VIDEO - Alfred Webre: Positive Timeline, BRICS, Money, Putin & the Omniverse
An exercise in the Socratic method & the Positive Timeline: Is Putin a Saviour or Deceiver and Why does it matter?
VIDEO - Alfred Webre: Positive Timeline, BRICS, Money, Putin & the Omniverse
An exercise in the Socratic method & the Positive Timeline: Is Putin a Saviour or Deceiver and Why does it matter?
by Alfred Lambremont Webre
PROPOSITION FOR OPEN DISCUSSION: The working hypothesis is to see if Putin is the 3rd Antichrist predicted by Nostradamus who predicted Napoleon as the 2nd Antichrist. The definition of "Antichrist" is very loose. It could also be "Antechrist or predecessor of Christ. The archetype seems to be the "Militaristic Conquerer Reformer" i.e. a modern-day Napoleon
WHY DOES IT MATTER? In 2008 Obama was seen as a Saviour to many, now he is playing the Universal Deceiver/Loser…to Putin's Universal Saviour. However this may be a dialectic if Obama is a long-term Russian Project to bring down and destroy the American Republic, for which there is ample evidence (below). In this sense, Putin (the Saviour) is Obama/Loser's Handler under the Long-term Russian project to bring down America.
Hence Putin (not Obama) may be Nostradamus 3rd Antichrist.
WHAT ABOUT THE POSITIVE TIMELINE? The equation of the Positive Future is Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness. Unity Consciousness is "We are One". Duality Consciousness is "I win, you lose". Creating a positive future requires allowing Unity Consciousness leaders to come into power and rejecting leaders in duality consciousness. Thus it is important to examine if Putin is in Unity or Duality Consciousness - If he is a deep deceiver or a real Saviour.
1. EUREKA & BINGO MOMENT? This is why Pope Bergoglio is now moving behind BRICS and supporting PUTIN.
PUTIN = 3rd Antichrist
POPE BER-GOG-LIO = False Prophet.
SEE COMING ATTRACTIONS? ESCHEW PUTINISM & BEWARE THE FALSE FLAG ET INVASION Nostradamus Prophecies for 2014, 2015 – 2020. Rise of the Third Antichrist 666 in Russia. UFO Alien invasion. Including the rise of the Antichrist President Vladimir Putin of Russia, and alien UFO invasion of earth and modification of human DNA for immortality. French prophet Nostradamus visions of the future.
2. Napoleon was the 2nd Antichrist in Nostradamus predictions
Putin fits in that militaristic reformer mold
Look at the Napoleonic Code
The British hate Napoleon and Putin
Putin is the 3rd Antichrist. QED
Alfred Lambremont Webre From a different perspective, Putin is Obama's
handler in a long-term Soviet strategy that has shredded the American
republic and is taking it down around your head and shoulders as we
write. Putin & Russia is continuing a long-term war of aggression
and destruction of America now through its handlee Obama/Soetoro.
1. The How and Why Behind Obama’s Mysterious Rise to the Presidency
2. The Russians Are coming PUTIN, OBAMA & THE
How Intelligence Legend & Manchurian candidate Barack Hussein Obama was created
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
4. This is also Christopher Story's position in an excellent 750 page book THE NEW UNDERWORLD DISORDER - The FEMA trains go through underground tunnels under the Bering Strait to camps in the Russian Gulag
Important (free) books exposing NWO: "The New Underworld Order" & "The European Union" by Christopher Story
RT & KEVIN ANNETT UPDATE This explains why RT [Putin's TV network,
the largest in thed world] cancelled Kevin Annett's interview that would
have revealed Pope Bergoglio's Ninth Circle ritual scrifice and rapes
with the statement "Anyone that believes the Pope does these tings is
crazy." That is NWO-speak! Kevin Annett would have blown the cover on
the Putin-Pope NWO alliance of 3rd Antichrist and False Prophet as
Archetypal Upper Theatre Social roles their intel units are all aware
of. Communism and the Societ Union was a Vatican and Jesuit invention
6. POSITIVE TIMELINE & 3RD ANTICHRIST - Of course we are on the Positive Timeline. Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness. That is why the 3rd Antechrist is so transparent and we can see the phenomenon. Napoleon the 2nd Antichrist according to Nostradamus was a great Reformer as is Putin, at the surface level.
