The white hats control the weather, now it is time to control the rest
As this article goes to press in Tokyo, Japan, Monday, October 6th,
2014, the night skies above are clear, following a sunny day of idyllic
mild autumn weather. The problem was the Japanese meteorological agency
(JMA) and all the corporate news outlets were saying Tokyo was supposed
to be hit by a monster typhoon Phanfone today. Instead, all there was
was some mildly heavy rain overnight with little or no wind. More
remarkably, the JMA satellite imagery showed what appeared to be a wedge
cutting the typhoon in half before it hit Tokyo.
Do you ever get that feeling of Déjà vu? Do you ever get that feeling of Déjà vu? This is not the first time a monster typhoon has vanished just before hitting Tokyo. On July 8th of this year super typhoon Neoguri was also supposed to devastate Tokyo but instead, as an astronaut watching from the International Space Station noted, “it was cut in half” and arrived as a moderate rainstorm.
Many other previous “super typhoons” have similarly vanished before hitting heavily populated areas in recent years.
In the US, no hurricane has landed in nearly 9 years (Sandy Hook was something else), something that is completely without precedent.
This is no coincidence. About 9 years ago, some people claiming to represent US special forces told the White Dragon Society they had seized the US weather warfare facilities from the cabal after a heavy gunfight. It seems they are now using the weather modification facilities to save lives, not take lives.
If any readers are still not aware that weather modification technology is real and has a long history, they should take note of the US/Soviet treaty of 1978 banning the use of weather modification for warfare.
Now that they have stopped weather modification terror attacks, it is time for the agency white hats to make another big move against the cabal. This time a clear target has emerged. If this target is hit with a bold military move, it will mean the end of cabal rule and freedom for the planet. A Pentagon psychological warfare expert who contacted this writer last week said the obvious target was…
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the Nazionist controlled Middle Eastern oil Monarchies. The officer, Second Lieutenant Scott Bennett of the 11th Psychological Operations Battalion, opened this Pandora’s box when he was given the job of uncovering terrorist financing. His entire story can be read here:
The gist of it is that he went through a long Kafkaesque nightmare because he took his job too seriously and actually traced the source of terrorist financing to his erstwhile employers Booz Allen Hamilton, as well as the Union Bank of Switzerland and Saudi Arabia. He soon figured out that neither the US Congress, nor the US Central Command nor any of the other people at the top of his chain of command were actually interested in cutting off terrorist financing.
Bennett, having been forced to watch movies of Americans being tortured to death by the “Al-Qaeda” (now ISIS) terrorists he was supposed to be fighting, joins the long list of military and ex-military who realize they have been conned into fighting for criminals.
Well, now a clear military target has emerged and a comprehensive solution to the never ending “war on terror” is available. As the cabal puppet leaders like US President Barack Hussein Obama say, an alliance must be built to attack ISIS. However, forensic analysis by the UK’s MI6 and other intelligence make it clear ISIS is run out of Jerusalem and financed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
So, if Nato is serious about ending fundamentalist pseudo-Islamic terror, they have a clear target. All they need to do is support the 1.5 million man strong secular Islamist Turkish army in a move on Saudi Arabia and the other gulf puppet monarchies. Putting these countries back under the historical Turkish umbrella will immediately cut off all flow of Middle Eastern petro-dollars to Nazi/Zionist controlled Western mega-banks. The flow of Middle Eastern oil money could then be redirected via the white hats for peaceful purposes.
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