QEG Project Updates and Transformations (short technical update from James below)
We are excited to tell you about the great progress we have been making with the QEG project! First, we need to express that WHAT WE ARE TRYING TO DO IS NOT EASY! Between the technical work that James is doing, the intense travel schedule, and providing the most detailed and transparent updates to everyone, we’ve certainly met our share of challenges along the way. But this journey is one that we have chosen to do for the benefit of humanity, and we are thrilled and honored to serve in this respect. There is nothing that will stop us from moving forward in positive love for this project and the bright future ahead that it will create for all of us!
Now, engineers all over the world have a starting point for experimenting with this particular way of harnessing energy. This is the stuff “they” don’t want you to know about. Now its out there, and engineers all over the planet are waking up to it, unlearning their incomplete system education, and rekindling their passion on the quest for discovering the free energy that will change just about everything on this planet. And many are doing so now WITHOUT FEAR.
We don’t own this. We are not selling anything. You don’t need to get “our permission” to develop a QEG or a business around it in your community. This means that anyone that has the engineering and business skills can choose to use what we have given away to help develop it in whatever way they would like and can use this as a way to create jobs and sustainability locally for their communities.
For full article go to: http://hopegirl2012.wordpress.com/2014/08/27/qeg-project-updates-and-transformations/
Changes to Campaign Donations:
We are thrilled to announce that we have received the funding we need for the completion of phase 3 of the QEG! In our stages of development there were additional expenses that went above and beyond what we originally put in our phase 3 budget. These included more testing equipment and experimental parts that are extremely expensive. We’ve received a generous donation from a thoroughly informed private funder who recognizes the potential of what we are working on here and has supplied us with these parts and equipment.
This project was only made possible by the donations of over 1,000 loving, generous, everyday people who believed in giving us a chance to perform this great service to humanity. We never could have done this without all of you! We still have ongoing expenses and need help to keep going. Every contribution no matter how big or small helps us to maintain the work that we do and allows us to report our results to the people.
Technical update from James Robitaille in Pennsylvania:
“After our latest testing we’ve discovered that conditioning the core requires having a resonant antenna tunable to a range of frequencies centered on 7 MHz, not 1.3 MHz as originally informed by our teacher (WITTS). There is no reference for this procedure so we are still diligently working on it as fast as we can.
We are excited to tell you about the great progress we have been making with the QEG project! First, we need to express that WHAT WE ARE TRYING TO DO IS NOT EASY! Between the technical work that James is doing, the intense travel schedule, and providing the most detailed and transparent updates to everyone, we’ve certainly met our share of challenges along the way. But this journey is one that we have chosen to do for the benefit of humanity, and we are thrilled and honored to serve in this respect. There is nothing that will stop us from moving forward in positive love for this project and the bright future ahead that it will create for all of us!
Now, engineers all over the world have a starting point for experimenting with this particular way of harnessing energy. This is the stuff “they” don’t want you to know about. Now its out there, and engineers all over the planet are waking up to it, unlearning their incomplete system education, and rekindling their passion on the quest for discovering the free energy that will change just about everything on this planet. And many are doing so now WITHOUT FEAR.
We don’t own this. We are not selling anything. You don’t need to get “our permission” to develop a QEG or a business around it in your community. This means that anyone that has the engineering and business skills can choose to use what we have given away to help develop it in whatever way they would like and can use this as a way to create jobs and sustainability locally for their communities.
For full article go to: http://hopegirl2012.wordpress.com/2014/08/27/qeg-project-updates-and-transformations/
Changes to Campaign Donations:
We are thrilled to announce that we have received the funding we need for the completion of phase 3 of the QEG! In our stages of development there were additional expenses that went above and beyond what we originally put in our phase 3 budget. These included more testing equipment and experimental parts that are extremely expensive. We’ve received a generous donation from a thoroughly informed private funder who recognizes the potential of what we are working on here and has supplied us with these parts and equipment.
This project was only made possible by the donations of over 1,000 loving, generous, everyday people who believed in giving us a chance to perform this great service to humanity. We never could have done this without all of you! We still have ongoing expenses and need help to keep going. Every contribution no matter how big or small helps us to maintain the work that we do and allows us to report our results to the people.
Technical update from James Robitaille in Pennsylvania:
“After our latest testing we’ve discovered that conditioning the core requires having a resonant antenna tunable to a range of frequencies centered on 7 MHz, not 1.3 MHz as originally informed by our teacher (WITTS). There is no reference for this procedure so we are still diligently working on it as fast as we can.
