ALL Patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptionshttp://www. tomheneghanbriefings.com/
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ALL Patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptionshttp://www.
Sunday July 13, 2014
It is Still Lippo, Lippo, Lippo
by Tom Heneghan,
International Intelligence Expert
UNITED States of
America -
It can now be reported that Portuguese Bank Espirito Santo and its
holding company Espirito Santo Financial Group remain insolvent with an
inability to make payment on short term debt.
Note: Massive bank asset deleveraging will now escalate.
lack of liquidity in the financial system will continue and spawn a
worldwide financial virus that will contaminate the cross-collateralized
banking derivatives on a global scale aka derivatives about to go
Most of these bank derivatives are kept off balance sheet and parked in
offshore bank holding companies and disguised as assets when they are,
in truth, liabilities tied to life insurance premiums and credit card
At this hour the bank holding companies are broke as are the banks, in
other words, the pimp can't pay the prostitute.
Reference: Both Barclays Bank of England and the German NAZI Deutsche Bank are now counter parties to the holding companies.
This is the Jefferies Inc-PFG scenario all over again only this time on a global scale.
Message to CME Group: This time the derivatives are ass backwards.
We can now report that American patriot U.S. New York Attorney General
Eric Schneiderman has completed the review of the old Lippo Bank files
(Lippo Bank was sold to Swiss Asia in 2004).
now has evidence tying Multipolar Technology (a Lippo Bank spin off
holding company) and the late Marc Rich's Glencore Commodities to
massive NSA electronic and algorithm trading fraud on all worldwide
financial exchanges.
is all about a massive money laundry, which is used to rotate
electronically, STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds in synthetic artificial
derivatives on a nightly basis.
They call that a carousel.
closing, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has reopened the
case involving the assassination of former Clinton era White House
counsel Vince Foster.
Note: There are no statute of limitations on murder.
has connected the dots on Lippo Bank, the Bank of Israel and Glencore
Commodities and the activities of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family
Current Ambassador Leo Wanta and current Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu have been subpoenaed to testify before Schneiderman's
New York Federal Grand Jury.
is important to remember that in 1993 it was then Vice President Albert
Gore Jr., now year 2000 duly elected President, along with then French
President Francois Mitterrand, that tried to have Bush-Clinton Crime
Family Syndicate bagman Marc Rich arrested.
Finally, happy birthday to America's great ally of over 200 years, the Republic of France.
At this hour, it remains your turn!