple that even when shown the truth point blank they block out any type of understanding of the what is really going on.

I guess I should blame myself….if I explained it better maybe the people could finally wake up and we can make some headway in the battle to regain our freedom.

So here’s my latest attempt at show the Sheeple what should be obvious by now…
Bix Weir Interview on Greenspan’s “Golden Agenda”

If you can give me another credible interpretation of the information in those Fed Boston comics I’d love to hear it. Otherwise…

Don’t let those “BIG” people the Fed Boston is “AFRAID” of come around and “STEP” on you!

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir