
Thursday, May 22, 2014

MarkZ Update - Global Currency Reset, Mass Arrests, New Republic, CMKX - May 22, 2014

MarkZ Chat At Intel4u Thursday Evening
[MarkZ] Wow....  HELLO  everyone. MichaelWeston HI hahaha

[..SweetQueen] MichaelWeston I THOUGHT THE "Z" MAN WAS MY PARTNER IN CRIME.  rofl

[MarkZ] ok I will jumo to a short update. 1st: Everything is stellar 2nd: It may actually be one of the best intel days of this crazy ride so far 3rd: Okie looks to be close or at least within a few days 4th: BWoods was all that I assume the boards say today.

[schaefer3] Hi MarkZ - what makes you confidant that CMKM/CMKX is $7.00/share or more?
[MarkZ] schaefer3 A great source close to it told me to look for 7-9 in the F&P portion of it, then a week or two later we should be offered a buy out or to stay in and convert stock to the new company

[SonOfTheRepublic] Awesome MarkZ ... we'll be looking for an Okie landing soon
[MarkZ] SonOfTheRepublic I know I will be keeping an eye out for him.

[sandytob] MarkZ What was Okie's prediction?
[MarkZ] sandytob May 25th

[nikki23] Markz I have been hearing that currency exchange is not to be taxed at all, unless you sign a paper stating that its an investment. Your opinion please.
[MarkZ] nikki23 I have heard that and I have been told 11%. I was also told it would be taken off the top and we wouldn't even know it was taxed.... I am going to play it safe, set aside 30% or so and seek GREAT tax advice.

[zach77] MarkZ - For CMKX, do you have to be an owner of record by a certain date to receive the F&P? Thank you.
[MarkZ] zach77 It should be just tied to your shares.

[#2sister] What is F&P
[MarkZ] #2sister fines and penalties

[MrT] MarkZ Is that dinar only?
[MarkZ] MrT yes. VND I expect to be a long term capital gain like most big currency transactions as I understand it. I am not a professional though and I highly suggest we all get legal advice!

[ischmahsman] MarkZ how can banks take tax off? They are not taxing agents
[MarkZ] ischmahsman No, as I understand it the amount would be collected at the treasury level and would be more like a 'tariff' We will all have to just wait and see though. Either way we are blessed.

[sandytob] MarkZ If this could actually happen next would be a miracle. I just can't let myself get too caught up in believing has been such a wild ride.
[MarkZ] sandytob You are smart to stay grounded. This has been crazy so far.

[SonOfTheRepublic] MarkZ what about Zim?
[SonOfTheRepublic] In the basket?
[MarkZ] SonOfTheRepublic I was told today that it still is. Let us hope it isn't though......

[moneyman2] People just be safe and save off 50%, then you are covered no matter what happens, state taxes on top of that number
[MarkZ] moneyman2 That is a smart idea

[expectancy] mark z. im hearing rates. can i say and you say yes or no?
[MarkZ] expectancy You shouldn't say them.

[Glurerivyg] MarkZ Is it true that the Bretton Woods meeting yesterday was a breaking point where the bad guys were defeated so that RV GCR can finally not be stopped?
[MarkZ] Glurerivyg Yes and no. Bwoods went exaclty as planned. Was it the public breaking point? Yes IMO

[misskitty05] MarkZ do you know if the law was enacted that said no state could levy tax on a currency transaction?
[MarkZ] misskitty05 I do not know that.

[jtrain7] Markz are there truly high level arrests taking place as far as u know? In u.s. even?
[jtrain7] Markz are there truly high level arrests taking place as far as u know? In u.s. even?
[MarkZ] jtrain7 absolutley

[snowcap71] Mark Z - do you still expect this before the end of the month?
[MarkZ] snowcap71 yes

[sandytob] MarkZ Do you think the VND will be more than .47?
[MarkZ] sandytob yes. If it isn't I plan on holding on to mine in a MCA until it reaches a resonable level which I THINK will be around 2 which is closer to an RI rate.