I had to redesign the initial antenna system which will be installed on my property in about a week. We are currently rebuilding the antenna based on new data gathered from using the first one since 6th of August, and from experimentation. The goal is to increase the atmospheric energy flow to the point where we can meter it reliably, and determine an estimated time to completion based on those readings. We will release that information, along with more technical details, as soon as we know.
All my appreciation and respect,
-James Robitaille"
Please be sure to read our last campaign update so that you can be fully informed on the full technical story as the above update from James is just a snapshot of the latest information.

Four months ago, FTW boldly went where many have tried to go
before. We embarked on a mission to create a free energy device that will be
distributed directly to the people. We call this device the Quantum Energy
Generator, or QEG. I am now here, living on the property where the QEG is being
assembled, observing its progress. It is almost complete, and we will soon be
flipping the switch that can change the world.
The QEG is a crisp, clean, and modern device based on Tesla's public domain design and built with incredible engineering precision (for example it has over 300 precision cut steel plates each at 18 ½ 1,000ths of an inch thick). The QEG is portable, the size of an average home generator, can easily hook up to your existing electrical system, and weighs approximately 120 pounds. The QEG can power your entire home, several of them can power anything from a skyscraper to a cruise ship, and you will never have to pay an electric bill ever again.
Let's take this a step further and think about the millions of people in our world that live without a source of power. No refrigeration to store food. No power to purify their drinking water. No power to give them access to the internet or communications with the rest of the world. No power to create and store medicines that could save their lives. How could the QEG change their lives?
So far we have created contracted agreements for local grassroots distribution to individuals and communities in the following countries: China, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Canada, United Kingdom, Oman, Lebanon, United States and other countries now coming on board. We have developed critical relationships with members of the Breakthrough Energy Movement conference, who have said "don't worry, if for some reason it doesn't work, we will come over there and help you make it work." Our plans are to travel to these local communities, teach them how to build these devices for themselves in small local workshops with teams of their own engineers, and open source the plans and complete instruction manual. Of course it should only be a skilled professional engineer that should build these devices. After all, this does sort of fit into the category of "rocket science."
At this stage we are trying to raise $20,000 to finish this monumental project and bridge the GAP to its grassroots cottage industry distribution. To do this we want to build 2 more QEG's to present to some of the poorest communities who can receive the highest benefits a device like this can offer. Below is a breakdown of our needs:
$14,000 = all inclusive cost of building 2 QEG's at $7,000 each.
$6,000 = for additional equipment needed: oscilloscope, drill press, arbor press, current clamp.
(the inventor used to work in a fully equipped lab for 26 years and has since left the lab to work on the QEG. This equipment is needed to replace what he no longer has access to)
We cannot do this alone, this is a breakthrough brought to the people, by the love and donations of the people.
If you have any inquiries regarding the QEG please contact us at fixtheworldproject@hotmail.com
The QEG is a crisp, clean, and modern device based on Tesla's public domain design and built with incredible engineering precision (for example it has over 300 precision cut steel plates each at 18 ½ 1,000ths of an inch thick). The QEG is portable, the size of an average home generator, can easily hook up to your existing electrical system, and weighs approximately 120 pounds. The QEG can power your entire home, several of them can power anything from a skyscraper to a cruise ship, and you will never have to pay an electric bill ever again.
Let's take this a step further and think about the millions of people in our world that live without a source of power. No refrigeration to store food. No power to purify their drinking water. No power to give them access to the internet or communications with the rest of the world. No power to create and store medicines that could save their lives. How could the QEG change their lives?
So far we have created contracted agreements for local grassroots distribution to individuals and communities in the following countries: China, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Canada, United Kingdom, Oman, Lebanon, United States and other countries now coming on board. We have developed critical relationships with members of the Breakthrough Energy Movement conference, who have said "don't worry, if for some reason it doesn't work, we will come over there and help you make it work." Our plans are to travel to these local communities, teach them how to build these devices for themselves in small local workshops with teams of their own engineers, and open source the plans and complete instruction manual. Of course it should only be a skilled professional engineer that should build these devices. After all, this does sort of fit into the category of "rocket science."
At this stage we are trying to raise $20,000 to finish this monumental project and bridge the GAP to its grassroots cottage industry distribution. To do this we want to build 2 more QEG's to present to some of the poorest communities who can receive the highest benefits a device like this can offer. Below is a breakdown of our needs:
$14,000 = all inclusive cost of building 2 QEG's at $7,000 each.
$6,000 = for additional equipment needed: oscilloscope, drill press, arbor press, current clamp.
