The Veterans Today / RT / PressTV Disinformation Conglomerate (Part 3 – Gordon Duff’s “Adamus Group”)
While I await information to be used in a coming article about the
circle of fraudsters who promote the Leo Wanta nonsense, I thought I’d
go ahead and address Gordon Duff’s supposed company, the “Adamus Group.”
When I first started looking into Adamus, it appeared to be entirely
imaginary. I could find no indications of its existence except for a few
online items which Duff himself had posted. And the only concrete
Adamus project of which I could find mention was a blimp proposal in
Africa. So to begin our journey through Adamus, let’s start there…
Full of Hot Air: Gordon Duff and his Blimps
In a 4 September 2012 Veterans Today article titled Africa: Adamus To Begin Skyship Survey of Wildlife/Climate Change, Duff makes the following claims…

Setting aside, for the moment, what the real agenda might be for putting a military surveillance airship over Africa, have a look at the video attached to the article. To create it, Duff appears to have purloined an old promotional video from Science & Technology International (STI), a Honolulu-based defense contractor that operated airships prior to May 6, 2004 (when it was bought-out by BAE Systems), and injected an old CNN video into the middle of it. In the news crawler at the bottom of the CNN video, a reference is made to Typhoon Etau striking Japan, and that happened in 2003. So both source videos are quite dated.
Despite the fact that Adamus had nothing to do with either video, Duff slapped them together and titled the resulting video “Adamus Skyship Security” to create the impression that Adamus was involved. But I’ve found no evidence that Adamus ever had a formal contractual relationship with STI. Therefore, Gordon Duff’s purpose in creating and posting this video seems to be to impress his readers and make it look like Adamus was/is actually active in the airship industry.
I also came across another questionable airship video of his here…

…For this video, Duff purloined a news report from Orlando’s WKMG Local 6 and simply attached a crude Adamus title screen to the beginning…

…thus creating the impression that Adamus was involved with what was going on in the video. They were not.
The Cloud Lab airship shown in the news report was part of a BBC2 TV project titled Operation Cloud Lab: Secrets of the Skies. BBC contracted with an airship company called Skyship Services to provide the blimp, but Adamus had no involvement in the project. I confirmed this by querying the BBC directly. This was their response…
>>> Thank you for being so patient while we looked into this query for you.
We have taken it back to the production crew for a little more information on this, which is why it has taken a little longer to come back to you. They have supplied the following information:
“It is true that Julian Benscher’s company (not Adamus) hired us a Skyship 600 for the purposes of filming a 2 part BBC Two series called Operation Cloud Lab”. <<<
The “not Adamus” in parentheses were their words, not mine. So with this video, Duff is taking credit for the work of others.
Setting aside the misleading videos, I decided to look deeper into Duff and Adamus’ supposed “airships for Africa” endeavor, so I contacted one of the airship companies involved and enquired about it. To my surprise, I received a prompt call from a highly placed individual within the company who confirmed that he was familiar with Duff and held him in “reasonable regard.” He explained that according to his knowledge of Adamus, they had acquired an entity on the UK stock exchange and had changed its name, and that they were funded by a Middle Eastern group. He also stated that the airship project hasn’t gotten off the ground because the Adamus principals haven’t yet put together the right package of funding and contracts to operate in Africa. The contact’s personal perspective on Duff was that “his heart is in the right place.” [Actually, I agree that Duff's heart is in the right place -- to the same degree that the UN's heart is in the right place.
It was after talking to this source that I upgraded my view on Adamus: I no longer saw it as an entirely imaginary company, but as a group of guys who were attempting to get a company going. As for how a bunch of cowboys trying (and so far, failing) to put together a blimp deal in Africa can be characterized as “one of the world’s largest energy technology firms,” or as this…

…you’ll have to ask Gordon Bluff… err… Duff. After all, why would Adamus be trying to put a conventionally fueled, manned blimp over Africa if it had access to all those “after next-gen” technologies? An automated / remotely piloted blimp or anti-gravity craft powered by a fusion reactor could stay aloft indefinitely. Why doesn’t Adamus field something like that? Perhaps because they’re full of sh*t.
This being said, let’s now turn our attention to a new airship article Duff put out last week: Secret Surveillance Platform Offered for Ebola Outbreak. To show how far the truth is stretched in this article, I’ll go step by step…
The article begins by showing this photo…

…of a purported Adamus Skyship.
But if you enlarge the photo, you’ll see that it says “” on it…

…and is one of Skyship Services’ web addresses, so this is actually a Skyship Services airship. This means it cannot possibly be an Adamus skyship, because as of last week, Adamus still hasn’t purchased or leased any airships from them. I confirmed this with my airship industry contact. So with this photo, Duff is trying to impress others using someone else’s property.
Moving on to the following paragraph, Duff again makes a misleading claim…

