China asked to stop financing US based Nazionist organized crime syndicate
Last week the White Dragon Society asked the communist government of
China to stop financing the Nazionist crime syndicate that has
illegally taken over the Republic of the United States of America. The
request was sent via a senior Japan based Chinese agent. It was
explained that rolling over the rogue US corporate governments’ debts
after its September 30th fiscal year end would finance a regime that
plans to invade and partition China. It would also keep propping up a
group of gangsters that is financing terror and mass murder around the
world. The Chinese were also prolonging the suffering of the American
people by keeping them addicted to snowballing foreign debt,Last week the White Dragon Society asked the communist government of China to stop financing the Nazionist crime syndicate that has illegally taken over the Republic of the United States of America. The request was sent via a senior Japan based Chinese agent. It was explained that rolling over the rogue US corporate governments’ debts after its September 30th fiscal year end would finance a regime that plans to invade and partition China. It would also keep propping up a group of gangsters that is financing terror and mass murder around the world. The Chinese were also prolonging the suffering of the American people by keeping them addicted to snowballing foreign debt, he was told. The WDS told the agent said that if the Chinese government failed to act on this advice it would show they actually worked for the Nazionists. If that turns out to be the case, then China’s 500 million “wandering people” (流民) would have to be mobilized to force the Chinese government to act, the agent replied. A detailed method for doing this was outlined.
Meanwhile, NATO has set up a 12 mile long steel fence to guard 150 VIPS representing 67 countries (NATO only has 28 countries in it) for a big military love fest in Wales, England this week. As the event gears up, US rogue regime “politicians” and military lobbyists are using their manufactured Ukrainian crisis as an excuse to call for European countries to increase their “defense” (i.e. war) budgets. In other words, they are acting exactly according to the Bush Sr. script (as revealed by MI5) calling for a fake new cold war as an excuse to militarize Europe, the US, Russia and Japan in preparation for war against China.
Also, repeated warnings of a new “ISIS” terror event in the US and/or the UK are being trumpeted in the Nazionist propaganda media. This indicates the defense contractors congregating around the NATO meeting are planning to stage some sort of big false flag event in order to get public support for more military spending, MI5 sources say.
There are also growing indications an attempt will be made to take out the US power grid or parts of this power grid. This would be aimed at shutting down the US financial and Google/NSA computer networks, both MI5 and gnostic illuminati sources say.
CIA sources in Europe, meanwhile, are saying “a lot of people are going to be dead,” in the US as part of a big push to destroy the network of criminals responsible for 911, the destruction of Iraq, the spread of bio-weapons and other genocidal crimes.
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