ALL Patriot Americans MUST know,
with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled,
fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptionshttp://www. Heneghan
ALL Patriot Americans MUST know,
with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled,
fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptionshttp://www.
Tuesday July 22, 2014
CNN Continues to Lie but Their Day is Coming
by Tom Heneghan,
International Intelligence Expert
NAZI Victoria Nuland bragged $5 BILLION of U.S. Taxpayers' money was used to
"subvert" the Ukraine government aka aiding the NAZI coup source
NAZI Svboda Party leader Oleh Tyahnybok (left), NAZIS Tyahnybok and Victoria Nuland source source
UNITED States of
America -
It can now be reported that Malaysian flight MH-17 that was shot down
by U.S. sponsored NAZI Paperclip Ukrainian Army members was actually the
missing Malaysian flight MH-370 that allegedly disappeared over the
Indian Ocean but actually landed in a hangar in the Peoples Republic of
We can now report that the Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force
currently operating on American soil has supplied clear cut evidence to
American patriot Eric Schneidermann, current New York Attorney General,
that current Assistant U.S. Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, along
with current NAZI Ukrainian Jew U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry Cohen
Kahn and former U.S. Secretary of State, NAZI Jew Hillary Rodenhurst
Clinton, were totally responsible, along with financial terrorist,
Hungarian NAZI Jew George Soros, for the illegal coup d' etat
that removed the then duly elected pro Russian Ukrainian President and
replaced him with a pro European Central Bank (ECB) derivative stooge.
At this hour there is no credit in the banking system available
everything is gone it has all been cross-collateralized to ass backwards
that are all liabilities not assets with the Bank of England and the
Deustche Bank being a counter party to each other.
In closing, it is important to remember who is the direct enemy of the American People and their Constitution.
is the NAZI German Bush Crime Family that stole the year 2000
presidential election, looted the U.S. Treasury, tried to have former
President of Irish ancestry Ronald Reagan assassinated, twice, and then
turned around and used secret CIA proprietary accounts to loot the
entire U.S. Treasury and with their 9/11 BLACK OP aka a NAZI German
Reichstag Fire shred and destroy the entire U.S. Constitution.
The 2nd American Revolution is well under way.
if you are of German origin and you believe in this NAZI crap that was
enabled by BushFRAUD illegally in the year 2000 then I have a direct
message to you:
Either you burn the neo Nazi-Zionist Old Testament and you obey the U.S. Constitution of the United States or else.
NY Fed Slams Deutsche Bank (And Its €55 Trillion In Derivatives): Accuses It Of "Significant Operational Risk"
As we live free or die, Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the year 2000 DULY ELECTED, non-inaugurated, natural born REAL President of the United States.
For anyone who needs clarification on Tom's referral to the Old Testament.
Tom is referring to NAZI Paperclip/Zionist Israel that use the Old Testament to deceive and coerce "Evangelicals" to declare Israel and Jews are the "chosen" people above the 99% of mankind and we are to support Zionist Israel, shed our blood for Zionist Israel and deplete our U.S. Treasury for Zionist Israel and instead of "Evangelicals" honoring the New Testament, Zionists deceive and coerce "Evangelicals" into placing Jews and the Old Testament before Jesus and the New Testament and support of Zionist Israel BEFORE the Supreme Law of the United States, our U.S. Constitution.
Tom has received kudos from journalists for this current briefing.
Tom is referring to NAZI Paperclip/Zionist Israel that use the Old Testament to deceive and coerce "Evangelicals" to declare Israel and Jews are the "chosen" people above the 99% of mankind and we are to support Zionist Israel, shed our blood for Zionist Israel and deplete our U.S. Treasury for Zionist Israel and instead of "Evangelicals" honoring the New Testament, Zionists deceive and coerce "Evangelicals" into placing Jews and the Old Testament before Jesus and the New Testament and support of Zionist Israel BEFORE the Supreme Law of the United States, our U.S. Constitution.
Tom has received kudos from journalists for this current briefing.