Hi Everyone,
Today I wanted to drop in and give you a quick and summarized update on the ongoing news about the dinar revaluation process.
I also bring you a concern about false information being passed to the public at this time about the revaluation and election process in Iraq. If you have been in this investment for any period of time you should be able to see how false it is and ignore it. I only bring this up because I have gotten many questions lately on this false information. All saying it is very confusing. Well……maybe it is meant to be confusing ! Maybe that is their intent.
Today’s News
The news this week is very good and on target as anyone would expect in this point in time. The process of deciding what will be the makeup of the new Iraq government is truly underway.
The current
prime minister Nori Al-Maliki is trying desperately to hang on to his
position for a third term. Many articles have come out recently telling
us he is trying to convince other blocs that he is the only contender
for the position so they should join sides with him. Many are now
deciding to do this, however in the final analysis this will not have
any effect on the votes already given to the Citizens and National
coalitions out of the needed seats for the majority.
So how can Maliki get the majority he needs? Remember also today is June 3 and so they have only 7 days remaining until the judiciary ratifies and announces the final outcome of the election.
Parliament will then have 2 weeks to seat everyone and then the new prime minister and his party will begin the process of building the new government. I am hearing they already have all the candidates lined up for the other positions too. They will have only 30 days to complete this process. I do not see it taking longer than a couple weeks at most. All indications are now that they do intend to comply with their limitations of time on this process.
So who will most likely be the next prime minister?
Today Mr. Sistani revealed himself as the national coalition’s candidate for Prime Minister of Iraq. Will they submit him as “the candidate”? If you don’t remember this is the party supported by"the Islamic Supreme Council", and is headed by Ammar al-Hakim and al-Sadr and the "National Congress" and independent Shiite figures.
In other words these are the politicians I have been talking about for the last month as the anti Maliki group. This is the same group that began the effort back in April 2012 to seek out a no-confidence vote on Maliki,
Also today some extraordinary news was given to us. If you know anything about the election process in Iraq the winning blocs must also get together to organize and put in place some structure as to how they will all operate as one entity. They have been diligently working on these by-laws now for weeks. They are doing this since the coalition is actually a number of blocs and alliances put together.
These by-laws will be the basis for the operation of the new functional government within the workings of their own cabinet of ministers. There are some restrictions within the Iraq constitution concerning this matter but for the most part they are left to decide on their own. So the really juicy part of today’s news is they are done and finally getting ready to vote now on the by-laws. These would have to be in place prior to the 30 days window to begin piecing the government together.
National Alliance’s stand on Maliki getting a 3rd term?
I have seen countless articles on this topic this week. Basically this is what the National alliance had to say about Maliki. They reject the third term as a principle not as a person and they deny any meeting or communications with the state of law as has been published by Maliki. They have a strong stance in this regard. They do claim to have had only one meeting, which was the meeting of Hakim and al-Maliki and this meetings took place within all parameters of the current views of the National Alliance.
So what is next?
After approving the bylaws of the National Alliance, the political blocs will submit their candidates within the Alliance and all must then agreed on a single candidate. This is similar to the process of the national convention in the USA for Republican and Democratic parties to elect and make formal their candidate. This candidate then must be approved by parliament as I stated above.
Maliki knows what his future may hold
An article came out today telling us Maliki basically knows he is washed up. He is desperately now trying to save his own hide. This is demonstrated by the effort by the State Law coalition is trying to negotiate with the blocks of the National Coalition in order to get benefits. These benefits include 1)Maliki stepping down and giving up the 3rd term 2) the state law giving the Ministries of the leaders of the coalition in exchange for a commitment to support the National Coalition candidate for the new prime minister. 3) the requirement not to prosecute a list of names prosecuted after stepping down from their posts which ( Nouri al-Maliki and his son Ahmed and Adnan al-Asadi and the leaders of the Iraqi army), and not to open the files of corruption relating to a list of names that have been filed to block the National Coalition.
So how can Maliki get the majority he needs? Remember also today is June 3 and so they have only 7 days remaining until the judiciary ratifies and announces the final outcome of the election.
Parliament will then have 2 weeks to seat everyone and then the new prime minister and his party will begin the process of building the new government. I am hearing they already have all the candidates lined up for the other positions too. They will have only 30 days to complete this process. I do not see it taking longer than a couple weeks at most. All indications are now that they do intend to comply with their limitations of time on this process.