[SonOfTheRepublic] MarkZ It is sad but the lottery effect will be in play for many people
[MarkZ] SonOfTheRepublic true

[sananddan24] MarkZ are we there yet?
[MarkZ] sananddan24 ding dang close

[tc0043] MarkZ People need to ask their wealth managers a bout investing in tax free mMarkZ unicipal bond mutual funds and generate a tax free monthly income
[MarkZ] tc0043 absolutley a GREAT idea and it will help rebuild our infrastructer and cities.

[jtrain7] Mark z are the arrests at governmental level or primarily banking?
[MarkZ] jtrain7 both. Most government ones will start the moment the reset occurs. Security is in place for it. IMO

[tc0043] MarkZ ty I`m glad you agree
[MarkZ] tc0043 I will be putting my fall back nest egg in tax free muny's I think they may not be sexy but they are safe and steady.

[Fiver] I haven't heard Rupiah mentioned in a long time...
[MarkZ] Fiver because it isn't expected to win at quite the same level even though it will still be a good one IMO

[moneyman2] MarkZ the rats are hiding for cover ya think?
[moneyman2] MarkZ the rats are hiding for cover ya think?

[sandytob] MarkZ I don't know if you can answer this, but.........if I gifted someone some VND last year, will that count as a long term capital gain for them?
[MarkZ] sandytob As I understand it yes. I am not a professional though.

[expectancy] mark z. are we still shooting for three day weekend
[MarkZ] expectancy last I heard yes

[slh1812] MarkZ there was wind that it was a shouting match at B-woods today...true dat?
[MarkZ] slh1812 They needed it. :)

[moneyman2] MarkZ that has to good for the whole process i would think
[MarkZ] moneyman2 I agree

[sandytob] MarkZ I don't know if you can answer this, but.........if I gifted someone some VND last year, will that count as a long term capital gain for them?
[MarkZ] sandytob As I understand it yes. I am not a professional though.

[slh1812] MarkZ rofl kinda like primal therapy?? lol
[MarkZ] slh1812 hahah yes

[jtrain7] Markz good to hear. I don't think we yetrealize the full magnitude if the changes upon us! I think nothing will ever be the same again on so many levels. Awakening!
[MarkZ] jtrain7 It will be bigger than the night we watched the Berlin wall come down. This is Earth shattering big.

[go cougs] MarkZ- Would 6 zeros and .30 be in the realm of possibilities for the Zim.?
[MarkZ] go cougs very possible I believe.

[moneyman2] MarkZ here is a tuff one for you,,,,, when do ou think we will see the new t notes?
[MarkZ] moneyman2 within a day of the reset. I spoke with a person that swears he has seen them.

[sandytob] tc0043 I know, but MarkZ said earlier that it will be treated like a capital gain investment.
[MarkZ] sandytob I believe it will be treated that way. I will seek professional tax advice though and you all should as well.

[Oohut] MarkZ What is a MCA Please ?
[MarkZ] Oohut multi currency account

[moneyman2] MarkZ my banker says he has a pallet of them in his vault
[MarkZ] moneyman2 I like his style and his vault....

[pursuitoftruth] MarkZ, do you know much about how the reserves will be handled?
[MarkZ] pursuitoftruth not really

[slh1812] MarkZ What about commodities following exch? metals/wheat/coffee etc?
[MarkZ] slh1812 my rule is this after the reset. Can you taste it, touch it or eat it. I like commodities that are staples.

[K Boom] MarkZ - how 'public' of an announcment might we expect? And from whom should we expect to hear, if any? thanks
[MarkZ] K Boom Part of the announcements will be very public. Parts they will try to downplay.

[SonOfTheRepublic] MarkZ.. Your opinion.. Once all theese currencies reset to assets, won't it lock down the price of metals after the surge from many buyers?
[MarkZ] SonOfTheRepublic metals will surge, then drop, then adjust to become very stable.

[misskitty05] MarkZ do you expect an announcement regarding the USA's switch to the new USN?
[MarkZ] misskitty05 yes I do.