7. ANTICHRIST = ANTECHRIST? This is the issue, correct? Is Putin a predeccesor to the Golden Age, or a Great Deceiver? Well, you can diss the great show you incarnated for or watch this show too. It's a free will Univers. Just pointing out your options on a bright day in Vancouver, BC
8. Remember, the guy that Putin IS handling - Obama - was thought in Nov. 2008 by many to be a predecessor to the Golden Age and now shown to be the Great Deceiver. What makes you think Putin is any different. Geopolitics is all Jesuit Kabuki Theatre
9. One of the world's greatest educators was Socrates who asked questions and taught in the Socratic Method.
Alfred Lambremont Webre For those minds who want Soul-Utions and knowledge we are on a positive timeline, plus the science behind it, read the 27 page paper here POSITIVE FUTURE
10. FROM A FRIEND: "I don't think he [Putin] is. He is using everything and every opportunity to realize his own concept of the outcome he wants and its a strong Russia without all the genocidal toxins for the rest of the world. Russia already had Chernobyl and that has had a big effect on the economy of Russia by shortening people's lives by about 10 years.
"Putin did not like communism and he is a reformer according to Kruschev's son who really supports him and praises his reforms because he said Kruschev tried to make reforms but the Soviet bolshevik indoctrination was too fresh and too strong to overcome.
"Putin is different and he is definitely multi-generational intel. I have not seen any mistakes so far. However I do not believe he is foolproof and in the next 10 years we will see what emerges. The Jesuit babble is going to be all around him to confuse the public. Put Putin next to Obama and I will eat a Russian ice cream cone before I eat an American oreo cookie with all the poisons I have seen it emit already.
"Obama is handled by the intel agencies and every one of them is headed by a Catholic Jesuit trained operative. Even Panetta had parents who were immigrants from Calabria in Italy - the heal or toe of the boot - and that region was part of the Hapsburg empire so Panetta has a Hapsburg tie as well. His specialty in Congress and after has been "oceans" and "food and starvation". HAH!!! Sounds pretty Jesuit to me."
PROPOSITION FOR OPEN DISCUSSION: The working hypothesis is to see if Putin is the 3rd Antichrist predicted by Nostradamus who predicted Napoleon as the 2nd Antichrist. The definition of "Antichrist" is very loose. It could also be "Antechrist or predecessor of Christ. The archetype seems to be the "Militaristic Conquerer Reformer" i.e. a modern-day Napoleon
WHY DOES IT MATTER? In 2008 Obama was seen as a Saviour to many, now he is playing the Universal Deceiver/Loser…to Putin's Universal Saviour. However this may be a dialectic if Obama is a long-term Russian Project to bring down and destroy the American Republic, for which there is ample evidence (below). In this sense, Putin (the Saviour) is Obama/Loser's Handler under the Long-term Russian project to bring down America.
Hence Putin (not Obama) may be Nostradamus 3rd Antichrist.
WHAT ABOUT THE POSITIVE TIMELINE? The equation of the Positive Future is Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness. Unity Consciousness is "We are One". Duality Consciousness is "I win, you lose". Creating a positive future requires allowing Unity Consciousness leaders to come into power and rejecting leaders in duality consciousness. Thus it is important to examine if Putin is in Unity or Duality Consciousness - If he is a deep deceiver or a real Saviour.
1. EUREKA & BINGO MOMENT? This is why Pope Bergoglio is now moving behind BRICS and supporting PUTIN.
PUTIN = 3rd Antichrist
POPE BER-GOG-LIO = False Prophet.
SEE COMING ATTRACTIONS? ESCHEW PUTINISM & BEWARE THE FALSE FLAG ET INVASION Nostradamus Prophecies for 2014, 2015 – 2020. Rise of the Third Antichrist 666 in Russia. UFO Alien invasion. Including the rise of the Antichrist President Vladimir Putin of Russia, and alien UFO invasion of earth and modification of human DNA for immortality. French prophet Nostradamus visions of the future.
2. Napoleon was the 2nd Antichrist in Nostradamus predictions
Putin fits in that militaristic reformer mold
Look at the Napoleonic Code
The British hate Napoleon and Putin
Putin is the 3rd Antichrist. QED
1. The How and Why Behind Obama’s Mysterious Rise to the Presidency
2. The Russians Are coming PUTIN, OBAMA & THE
How Intelligence Legend & Manchurian candidate Barack Hussein Obama was created
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
4. This is also Christopher Story's position in an excellent 750 page book THE NEW UNDERWORLD DISORDER - The FEMA trains go through underground tunnels under the Bering Strait to camps in the Russian Gulag
Important (free) books exposing NWO: "The New Underworld Order" & "The European Union" by Christopher Story
6. POSITIVE TIMELINE & 3RD ANTICHRIST - Of course we are on the Positive Timeline. Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness. That is why the 3rd Antechrist is so transparent and we can see the phenomenon. Napoleon the 2nd Antichrist according to Nostradamus was a great Reformer as is Putin, at the surface level.