So who will most likely be the next prime minister?
Today Mr. Sistani revealed himself as the national coalition’s candidate for Prime Minister of Iraq. Will they submit him as “the candidate”? If you don’t remember this is the party supported by"the Islamic Supreme Council", and is headed by Ammar al-Hakim and al-Sadr and the "National Congress" and independent Shiite figures.
In other words these are the politicians I have been talking about for the last month as the anti Maliki group. This is the same group that began the effort back in April 2012 to seek out a no-confidence vote on Maliki,
Also today some extraordinary news was given to us. If you know anything about the election process in Iraq the winning blocs must also get together to organize and put in place some structure as to how they will all operate as one entity. They have been diligently working on these by-laws now for weeks. They are doing this since the coalition is actually a number of blocs and alliances put together.
These by-laws will be the basis for the operation of the new functional government within the workings of their own cabinet of ministers. There are some restrictions within the Iraq constitution concerning this matter but for the most part they are left to decide on their own. So the really juicy part of today’s news is they are done and finally getting ready to vote now on the by-laws. These would have to be in place prior to the 30 days window to begin piecing the government together.
National Alliance’s stand on Maliki getting a 3rd term?
I have seen countless articles on this topic this week. Basically this is what the National alliance had to say about Maliki. They reject the third term as a principle not as a person and they deny any meeting or communications with the state of law as has been published by Maliki. They have a strong stance in this regard. They do claim to have had only one meeting, which was the meeting of Hakim and al-Maliki and this meetings took place within all parameters of the current views of the National Alliance.
So what is next?
After approving the bylaws of the National Alliance, the political blocs will submit their candidates within the Alliance and all must then agreed on a single candidate. This is similar to the process of the national convention in the USA for Republican and Democratic parties to elect and make formal their candidate. This candidate then must be approved by parliament as I stated above.
Maliki knows what his future may hold
An article came out today telling us Maliki basically knows he is washed up. He is desperately now trying to save his own hide. This is demonstrated by the effort by the State Law coalition is trying to negotiate with the blocks of the National Coalition in order to get benefits. These benefits include 1)Maliki stepping down and giving up the 3rd term 2) the state law giving the Ministries of the leaders of the coalition in exchange for a commitment to support the National Coalition candidate for the new prime minister. 3) the requirement not to prosecute a list of names prosecuted after stepping down from their posts which ( Nouri al-Maliki and his son Ahmed and Adnan al-Asadi and the leaders of the Iraqi army), and not to open the files of corruption relating to a list of names that have been filed to block the National Coalition.
The National
Coalition’s reply to these requests. I am of course paraphrasing - we
are now in the drivers seat and we have tried to negotiate with you and
tell you gently back in 2012 what would eventually happen but you
refused to work with us. So now take the medicine coming to you Maliki.
Your terms are nonnegotiable.
Phony Intel News & Propaganda Is Being Distributed
I debated on whether I should bring this up in today’s news letter. But I am getting hundreds of emails on phony news that is being broadcast about the RV. I do not have answers to these many questions except to say just wait and see what is correct.
Bottom line is this - If whoever is passing on this information to you and their events never happen than stop listening to them. You have the power to control it. Eventually they will go away since they will no longer have any listeners. We have seen this in many of the intel providers already. You know who I am referring to. This has been a long ride.
I know for a fact there has been an effort it the past to pass on phony news to the public They are doing this to confuse everyone about the revaluation process and of the timing and date.
I debated on whether I should bring this up in today’s news letter. But I am getting hundreds of emails on phony news that is being broadcast about the RV. I do not have answers to these many questions except to say just wait and see what is correct.
Bottom line is this - If whoever is passing on this information to you and their events never happen than stop listening to them. You have the power to control it. Eventually they will go away since they will no longer have any listeners. We have seen this in many of the intel providers already. You know who I am referring to. This has been a long ride.
I know for a fact there has been an effort it the past to pass on phony news to the public They are doing this to confuse everyone about the revaluation process and of the timing and date.
It is very
important to realize this and to ignore this kind of news. If it seems
to good to be true is normally is not true. There is a process to this
revaluation and the process is moving along. They are down to the
elections and just waiting for a relatively stable, fully functional
government. There has been in the plan all along.
