… by Preston James
South African Apartheid was exposed and dispensed with after many years of struggle and major divestitures of corporate and institutional investments from anything related to South Africa.
The world literally turned against the Government of South Africa and its Apartheid, eventually causing its collapse.
The same thing is now happening to Israel over the Apartheid for the Palestinians it now holds captive in the world’s largest open air prison camp.
The whole world is turning against Israel for its Apartheid against Palestinians and massive, illegal theft of Palestinian lands and destruction of their households.

It was only a matter of time for Citizens of the World to focus on Israeli Apartheid against Palestinians and the massive, illegal theft of Palestinian land by Khazarian “fake Hebrew” imposters.
And now most of Europe, especially its University students and youth are fully aware of the massive and illegitimate land theft of Palestinian lands by these Khazarian “fake Hebrews” imposters.
And the Europeans are now fully aware of the abject tyranny and monstrous abuses fomented against Palestinians by these Israeli “fake Hebrew” invaders who repeatedly steal more and more Palestinian land, and demo Palestinian houses to clear that land and build illegal Israeli settlements there.
And as concerns about Israeli oppression, tyranny, arrests and serial mass-murder against Palestinians by these fake Hebrew Israelis rises, numerous European Corporations are divesting from anything associated with Israel. And now some American Corporations are starting to divest from any investment related to Israel also.

This realization inside the US Military High Command by America-firsters and those loyal to America only has triggered a major lane change of US Policy towards Israel and an aversion to fighting any new wars on behalf of the WZs and Israel.
Continue Reading at .... http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/05/31/911-israeli-apartheid-the-kiss-of-death-for-world-zionism/