Thursday, August 7, 2014

David Wilcock Update - August 6, 2014

Russian TV Documentary on Positive Alliance Destruction of Underground Bases!

21 million Russian-speaking people watched David Wilcock and Ben Fulford expose the secret war to defeat the "New World Order" being waged by an international alliance -- including the astonishing destruction of at least 26 underground bases between August 2011 and January 2012.
Now you can see the show for yourself -- complete with accurate English subtitles. It is amazing to see so much information leaking out in a prime-time network television special!
On September 16, 2011, we published the (ahem) groundbreaking Disclosure Imminent? Two Underground NWO Bases Destroyed.
This huge investigation was more like a mini-novel than an article. It currently has 23,587 Facebook Likes and over 845,000 unique views.
The contents of this investigation are so strange that it might all seem like a big joke to many people.
It may be far more comfortable for you to look at it that way.
It has all the makings of a sci-fi movie thriller -- complete with extraterrestrials, underground cities and a vast, shadowy group holding the earth in tyranny.
Nonetheless, our investigation was taken seriously enough to be turned into a major Russian television documentary -- nearly three years later.
Now, today, you can see it for yourself -- with accurate English subtitles -- from mainstream Russian media.
In the fullness of time, information that was once thought to be "crazy" might start making a lot more sense.
The first strange event in this saga occurred on Monday night, August 22nd, 2011 -- in a southern Colorado town called Trinidad, just before midnight.
The ground shook with a 5.3 earthquake at 11:46 pm -- in a region that normally has hardly any seismic activity at all.

5.3 Earthquake in Trinidad, Colorado Unnerves Local Residents
An unusual swarm of temblors in southern Colorado accompanied the state's strongest earthquake in more than 40 years, shaking bricks and stones loose from buildings and rattling some residents....

The 5.3-magnitude earthquake hit Monday shortly before midnight, about 9 miles southwest of Trinidad.

Throughout the night and into Tuesday morning, aftershocks — several measuring at a magnitude of 3 or above — continued to unsettle residents. No injuries were reported....
[A] longtime resident said she is familiar with smaller earthquakes but has never been through one as powerful as Monday night's.

"It's piqued a lot of curiosity as to what's caused this," Mestas said....

While Colorado's quake is similar to one that occurred Tuesday afternoon in Virginia, there is nothing to indicate they were connected, Hayes [a seismologist at the U.S. Geological Survey's National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, CO] said.

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