7. ANTICHRIST = ANTECHRIST? This is the issue, correct? Is Putin a predeccesor to the Golden Age, or a Great Deceiver? Well, you can diss the great show you incarnated for or watch this show too. It's a free will Univers. Just pointing out your options on a bright day in Vancouver, BC
8. Remember, the guy that Putin IS handling - Obama - was thought in Nov. 2008 by many to be a predecessor to the Golden Age and now shown to be the Great Deceiver. What makes you think Putin is any different. Geopolitics is all Jesuit Kabuki Theatre
9. One of the world's greatest educators was Socrates who asked questions and taught in the Socratic Method.
Alfred Lambremont Webre For those minds who want Soul-Utions and knowledge we are on a positive timeline, plus the science behind it, read the 27 page paper here POSITIVE FUTURE
10. FROM A FRIEND: "I don't think he [Putin] is. He is using everything and every opportunity to realize his own concept of the outcome he wants and its a strong Russia without all the genocidal toxins for the rest of the world. Russia already had Chernobyl and that has had a big effect on the economy of Russia by shortening people's lives by about 10 years.
"Putin did not like communism and he is a reformer according to Kruschev's son who really supports him and praises his reforms because he said Kruschev tried to make reforms but the Soviet bolshevik indoctrination was too fresh and too strong to overcome.
"Putin is different and he is definitely multi-generational intel. I have not seen any mistakes so far. However I do not believe he is foolproof and in the next 10 years we will see what emerges. The Jesuit babble is going to be all around him to confuse the public. Put Putin next to Obama and I will eat a Russian ice cream cone before I eat an American oreo cookie with all the poisons I have seen it emit already.
"Obama is handled by the intel agencies and every one of them is headed by a Catholic Jesuit trained operative. Even Panetta had parents who were immigrants from Calabria in Italy - the heal or toe of the boot - and that region was part of the Hapsburg empire so Panetta has a Hapsburg tie as well. His specialty in Congress and after has been "oceans" and "food and starvation". HAH!!! Sounds pretty Jesuit to me."
deeper meaning?] - "Hello Mr. Lambremont Webre. "In 1994 Boris Yeltsin
gave 30 million citizens free land.
In 1999, 35 million citizens supplies 54% of the nations food in 110 growing day. In
1996, Putin signed into law that the people will no longer need to claim
their land, will not be taxed and can keep their land and pass it on to
their kin. In 1996, Putin signed into law that each child will get a chapter
of Book 8 of The Ringing Cedar Series, information of the Ancient Vedic
Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness
A key discovery promulgated in this paper is that (1) a critical mass of humanity is (2) co-creating a positive future, through conscious acknowledgement that (3) we are synergistically traveling along a positive timeline (4) in Unity consciousness.
The Positive Future equation has supplanted and overcome an outdated Matrix Elite formula that is no longer effective:
The Positive Future equation is:
In 1999, 35 million citizens supplies 54% of the nations food in 110 growing day. In
1996, Putin signed into law that the people will no longer need to claim
their land, will not be taxed and can keep their land and pass it on to
their kin. In 1996, Putin signed into law that each child will get a chapter
of Book 8 of The Ringing Cedar Series, information of the Ancient Vedic
Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness
A key discovery promulgated in this paper is that (1) a critical mass of humanity is (2) co-creating a positive future, through conscious acknowledgement that (3) we are synergistically traveling along a positive timeline (4) in Unity consciousness.
The Positive Future equation has supplanted and overcome an outdated Matrix Elite formula that is no longer effective:
Problem + Reaction = Solution
Positive Future equationThe Positive Future equation is:
Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness
The Positive Future equation suggests that in the synergy between the
Positive Timeline and Unity consciousness, a critical mass of humanity
is collectively and individually activated for some or more of these
suggested actions and policies for a positive future, and
synchronistically resources and actors are brought together in
multi-dimensional universe processes to manifest a desirable
Seven Steps to Transform the Global Financial "Crisis"
by Alfred Lambremont Webre
VIDEO - Alfred Webre: Positive Timeline, BRICS, Money, Putin & the Omniverse - TRUTH
By Alfred Lambremont Webre