Tuesday, September 30, 2014



There’s lots to update everyone on; October is going to be a big month for the FTW!

Covered in this update:

-FTW is expanding and launching three new projects this month

-FTW is moving to set up our headquarters in Morocco

-Updates to FTW Business Plan coming soon

-Work continues on the QEG Project

FTW is Expanding our Operations and Launching 3 new projects!

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 2 years since we started this journey together with all of you! What began as a book of ideas written by 300 people from 37 countries has grown into a beautiful people’s joint venture with over 200,000 followers around the world. FTW is a humanitarian projects organization whose goal is to implement planet changing projects that are for the people and by the people. We have been holding plans for over 60 projects for the last year, and now it’s time to take some off the shelf! With the successful launch of our pilot project the QEG, we are now ready to expand our operations and launch three new projects to run alongside the continuing work on the QEG project. Here’s a sneak peak at the projects we will be launching in October:
  • Project Hope Rocks. Tesla Lives!
    FTW teams up with World Renown Artist Rock Demarco and Tesla Energy Solutions LLC who commissioned a painting of Nikola Tesla to raise funds for The Peoples free energy development and art therapy for children.
  • Project Water Circ. The People are Taking their Water Back!
    A project that addresses the water privatization problems and aims to use a simple solution that will save homeowners money and 15,000 gallons of wasted water per household per year. It is the peoples way to take our water back from the 600 billion dollar water industries and give it to the people in this world that need it most.
  • Project Kryptos. The People are Taking their Privacy Back!
    With the headlines over the last couple of years, it’s become common knowledge that our every move is being tracked and monitored. This project provides a solution that uses a military grade 256 bit AES to encrypt voice communications through your cell phone to give people back a stellar form of privacy that we’ve lost. It’s affordable, easy to use, and even the agencies can’t crack the code.

FTW is Moving to Morocco to Set Up Our Headquarters!

In October, HopeGirl is moving to Morocco to set up our FTW headquarters!  Many businesses are leaving the US because of increasing regulations and expenses that make it nearly impossible to thrive. Considering the types of projects that FTW intends to implement around the globe, it is imperative that we do business in an environment that allows us more freedom and mobility in our business transactions.  We’ve compared the different business climates in several locations and have chosen to set up our headquarters in Morocco for number of practical reasons.

-Morocco’s Free Trade Agreements and Tax Free Zones provide an easier flow of business

-Morocco’s strategically positioned to all of Europe and is considered the gateway to a growing economy in all of Africa.

-The cost of living is about 1/5 of the cost of living in the US

-Morocco encourages foreign investment and entrepreneurs to set up business in their country and provides several ways of easier access to do so

-The climate and weather are amazing!
FTW will be located in the Tangier/Tetouan area of Morocco on the Mediterranean Sea.  We will be in a beautiful developed area with plenty of sunshine, local markets, transportation, hotels, office space and great internet.

Morocco Camel
Picture taken in one of the coastal towns in the area of Morocco soon to be the location of FTW Headquarters.

Updates to FTW Business Plan to Reflect our Expansion and Changes- Coming Soon!

About 2 years ago FTW put out a New Paradigm Business Model  followed by a Business Plan that showed our financial plans for our organization start up. Included in this plan was our profit model that launches large projects that generate revenue which can  then be used to fund smaller projects that are intended to help heal the planet.  We had a Start-Up Capital budget intended to fund not just the admin operations, but also the launch of three projects intended to generate revenue and make the organization abundant and sustainable. We spent a year pitching our philanthropic business plan to numerous investors. 98% of all business plans are rejected by investors, and ours was no different. So we took a different approach, we crowdfunded our first project with great success.  When the Venture Capitalists said no, the People supported us. We now intend to continue to find creative ways to raise the start up capital needed to fully fund our organization and feel excited about the new opportunities that have recently presented themselves to us.

With the expansion of FTW now upon us, we will be updating our business plan to reflect the many changes that have occurred in the last two years.  Please look for this as soon as we can get it out! As a quick preview, while some of the details are now more defined, the basis of our plan remains the same. The three projects FTW will be launching in October will generate the revenue our organization needs to fund other projects to heal the planet while providing an immediate benefit to individuals who participate.

Continue Reading at .... http://hopegirl2012.wordpress.com/2014/09/29/ftw-big-update-we-are-growing-and-moving-forward/