The Benjamin Fulford X files
Notice to readers, this is the last of a four week series of reports
on non-time sensitive issues, starting next week we will return to
coverage of the most recent world developments.As a result of getting involved with various secret societies, this writer has experienced, usually with witnesses present, a series of extraordinary events that can only be classified as X files material.
The first time strange things started to happen was in 2007 immediately after this writer issued a public challenge to the families that secretly control the world via the Federal Reserve Board.
At first I would wake up with unknown words in my mind and an irresistible urge to look them up in the dictionary. For example, one morning I woke up with the phrase “Fibonacci numbers” in my head. Upon looking it up I found out it was a set of numbers used to explain natural growth that was conceived by the medieval mathematician of that name. Fibonachi was also responsible for teaching the mathematics of usury to the group of families like the Del Bancos, the Medici and the Borgia who would eventually go on to found the Federal Reserve Board.
Another time I woke up with the phrase “post-chronometric dialudes,” in my mind. I also had to look that up. A dialude is something that has been diluted, like the salt in salt water. Shortly after that, I was invited to a gathering where people claiming to be non-humans in human form put on a performance where the reenacted putting the planet earth back together by gathering the dust from its explosion.
The message I got was that this planet had been already destroyed once and that members of an advanced civilization had put it back together for us and given us a chance to get it right this time around.
There was more to that. Shortly before being invited to meet the head of an Asian secret society, somebody anonymously sent me a Chinese translation of Haruki Murakami’s book “Kafka on the Shore.” When I gave it to the head of the Asian secret society he asked me why I was giving the book to him and I answered that it somehow felt appropriate. Later that year when I visited Canada, the customs agent started asking me what I thought about Haruki Murakami and his book “Kafka on the Shore.” When I returned to Japan I found an English copy of the book on my bookshelf. So, I read it. The gist of that novel was that reality was going to be rebooted in a way that put an end to past wrongs.
Maybe some organization went to a lot of trouble to do this but, in any case, it was definitely X files as far as I was concerned.