Beautiful Blessed, Powerful…..Mother’s Day…….
A day
of splendor in which we acknowledge our love for our Mothers,
the precious
souls who have birthed humanity.
that we
sprang forth from in our Birth. Without our Mother’s we would not exist.
As children
we are conceived, nurtured and cared for in our Mother’s womb. The keys of
creation are held within the Mother. Creation occurs within and through the
Great Mother. Her entourage and
co-collaborators in creation are the Elemental Kingdoms, Mother Nature, Mother
Earth & the great Elohim Builders of Form.
In the “Realms
of Creation & Cause” all creation is birthed forth through the Great Mother’s
womb, the “Void of Infinite Possibility” and also in collaboration with our
Infinite Heavenly Father, Prime Creator. Without the Great Mother, we would not
known as the most potent forces of creation in the Universe, the Yin and the
Yang, the Toa and the Dao, permeating all of life. The most potent creative forces
in the universe, existing within each one of us.
A Child,
a “Presence of Life Force” exists as a result of the coalescence &
collaboration in the magical, creational elixir of these great and mighty
forces unifying in the dance of life. Therefore,
as above so below……
exists here within us (Male & Female) (Yin & Yang) springs forth from
that which we were perceived, conceived & created from….Infinite,
Illuminated God Presence! The Great Mother & Infinite Father.
Due to
the Wounded Masculine’s dominion within this paradigm and Earth Plane of
existence….in their forgetfulness, attempted to erase & eradicate The Great
Mother and her Divine Feminine Principle from the Earth & Humanity. It is
not possible to erase The Great Mother.
the potency of Her Mighty Force was held
in quarantine in the underworld for 25,000+ years, eons of time. As a result,
the Divine Feminine Principle and Yin Force of Power was usurped and held in
subservience, servitude & subjugation by the Wounded Masculine Forces &
within all their Institutions that have governed this paradigm.
As the
tides are now turning and we are entering within the Birth of the New
Renaissance “Age of Aquarius” and as a result of the energetic invocations of
Women/Goddess’s & Lightworkers around the world, The Great Mother, Goddess,
Divine Feminine Principle has firmly anchored and is emerging upon this sweet
Mother Earth and fully in this Paradigm as an equal Force of Power through Love
once again!!!
It is
the Return of our Great Mother’s Infinite Love & Force bathing all of
Humanity and our Beautiful Mother Earth that is balancing out the energetic
imbalances now within our Lives and all Life on Earth. And today, is an
especially important day where her Mighty, Magical Infinite Love is pouring
forth activating through Humanity’s Violet Heart Flame, intensifying and
expanding the most everlasting Potent Love today permeating all of Life on
Earth…..a true game changer!
As we
Love our Earthly Mother’s today, Also feel the gratitude for the Return of Our
Great Mother and for our Beautiful sweet Mother Earth.
And in
Loving Ourselves, receive the abundance of these Magnificent Loving Energies
pouring forth from the Heavens, Great Central Sun, Photonic Energy Strata and
the Heart and arms of an All Loving Mother and Father, Prime Creator,
God/Goddess, Tao/Dao All that Is!
this Divine Loving Energy into blessing and restoring the Divine Feminine
Principle upon Mother Earth and in this paradigm and within Each One of our
Lives, as Mighty and Equal Forces of Power for Love & Change For All. Restoring
Love as the foundation of Humanity’s Birthright to Create and Creation!
through the Grace of the Great Mother,
By Jacquline