Much has happened in the last few weeks. You know that our server was hacked and we have lost all our archives. Zapper has been working around the clock trying to make sure that the "gremlin" (Z's name for hackers) was no longer on the server and no longer could exploit some of the "flaws" in the Apache server we have used for years. We use Apache because it is supposed to be the best and can not be hacked. We found out different last month when we discovered we'd been hacked.
Yes we lost the all of the archives. The archives go all the way back to 1998 when RMN made the transition from being a print magazine to a web news site.

I fear that whoever hacked the server also hacked my personal computer, an iMac which is supposed to prevent hackers, viruses and all the other stuff that crashes Windows PCs.
I don't even want to consider the thought that whoever hacked our server and screwed with my iMac could have erased my external hard drives.
We need extra money this month because our ad revenue has dropped to almost nothing. hobie and Susoni devote a major part of their lives to RMN. The ad revenue is down to about a fifth of what we had been receiving. With everything happening so quickly... and in the middle of my move... I haven't had the time or ability to put things up on ebay. As soon as my move is finished, I will start selling on ebay and that will fill in those rough spots when the ad revenue is down.
RMN needs your help more than ever this month. If you can only give a dollar, please do so. If the million plus readers who read Rumor Mill News each month would give a dollar, we would never have to ask for money again. Sadly, only 100 readers support RMN each month and it's always the same wonderful group.
I hope that all our readers will realize that without your help, one of the oldest independent websites will no longer be around.
One last thing that I want to talk about is the Intrinity pendant.
<a href = "">The Intrinity</a>
I was given two of the pendants. The small one and the large one. I have been wearing one or both since the worst of things started. When I discovered that all our archives were lost I did not fall into depression. In fact, emotionally it didn't cause a ripple. I felt that somehow all would be fine and it would give us a chance for a new beginning.
Each of the pendants is made by the man who designed it. The Intrinity is based on sacred geometry and was inspired by the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean. I know that there is some kind of positive power in the Intrinity. Not only have I been able to keep my center during the most difficult time in my recent life, but my stamina, my health and my positivity have all increased.
If you can help RMN and the RMN admin get back on our feet, everyone will appreciate it and be helped by the incredible information RMN offers.
Thank you so much for all your help. Please check out Intrinity's special offer for RMN readers.
For those who don't want to use a credit card, here is the P.O. box information.
P.O. Box 95
Ashtabula, OH 44005;read=982