(the inventor used to work in a fully equipped lab for 26 years and has since left the lab to work on the QEG. This equipment is needed to replace what he no longer has access to)
We cannot do this alone, this is a breakthrough brought to the people, by the love and donations of the people.
If you have any inquiries regarding the QEG please contact us at fixtheworldproject@hotmail.com
We are making history together! Because of the commitment of The People
to bypass the usual production nightmare, set up by the powers that be
(were), we were able to build the QEG and achieve the overunity phase of
development in Morocco! What began with a conversion of 600 Watts into
the generator motor to produce approximately 2000 Watts out (see 1st overunity video here),
currently James is reporting 3000 Watts (5X), and some points 4500,
9460, 13,326, even 28,000 Watts!” (More videos to come showing these
readings, as well as “How to build a QEG” videos, which can be found on HopeGirl’s youtube channel!) You can see the Morocco QEG Test & Measurement Report here.
Here are some video links of what we are all making possible - keep watching for new ones!!):
Resonance in Pennsylvania
Resonance in Taiwan
Resonance in Morocco
Resonance in Germany
Resonance in Orlando (video coming soon!)
Initial Overunity in Morocco
Building conditions in Morocco (lack of equipment, lack of access to machine parts, tremendous delays, etc.) dictate the 3rd phase of QEG development - self-running - be achieved in an area with readily available resources. After completed, James will bring the technology back to Morocco to run the pump to get water from the well there (original intent). Self-running requires a custom-designed converter to step down the energy being created in the core which makes it usable in the application that is to be hooked up to it. We have the plans, just not able to get the parts in Morocco, and have run out of time and funds to continue here at this time. (For a complete expenditures report of previous crowdfunding please go here.)
The QEG project continues to be blessed, thanks to a very generous sponsorship offer! Our UK sponsor has agreed to buy all the parts and provide a building environment replete with equipment from one of the biggest systems development companies in the world. We will be building a 4th QEG, bring it to resonance and overunity, design the converter and reach self-running within 1 month. Below is the budget for the build:

Morocco is only one example of ending the insanity of poverty, and while the Moroccan people have no idea the village of Aouchtam is now known around the world, thanks to the Internet, they certainly understand what free energy can do for them. (Please see "What it's like trying to build a free energy generator in an underdeveloped country" , QEG development update May 10th.) For example, five thousand Chinese engineers have given their word to us that they will opensource any QEG building and improvements as they, too, can see the end of suffering for their people.
Folks, we are well on our way! Please help us ALL get there! To our knowledge this has never been done quite this way before. The end of energy tyranny is in sight and We The People are making it real! We can easily start imagining what life will be like when we are free to live off the grid: no more robbery, no more domination/control by the powers that be (were), and no more feelings of helplessness to stop the suffering on the planet.
Here are some video links of what we are all making possible - keep watching for new ones!!):
Resonance in Pennsylvania
Resonance in Taiwan
Resonance in Morocco
Resonance in Germany
Resonance in Orlando (video coming soon!)
Initial Overunity in Morocco
Building conditions in Morocco (lack of equipment, lack of access to machine parts, tremendous delays, etc.) dictate the 3rd phase of QEG development - self-running - be achieved in an area with readily available resources. After completed, James will bring the technology back to Morocco to run the pump to get water from the well there (original intent). Self-running requires a custom-designed converter to step down the energy being created in the core which makes it usable in the application that is to be hooked up to it. We have the plans, just not able to get the parts in Morocco, and have run out of time and funds to continue here at this time. (For a complete expenditures report of previous crowdfunding please go here.)
The QEG project continues to be blessed, thanks to a very generous sponsorship offer! Our UK sponsor has agreed to buy all the parts and provide a building environment replete with equipment from one of the biggest systems development companies in the world. We will be building a 4th QEG, bring it to resonance and overunity, design the converter and reach self-running within 1 month. Below is the budget for the build:

Morocco is only one example of ending the insanity of poverty, and while the Moroccan people have no idea the village of Aouchtam is now known around the world, thanks to the Internet, they certainly understand what free energy can do for them. (Please see "What it's like trying to build a free energy generator in an underdeveloped country" , QEG development update May 10th.) For example, five thousand Chinese engineers have given their word to us that they will opensource any QEG building and improvements as they, too, can see the end of suffering for their people.
Folks, we are well on our way! Please help us ALL get there! To our knowledge this has never been done quite this way before. The end of energy tyranny is in sight and We The People are making it real! We can easily start imagining what life will be like when we are free to live off the grid: no more robbery, no more domination/control by the powers that be (were), and no more feelings of helplessness to stop the suffering on the planet.