Maybe they are late in the process and the RV could have happened long before now but it is because of this instability. We have all seen the damage Maliki has done. This now has to all be rectified.
It is all going to work out so relax and let’s just wait. The National combined with the Citizens coalitions have the majority votes. They have the “three presidencies” or candidates for these 3 positions already selected. They will announce them soon.
So believing these lies is not going to trigger the announcement any sooner. It may feel good for a day or two and then the hopium is gone when nothing happens and then you are back to reality. This is also know as the roller coaster. Some dinarians even get angry at those that try to bring the truth and display anger in their posts.
They are using some of the intel providers. They deliberately hand pick the ones that are the most popular and have the larger audiences and are doing routine conference calls. .
This propaganda campaign has now being stepped up. So we can expect lots more of the same from now until the RV is announced. So all be warned. Here is some of the nonsense they are passing on to us.
- Dong is live in Mexico. Rate is over $2.00. Coming soon to US...confirmed!
- Important to diversify your currency purchases and have completed/delivered today
- Right now exchanging VIP clients at HSBC and Baname
- Forex is hiding exchange rates at this time until public GC
- Maliki has negotiated for a third term if he can get the RV done
- Maliki has already won the elections and he is going to be prime minister again
- The new government is already seated
- The RV is happening tonight
- It done done done. It now is just a matter of timing
- The IMF is taking control of the RV
- Canada has RV’d
The news just keeps getting better and better as we near the finish line. WOW again!
I am concerned about some of the false information now coming out of the Iraq, the US treasury and the USA government concerning the IQD revaluation. I want to set the record straight and discourage you from listening to this nonsense since I believe it all seems to be falsified information.
Note that I did not put this section on falss information together and place such emphasis on it to humor myself. This is serious and it is getting simply ridiculous and almost laughable. You too must be able to see just how ridiculous it all is and learn to just ignore it.
Maybe they are late in the process and the RV could have happened long before now but it is because of this instability. We have all seen the damage Maliki has done. This now has to all be rectified.
It is all going to work out so relax and let’s just wait. The National combined with the Citizens coalitions have the majority votes. They have the “three presidencies” or candidates for these 3 positions already selected. They will announce them soon.
So believing these lies is not going to trigger the announcement any sooner. It may feel good for a day or two and then the hopium is gone when nothing happens and then you are back to reality. This is also know as the roller coaster. Some dinarians even get angry at those that try to bring the truth and display anger in their posts.
They are using some of the intel providers. They deliberately hand pick the ones that are the most popular and have the larger audiences and are doing routine conference calls. .
This propaganda campaign has now being stepped up. So we can expect lots more of the same from now until the RV is announced. So all be warned. Here is some of the nonsense they are passing on to us.
- Dong is live in Mexico. Rate is over $2.00. Coming soon to US...confirmed!
- Important to diversify your currency purchases and have completed/delivered today
- Right now exchanging VIP clients at HSBC and Baname
- Forex is hiding exchange rates at this time until public GC
- Maliki has negotiated for a third term if he can get the RV done
- Maliki has already won the elections and he is going to be prime minister again
- The new government is already seated
- The RV is happening tonight
- It done done done. It now is just a matter of timing
- The IMF is taking control of the RV
- Canada has RV’d
The news just keeps getting better and better as we near the finish line. WOW again!
I am concerned about some of the false information now coming out of the Iraq, the US treasury and the USA government concerning the IQD revaluation. I want to set the record straight and discourage you from listening to this nonsense since I believe it all seems to be falsified information.
Note that I did not put this section on falss information together and place such emphasis on it to humor myself. This is serious and it is getting simply ridiculous and almost laughable. You too must be able to see just how ridiculous it all is and learn to just ignore it.
It is my
strong feeling we are still looking at possibly around mid July towards
the end of July before we see the announce of the fully, functional,
stable government. I certainly hope it all happens prior to this date.
I do not expect to see any IQD revaluation international until just prior to or after the announcements of the new government with relative stability.
Peace and Luv To Ya All,
Mnt Goat
I do not expect to see any IQD revaluation international until just prior to or after the announcements of the new government with relative stability.
Peace and Luv To Ya All,
Mnt Goat