Cosmic Perspective on the Defeat of the Cabal
by David Wilcock
October 27, 2014, 12:44 am

After a much-needed ten-week sabbatical, here we are -- with a message of hope, positivity and a future far greater than our wildest expectations.
In spite of the headlines we are now seeing, is it possible that we are witnessing the fulfillment of a vast, cosmic plan -- with a remarkably positive outcome?
Hollywood movies are exposing the Cabal like never before -- suggesting a highly positive change is coming. Strap in and prepare for takeoff!
[PLEASE NOTE: You can post excerpts on your site providing you give a workable link. Please do not "mirror" the entire piece.
Sidebar "pullquotes" will continue to be added until Monday night, so the first 24 hours will involve slight edits to improve the overall look -- but that's all.]

That's a polite way of saying it.
More bluntly, it seems like everything and everyone is going nuts!
Is this it? Is the sky falling? Are we all going to die? Should we be falling on our knees and crying for our mothers?
Is some nasty ebola virus going to rudely eat our flesh before the worms get their chance in another fifty or hundred years?