[pursuitoftruth] MarkZ, someone said we can expect a 25% - 50% drop in the dollar. I believe we have seen some already. What say you?
[MarkZ] pursuitoftruth I believe we have already seen a solid drop. I am personally looking for about a 25% decline but keep in mind that is not a bad thing. It means our dollar will go just as far here, not as far internationally but America can start producing and selling abroad again.

[sananddan24] MarkZ will the currency exchange be around the clock ?
[MarkZ] sananddan24 for most banks it will be for a week or two. They want us in and out and they want our money!

[slh1812] MarkZ with all the news coming out about China & Vietnam & the VND, where are we now wrt the IQN? Is it still the lynchpin? Or are we looking at NEW lynchpin in the VND post first round?
[MarkZ] slh1812 they are all tied together now. No certain one. IMO

[bryan1972] MarkZ We have all heard alot of this in the past....... Why should we believe this is it?
[MarkZ] bryan1972 I wish I could tell you what I know that makes me feel this is finally it. That I can't share. :( But on the positive side I do believe we are EXTREMELY close to the end.

[Joshua2415] MarkZ So with the coming of our "blessing" (RV) is it safe to think that the new republic is really real and will actually happen?
[MarkZ] Joshua2415 yes it is safe to think that. Keep in mind the "New Republic" will only go as far as WE push it. We will need to put our new money where our mouths are.

[sagefemme] thank you for asking that bryan1972 i was thinking the same thing .... most of the questions here have been asked over and over and its still the same. its coming and we wait.
[MarkZ] sagefemme It has been a painful experience thus far. Way too many ups and downs.

[expectancy] MarkZ is the a backwall that can go pass? can the bad guy stall any longer
[MarkZ] expectancy I hate the entire notion of a backwall. There is a goal to have it completed by though.

[slh1812] MarkZ wrt New Republic, is there a one-stop-shop website yet for it?? It's all so confusing to know which one is the "Right" one...?
[MarkZ] slh1812 slh1812 There is not a one stop shop for that. No one is quite sure exaclty what it will look like. I will try to start bringing a new piece each night for you all though.

[K Boom] MarkZ- how much influence did the China/Russia non USD oil deal have in moving this off the fence?
[MarkZ] K Boom It is more of a sign that the petro dollar is dead than pressure on. It is a symptom of the death of the fed.

[bryan1972] MarkZ I appreciate you!!!! and I hope that all your info is right on the money, and not misinfo ty
[MarkZ] bryan1972 I do as well!

[slh1812] MarkZ ty we want to start building those relationships but can't until we know with whom we are relating! rofl
[MarkZ] slh1812 It will become clear quickly.

[sandytob] MarkZ Bankers in some Wells Fargo branches are still saying that when they exchange foreign currency, they have to send it to their closest central clearing house in Philadelphia (I am in Baltimore) and then it will be credited. How to handle that?
[MarkZ] sandytob Do not over think it. There will be faster options that will be presented quickly for you.

[pursuitoftruth] MarkZ, the Fed had a really good run at the world's expense. They deserve to die IMO.
[MarkZ] pursuitoftruth mine too

[dlyle21] MarkZ ... will private banks and tier 2 banks have the opportunity to offer the contract rates
[MarkZ] dlyle21 I have been told they will absolutley have the chance.

[tinkie] MarkZ does your intel think tomorrow or Sat?
[MarkZ] tinkie I didn't say that. I am looking for closer to next week personally.

[Steelerfan] MarkZ HERE IS MY BIG FAT QUESTION.............. is the TRN gonna be gold backed for a dual purpose. 1. basil and 2. to hold onto our reserve status????????????
[MarkZ] Steelerfan A combination there of. B3 is not just 'gold' backed. a lot of assets will be backing money after the reset. Somewhere there was a great list of those assets. I think it was on the UN site at one time.

[bryan1972] MarkZ Are you still planning to tell all, post rv?
[MarkZ] bryan1972 Yes I am and I am looking forward to it.