…by implying that Adamus already operates blimps in conjunction with Skyship Services. They do not.
The article then goes on to show another purloined video — this time from the BBC…

…Duff titles the video, “Skyship Services and Adamus Corporation ‘Cloud Lab,'” but as I’ve already mentioned, Adamus had nothing to do with the Cloud Lab project. So with this video, Duff is trying to impress others using someone else’s project.
From there, Duff goes on to add yet another credential to his already lengthy and questionable resume…

…So now he is a specialist on African cultural issues too.
His embellishments conclude with a word he inserts into a quotation…

…Doubting that Adamus had any space-based assets, I queried my airship industry contact on whether he knew if Adamus owned or leased any satellites. In response, I was told that Benscher never actually mentioned “Adamus” satellites; he had simply stated that his airships had the capability of uplinking to satellites. So in this section, Duff misquoted someone to create the impression that Adamus has capabilities they do not, in fact, seem to possess.
Surveillance Airships over Africa: What’s the Real Reason?
Looking beyond Gordon Duff’s amazing capacity to exaggerate, fabricate, and self-promote, one wonders about Adamus’ real motives in trying to put military surveillance airships over Africa. They first tried to bring in the airships under the pretext of environmental monitoring, but now that the engineered ebola crisis has come along, they’ve dropped that like a hot potato and latched onto a humanitarian pretext instead. The one thing that hasn’t changed about the African airship proposal is the dual-use nature of the airships themselves: once the sensors have been uplinked to satellites, anyone who pays can use the feed for purposes both civilian and military.
A clue to the airship’s true purpose can be found in this 25 September 2013 post on Ideal Group Africa’s Facebook page…

…As you can see, it talks about “safety and security operations” and about the airship being “a valuable asset in the fight against crime.”
Seeing this brings to mind the Hunger Games and the airships that patrolled over the re-wilded restricted zones in the movie…

The whole airship proposal reeks of the UN and Agenda 21. And given that Gordon Duff’s “expansive” bio brags of experience in defense contracting, government security consulting, and counterinsurgency, it’s hard to imagine him not selling surveillance data to globalist military interests. The advanced sensor capabilities and long mission durations of the airships would be a great complement to the growing Pentagon drone and ground forces in Africa (which also are using the ebola situation to expand their presence).
After looking through all this, my personal take on Adamus is that it’s 95% bluff and bluster, 5% negotiations over African blimp contracts, and 0% black budget / UFO / deep intelligence. So any tales of “White Hat” intrigues, alien species, secret space programs, etc. coming out of Duff and his Veteran’s Today cohorts are profoundly dubious in my view. But I’ll go deeper into this in the next entry.
Till next time, much love…
Full of Hot Air: Gordon Duff and his Blimps
In a 4 September 2012 Veterans Today article titled Africa: Adamus To Begin Skyship Survey of Wildlife/Climate Change, Duff makes the following claims…

Setting aside, for the moment, what the real agenda might be for putting a military surveillance airship over Africa, have a look at the video attached to the article. To create it, Duff appears to have purloined an old promotional video from Science & Technology International (STI), a Honolulu-based defense contractor that operated airships prior to May 6, 2004 (when it was bought-out by BAE Systems), and injected an old CNN video into the middle of it. In the news crawler at the bottom of the CNN video, a reference is made to Typhoon Etau striking Japan, and that happened in 2003. So both source videos are quite dated.
Despite the fact that Adamus had nothing to do with either video, Duff slapped them together and titled the resulting video “Adamus Skyship Security” to create the impression that Adamus was involved. But I’ve found no evidence that Adamus ever had a formal contractual relationship with STI. Therefore, Gordon Duff’s purpose in creating and posting this video seems to be to impress his readers and make it look like Adamus was/is actually active in the airship industry.
I also came across another questionable airship video of his here…

…For this video, Duff purloined a news report from Orlando’s WKMG Local 6 and simply attached a crude Adamus title screen to the beginning…

…thus creating the impression that Adamus was involved with what was going on in the video. They were not.
The Cloud Lab airship shown in the news report was part of a BBC2 TV project titled Operation Cloud Lab: Secrets of the Skies. BBC contracted with an airship company called Skyship Services to provide the blimp, but Adamus had no involvement in the project. I confirmed this by querying the BBC directly. This was their response…
>>> Thank you for being so patient while we looked into this query for you.
We have taken it back to the production crew for a little more information on this, which is why it has taken a little longer to come back to you. They have supplied the following information:
“It is true that Julian Benscher’s company (not Adamus) hired us a Skyship 600 for the purposes of filming a 2 part BBC Two series called Operation Cloud Lab”. <<<
The “not Adamus” in parentheses were their words, not mine. So with this video, Duff is taking credit for the work of others.
Setting aside the misleading videos, I decided to look deeper into Duff and Adamus’ supposed “airships for Africa” endeavor, so I contacted one of the airship companies involved and enquired about it. To my surprise, I received a prompt call from a highly placed individual within the company who confirmed that he was familiar with Duff and held him in “reasonable regard.” He explained that according to his knowledge of Adamus, they had acquired an entity on the UK stock exchange and had changed its name, and that they were funded by a Middle Eastern group. He also stated that the airship project hasn’t gotten off the ground because the Adamus principals haven’t yet put together the right package of funding and contracts to operate in Africa. The contact’s personal perspective on Duff was that “his heart is in the right place.” [Actually, I agree that Duff's heart is in the right place -- to the same degree that the UN's heart is in the right place.

