
Thursday, May 15, 2014

MarkZ Update - May 14, 2014

[MarkZ] Hi Castle.

 [moneyman2] hi markie any news?

 [MarkZ] moneyman2 Lots of news

 [MarkZ] The news of the evening is rates showing on closed forex screens around the globe. I believe they are testing them.

 [jtrain7] Markz whats your take on sq post re basel 3? Mean we're golden?

 [MarkZ] jtrain7 I haven't seen the post. I do not read the boards. Too much crap on them. :)

[moneyman2] MarkZ what is the next big step

 [MarkZ] moneyman2 Next big step will be resetting more of the core currencies so it can be released around the globe

 [moneyman2] MarkZ timing for that?

 [MarkZ] moneyman2 If I were the person pulling the trigger I would pull it on a Friday afternoon. Most government contacts went dead silent yesterday.

 [MarkZ] Ok, I am certain I have missed nearly every question.

 [twinnster] is tomorrow, 5/15 our lucky day for dinar??

[MarkZ] twinnster I think at the upper levels tomorrow could be magical. I doubt the street can see it before Friday afternoon. That is my gut feeling.

 [5150] MarkZ core currencies??? Who is to say what the core currencies will be after the reset? It will not be forex. Forex gets its feeds from numerous Central bank throughout the globe and takes the average and places them on their platforms. Also, what ever happened to the CIX? BTW HI

 [MarkZ] 5150 CIX is still coming I hear. Core currencies are all the brics, uk, euro, US etc. Everything appears to be lining up.

 [happydave1] MarkZ brics are up to 80 countries right now,,,

 [MarkZ] happydave1 wow, the trickle has turned into a gusher.

 [sandytob] MarkZ So do you really think that this will happen this time without people trying to block it again?

 [MarkZ] sandytob I do believe it will happen this time. The timing may not be exactly what we want but I am certain we are winding down quickly now. I am still hopeful that the next few days will bring us home. The more we stay grounded though the better off we all are.

 [lilypad] MarkZ if the banks get the rates from the forex, how could the rates be showing on the bank screens and be on administrative hold?
[10:22:55 PM] Gary (FLPatriot59): [MarkZ] lilypad Rates usually show during off hours when they are testing so there is no one in the banks to get excited or to freak out. :) We are just fortunate to have great dedicated contacts.

 [stthomas cowboy] MarkZ Have the same people been delaying the RV the last few weeks?

[MarkZ] stthomas cowboy I do not beilieve that anyone has been delaying the for the last week or so. I believe it is simply just working through the pre-designed course of events. We just aren't privy to that whole check list.

 [brevco] MarkZ, do you think the "American Spring" march will have any affect on the release? It's supposed to take place March 16, Friday.

 [MarkZ] brevco no

[sananddan24] MarkZ hello when do we expect the emails?

 [MarkZ] sananddan24 I am HOPING friday or soon after. IMO

 [jtrain7] Markz I have a feel on a backwall... cant believe I just used that term. Lol

 [MarkZ] jtrain7 yes... ;)

 [BackStreets] What is the latest news on the various exchange groups, still in effect or gone with the wind?

 [MarkZ] BackStreets most are still in effect.

 [berberboy] MarkZ do you agree with jesters take, that the people running this dont needs us and the more noise that is raise, the harder it will be to get done?

 [MarkZ] berberboy To some degree I agree with him. I honestly feel like we have passed the point of no return now though. FINALLY!!!

 [coorslite21] MarkZ who is really in control to release this, and any chance this will be delayed until the FATCA changes occur on July 1. Thanks

 [MarkZ] coorslite21 I HIGHLY doubt it can be delayed that far! The person in charge now wouldn't want that information release for his safety and the safety of the reset/RV. But the person now in charge is exceptionally capable and talented and HONEST.

 [downunder] MarkZ any news on PPs starting their journey inclduing F&Ps esp. CMKX?

 [MarkZ] downunder They will start the morning after the reset.

 [happydave1] MarkZ so you are on the thought that we are close to the end ,, say within a couple of months or sooner ? eh

 [MarkZ] happydave1 days to weeks. No months imo

 [lilypad] MarkZ, have the public release procedures changed? Are will still going to be making appt. thru the 800?

 [MarkZ] lilypad There will be multiple options for you exchanges. We should not worry about them until the release.

 [jtrain7] Markz I would say who the "honest" one is but I dont want to disrupt the process. My intel is too good. rofl

 [MarkZ] jtrain7 LOL. I just blew lemonade out of my nose. I love you sense of humor. Are we related? ;)

 [coorslite21] MarkZ there is one individual who will pull the trigger?

