It is time to briefly summarize the recent history of the ongoing battle for the planet earth

Essentially what we are seeing is a battle between the fascist forces who lost World War II and everybody else. The fascists, also known as the Nazis /Zionists or Nazionists are trying to establish a family controlled absolute Babylonian style world dictatorship known as the New World Order. Everybody else is trying to prevent that from happening.
It is hard to know where to draw a line and say the battle started here because as far as the Nazionists are concerned World War II never ended. It is well known now many were brought to the United States where they heavily infiltrated the intelligence apparatus. We also know much of the top Nazi leadership was part of the group of families that controlled the financial system after the war.
In case, one good time to start is 1994 because that is when the 50 year Bretton Woods mandate for the US, the UK and France to control the global financial system expired.
Looking back, 1994 was a year of great hope and optimism. The cold war had ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the United States, champion of democracy, human rights and capitalism, was the sole super-power.
However, instead of ushering in an era of world peace and prosperity, the United States acted like a violent rapist criminal who had just taken the world family hostage. First the US broke all the peace keeping rules set up after World War II to dismember Yugoslavia in order to steal its mineral resources. Then the former Soviet Union was plunged into poverty and despair as Zionist oligarchs looted its natural resources.
Behind the scenes, attempts were being made to force the families that owned the Federal Reserve Board to hand over their control of the world’s financial system to a more representative group.
This push was led by the Chinese royal families who had agreed a century earlier to finance, with their gold, a grand sociological experiment to create a world government.
There was a lawsuit brought against the families that own the Federal Reserve Board, i.e. the Bushes, the Rockefellers, the Mellons, the Morgans, the Warburgs, the Rothschilds etc. to hand back gold that was deposited with them in 1938. News reports from the time confirm that US warships did evacuate gold from Kuomintang China to keep it out of Japanese hands. The gold was traded for 60 year US government bonds and after the 60 years ended the gold was supposed to be handed back.
The Americans argued that Nixon gave to gold to communist China in the 1970’s so they were under no obligation to return it. The Fed families lost the lawsuit and were ordered to return the gold starting on September 12, 2001.
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