It was after talking to this source that I upgraded my view on Adamus: I no longer saw it as an entirely imaginary company, but as a group of guys who were attempting to get a company going. As for how a bunch of cowboys trying (and so far, failing) to put together a blimp deal in Africa can be characterized as “one of the world’s largest energy technology firms,” or as this…

…you’ll have to ask Gordon Bluff… err… Duff. After all, why would Adamus be trying to put a conventionally fueled, manned blimp over Africa if it had access to all those “after next-gen” technologies? An automated / remotely piloted blimp or anti-gravity craft powered by a fusion reactor could stay aloft indefinitely. Why doesn’t Adamus field something like that? Perhaps because they’re full of sh*t.
This being said, let’s now turn our attention to a new airship article Duff put out last week: Secret Surveillance Platform Offered for Ebola Outbreak. To show how far the truth is stretched in this article, I’ll go step by step…
The article begins by showing this photo…

…of a purported Adamus Skyship.
But if you enlarge the photo, you’ll see that it says “” on it…

…and is one of Skyship Services’ web addresses, so this is actually a Skyship Services airship. This means it cannot possibly be an Adamus skyship, because as of last week, Adamus still hasn’t purchased or leased any airships from them. I confirmed this with my airship industry contact. So with this photo, Duff is trying to impress others using someone else’s property.
Moving on to the following paragraph, Duff again makes a misleading claim…

…by implying that Adamus already operates blimps in conjunction with Skyship Services. They do not.
The article then goes on to show another purloined video — this time from the BBC…

…Duff titles the video, “Skyship Services and Adamus Corporation ‘Cloud Lab,'” but as I’ve already mentioned, Adamus had nothing to do with the Cloud Lab project. So with this video, Duff is trying to impress others using someone else’s project.
From there, Duff goes on to add yet another credential to his already lengthy and questionable resume…

…So now he is a specialist on African cultural issues too.
His embellishments conclude with a word he inserts into a quotation…

…Doubting that Adamus had any space-based assets, I queried my airship industry contact on whether he knew if Adamus owned or leased any satellites. In response, I was told that Benscher never actually mentioned “Adamus” satellites; he had simply stated that his airships had the capability of uplinking to satellites. So in this section, Duff misquoted someone to create the impression that Adamus has capabilities they do not, in fact, seem to possess.
Surveillance Airships over Africa: What’s the Real Reason?
Looking beyond Gordon Duff’s amazing capacity to exaggerate, fabricate, and self-promote, one wonders about Adamus’ real motives in trying to put military surveillance airships over Africa. They first tried to bring in the airships under the pretext of environmental monitoring, but now that the engineered ebola crisis has come along, they’ve dropped that like a hot potato and latched onto a humanitarian pretext instead. The one thing that hasn’t changed about the African airship proposal is the dual-use nature of the airships themselves: once the sensors have been uplinked to satellites, anyone who pays can use the feed for purposes both civilian and military.
A clue to the airship’s true purpose can be found in this 25 September 2013 post on Ideal Group Africa’s Facebook page…

…As you can see, it talks about “safety and security operations” and about the airship being “a valuable asset in the fight against crime.”
Seeing this brings to mind the Hunger Games and the airships that patrolled over the re-wilded restricted zones in the movie…

The whole airship proposal reeks of the UN and Agenda 21. And given that Gordon Duff’s “expansive” bio brags of experience in defense contracting, government security consulting, and counterinsurgency, it’s hard to imagine him not selling surveillance data to globalist military interests. The advanced sensor capabilities and long mission durations of the airships would be a great complement to the growing Pentagon drone and ground forces in Africa (which also are using the ebola situation to expand their presence).
After looking through all this, my personal take on Adamus is that it’s 95% bluff and bluster, 5% negotiations over African blimp contracts, and 0% black budget / UFO / deep intelligence. So any tales of “White Hat” intrigues, alien species, secret space programs, etc. coming out of Duff and his Veteran’s Today cohorts are profoundly dubious in my view. But I’ll go deeper into this in the next entry.
Till next time, much love…