 [MarkZ] coorslite21 yes

 [5150] MarkZ how is the swap going???

 [MarkZ] 5150 I am waiting to hear

 [b ray] MarkZ , is the VND still expected to be a higher rate than .20

 [MarkZ] b ray I believe so and IMO yes

[Digs] MarkZ would you agree that this will be a "Non-Event" as in "Joe The Plumber" will have no idea anything has changed/happened?

 [MarkZ] Digs very much so. They are now going to be telling the people that no more bail out money or stimulus will be needed that the "wealth factor" ie the newly wealthy will invest in America and spur economic growth. lol..... WEALTH FACTOR my rear...... Dinarians.....
 [berberboy] MarkZ i haven't seen nolaspice around here in awhile, is it true you two eloped and are touring the new nordstrom shoe factory for your honeymoon?

 [MarkZ] berberboy No, she wanted to shop in Italy first...

[sananddan24] MarkZ are we still expecting a big difference in the group rate and street rate?

[MarkZ] sananddan24 After the tax issue is addressed not really. I believe once you weight the pro's con's taxes restrictions etc that the contract and street rate will be about the same. I hope that makes sense..

 [Jetskye] MarkZ any chance we are waiting on announcements tonight? Its almost prayer time in Iraq

 [MarkZ] Jetskye I am not looking for it tonight.

[[BackStreets] MarkZ Would the "wealth factor" not be the very same group that has raped this country for decades?

[MarkZ] BackStreets No, The 'wealth factor' will be all of us. the newly wealthy

 [stthomas cowboy] Will the contract groups ie Admiral be exchanged first?

 [MarkZ] stthomas cowboy only if the skr'd if not they will start in with everyone else.

 [sandytob] MarkZ But do you think he meant Gen64 group rate?....and not the contract rate that is bandied about?

 [MarkZ] sandytob G64 is just one of the groups. I signed up with that group and do believe they have our best interest at heart. There will be many other options though.

 [possum] MarkZ Hi Have u had a moment to chat/confirm with G64 re alignment of International (Aussie) banks for the group exchange? ty

 [MarkZ] possum no
 [catz] Markz will there be any major arrests prior to reset or after?

[MarkZ] catz before and after. Some arrests have already started. They will be kept VERY quiet.

 [lovely] MarkZ are u planning of having a live cc soon?

 [MarkZ] lovely yes

 [jtrain7] Markz u gonna have your own forum post rv?

[MarkZ] jtrain7 yes

 [Digs] MarkZ not to put you on the spot, but do you agree with Okie's statements made these past two days.

 [MarkZ] Digs I haven't read them. Give me some background so I can comment without sounding like an idiot. :) I rarely read the boards. ost of it is junk that they should have vetted first or at least waited to see what would be debunked first. More people need to think like you and question the intel.

 [BackStreets] MarkZ I would be curious to see what options will be available, in a pros vs cons format

 [MarkZ] BackStreets same here so I will not be the first in the bank.

 [coorslite21] MarkZ ....any thing new on the web page you are in the process of creating? I went to the capture page and entered an e-mail address but haven't heard anything back yet.

 [MarkZ] coorslite21 We hope to launch on time late tomorrow night. It will be a 'mainstream' site with a lot of news out of the middle east and on Iraq. A site you could send your doubting mother in law. It will still have folks like me that drank the conspiracy kool aid as well though.

[lilypad] So MarkZ, if ,for example. rates do go live on Forex Friday Afternoon, will Monday be the first possible day to do the exchange in the bank?

 [MarkZ] lilypad most likely yes

 [nikki23] Markz do you think we will be banking this weekend or the beginning of next week if the announcement was made Friday

 [MarkZ] nikki23 I think begining of the week

 [bryan1972] MarkZ It's been quiet about the RI.... What happened to it?

 [MarkZ] bryan1972 it forced the RV/RESET conversation that it was intended to fire up. I honestly believe it was the straw that broke the camels back.

 [BackStreets] MarkZ would it be possible for you to reveal what, if any, options you are looking towards, even if just for comparison?

 [MarkZ] BackStreets Post event I say we have just that conversation. If they do not shut all the boards down right away. They will try to keep us quiet. Keep an eye on my twitter and FB. We will find a way to keep the intel flow going.

