According to the US Presidential line of succession, we would end up with President Patrick Leahy...

And what is peculiar about Leahy? Well, according to this Huffington Post ariticle...

And what is peculiar about Leahy? Well, according to this Huffington Post ariticle...

Here he is in the movie...

How weird is that? First Sandy Hook, now this? What is it with the "elite's" obsession with Batman, and how much is the Batman storyline informed by their agenda?
[Update 1 - 15 May 2014]
Almost as soon as I posted this article, I noted something else that's peculiar. The Huffington Post article stated that The Dark Knight Rises was to have its first public showing in Leahy's state, Vermont. Why, of all the places in the world, would they premiere a Hollywood blockbuster in Vermont? And why did the CEO of Warner Brothers join Leahy at the premiere when the Senator had only a brief appearance in the movie? This would seem to portend some kind of significance.
Also, I'm left wondering what happened to Leahy's character in the movie. I'll have to watch it again to see if he died in the chaos. And what would happen if Operation American Spring was pushed to completion and Leahy died? The new President of the United States would be none other than ol' Skull and Bones himself, John Kerry...

Send me an email if you know what happened to Leahy's character.
[Update 2 - 16 May 2014]
"There's a storm coming..."
I've been monitoring Before It's News for OAS propaganda, and I noticed this morning that someone posted a live stream for the event. In the lead-up to commencing the stream, the window was showing four prepared images running in a cycle. This is one of them...

The second I saw it, I remembered a similar theme expressed in The Dark Knight Rises: There's a storm coming, Mr. Wayne...

The high strangeness that accompanies all "elite"-run operations continues unabated.

While I'm on the Batman connection, a reader contacted me yesterday to inform me that Senator Leahy's character was publicly executed in the movie storyline. So if Patrick is the sort of person who is not looking forward to his physical death, he'd better keep an eye on OAS. His character might not fare well in the OAS narrative.
The reader also expressed her view that OAS won't amount to much, and I agree. It is only out of an abundance of caution that I write about it. If they get a poor turnout today and it looks like it's going nowhere, I'll move on to other subjects. And if they keep it going through next weekend (May 24/25), I'll come back to it and "pop another cap in its ass."

Here is the first post in this Operation American Spring expose series: Operation American Spring: America's dollar-destroying color revolution. I will be adding updates to this article as I continue my analysis. Check back regularly....