 [Digs] MarkZ thoughts on this post from Okie last night, (moreso just your thoughts), "RIGHT NOW THE INTERNATIONAL RATE IS 3.78----THAT IS ALREADY ABOVE WHAT WE INITIALLY EXPECTED." --- i have my own thoughts, but would like to hear what you think,..

[MarkZ] Digs I think he shouldn't have posted that. :) Posting a rate scares me.
 sandytob] MarkZ Many ppl don't do FB for privacy reasons.

 [MarkZ] sandytob Then they can just ask someone that does for an update. I created a separate generic FB account just for the reset.

 [K Boom] MarkZ- last week you were prepared to blow the lid off things. A) is that no longer necessary? And if so, why the drastic shift? Thanks

 [MarkZ] K Boom I do not believe it is necessary. After the event we will all need to know what happened though.

 [collegetowntx] MarkZ what is your facebook page

 [MarkZ] collegetowntx search for Mark Zee

 [Joshua2415] MarkZ Has there been a work around for the contest to win the 10 million dinar WITHOUT liking it on facebook?

[MarkZ] Joshua2415 not yet. the web guys have been covered up. Me dealing with my friends accident and death has really tossed a curve at it.

 [K Boom] MarkZ- then I take that as a major positive. It now seems Tony is in a similar mode- how would you advise him to proceed if asked?

 [MarkZ] K Boom To be tentative and to avoid naming names directly involved with the rollout for safety reasons. He seems to be showing the right amount of reserve right now. I bet he is like me in this, if naming names will speed it up then that is the game, if naming names could delay it them mum is the word. All the intel people just want this done and for you all to be blessed.

 [tomzom] MarkZ Do you think that in spite of any current placements outside the extreme probability of promise anticipated within an immediate play of both response and equitability, we could sub-calculate more accurate estimates & variables in each equivalent partial factored within their opposite proposal?

 [MarkZ] tomzom oh my.... I am still trying to digest that....

 [Digs] MarkZ moreso that he posted it's being traded "internationally behind closed doors" kind

 [MarkZ] Digs I do not believe it is being traded internationally yet. I believe they are bouncing it on the screens in preperation of the international release.

 [Digs] MarkZ thank you... that makes sense..

 [MarkZ] Digs most see the screens and jump to the conclusion they want and miss the steps in between. Like looking some flour and already dividing the cake without taking tome to bake it. :)

 [moneydr] Mark when do you anticipate the international release?

 [MarkZ] moneydr possibly over the weekend or first of the week. It will require a lot of final things getting done though. This is just what I am thinking though.

 [harleycharley] MarkZ- Are other countries are using the RI-dinar rate? or are they waiting for it to go live still?

[MarkZ] harleycharley waiting for it to go live

 [Muruga] Markz are you affiliate with currency liquidator?

[MarkZ] Muruga no but I have friends that are dealers. I met them through this journey. I wish I could time travel, I would travel back a few years and become a currency dealer!

 [K Boom] MarkZ- you stated you believe nobody has been delaying this for the past week or so, but rather it's now just the process running its course. Is most of what is left to be completed related to the US taking certain steps for this to be fully ready?

[MarkZ] K Boom yes. You summed up where I think we are.

 [Digs] MarkZ a currency dealer with the likes of Okie, Tony, Etc., Etc., Etc., -- yup --- you could have made a killing

 [MarkZ] Digs I wouldn't need a rv then! I am afraid I am in the same boat with you all here. I want this DONE. asap

[K Boom] MarkZ- and you are very confident the spirit is cooperative vs. combative now?

 [MarkZ] K Boom yes

 [stthomas cowboy] MarkZ what steps left for the USA to do?

 [MarkZ] stthomas cowboy to stay out of the way for just a short bit longer.

 [MarkZ] ··· nalmarkz there is my twitter. That I have at least figured out how to copy and paste...

 [sandytob] MarkZ to follow you on twitter without creating an is best not to go to your site.

[MarkZ] sandytob I wish I understood that.... :)

 [MarkZ] ok it is a school night.... Time for my Chocolate milk and pop tarts before bed... :)

 [K Boom] MarkZ- heart of hearts :) you feeling this weekend. Heart of hearts- knowing all that's been done- and what remains- and assuming status quo on all attitudes etc. what's your opinion of a backwall timing based on current state?

 [MarkZ] K Boom I am feeling this weekend. A lot has been done. If I had to give a back wall based on the progress I have seen, I would say still in the month of May. Keep in mind even the most plugged in person still will not know the exact time. I am giving you my best guess.

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