[Falcon5475] MarkZ - it seems like the RV date continues to be a moving you believe will finally see it before Memorial Day
[MarkZ] Falcon5475 It will be close but the target isn't capable of moving and dancing like it once was.

[slh1812] MarkZ Steelerfan Yes, it's still there...but some countries are missing
[MarkZ] slh1812 not all countries will be ready to be B3 compliant right away. They will use there foreign reserves to peg their currencies for the short term. IMO

[lilypad] I have chocolate milk and blueberry poptarts MarkZ. Now when do u think I can retire?
[MarkZ] lilypad lol. I hope soon.

[pursuitoftruth] Markz. will you not be signing an NDA then?
[MarkZ] pursuitoftruth I doubt a NDA will restrict tht information. It should only relate to banking, rate etc.

[K Boom] MarkZ- last time we chatted here- you mentioned a number of steps remained that needed to be completed in the process. On a percentage basis- how completed would you say we are at this moment?
[MarkZ] K Boom hmmmmm. we are about 90% along. The last parts can be accomplished quickly though. All that is needed is a clear, safe window. There is no mulligan if they do not get this right the first time.

[expectancy] MarkZ if the rv doesnt happen by june 1, what will that mean
[MarkZ] expectancy That they didn't get a clear safe window. It WILL NOT BE A REASON TO PANIC THOUGH. We ALL have to stop getting wrapped up in exact dates. It WILL happen. It SHOULD be very soon.

[spanky4565] MarkZ is there really a chance of an RI w/ the VND as i have seen some say or is that something to much to concider IYO. I do realize u can't be to specific and understand if u don't want to answer at all
[MarkZ] spanky4565 There is a chance and honestly a RI would rock. that would make it around 2.21 by my math. IMO

[abbababy] MarkZ Good Evening. With this being a holiday weekend, I saw something interesting. Wells Fargo usually never closes for holidays, excpt the major T,C, etc, but today I aw a branch in the Vegas area that will be closed Monday for Memorial Day. Interesting? could this be the long weekend? Hugs
[MarkZ] abbababy could be and I hope it is!

[sagefemme] what is it that makes a window of time for this to go safe
[MarkZ] sagefemme That is a question that I am not sure I can answer and keep all parties protected. They are looking for a safe window for the trustees, bond holders, prosperity folks. It is a VERY involved question. I will think on a better way to answer it safely.

[abbababy] MarkZ I always like seeing you here because you seem to be the only one with you feet planted solid on the ground. Thank you for your kindness& time. I am always keeping you in my prayers.
[MarkZ] abbababy :) you made me smile.

[sananddan24] MarkZ do yo3think the zim will be the sleeping giant?
[MarkZ] sananddan24 yes

[moneyman2] MarkZ are we still looking and hoping for one basket of currencies to go at the same time?
[MarkZ] moneyman2 yes

[bryan1972] MarkZ What can you not tell us? grin
[MarkZ] bryan1972 lol! That really is the question that should be asked... Now if I could just answer it....

[MrT] MarkZ Mongolian in the next basket?
[MarkZ] MrT I believe so.

[firenice] MarkZ When do you think MC will do his thing?
[MarkZ] firenice I can't/shouldn't say

[tc0043] MarkZ If every currency does revalue even just a little now to make the price unattractive at least, don`t you think that could be detrimental to some countries economy? [tc0043] MarkZ I meant doesn`t revalue
[MarkZ] tc0043 yes. That is why some will adjust a few times as 'steps' are accomplished.

[go cougs] MarkZ-At one time you said you liked the Central and West regions of Africa, Can you give the NAME of the collective regions currencies?
[MarkZ] go cougs just do a web search on central african currency. You should only find 2. A Central African and a West Central

[expectancy] MarkZ are the devils and their minions caged up or are do we still worry
[MarkZ] expectancy They look to be under watch and thimb now.

[sharpshooter007] Dont know about Safe Window.. PTB have never been painted into a corner before why now
[MarkZ] sharpshooter007 China and Russia killing the petro dollar this week has the PTB painted into a corner like NEVER before. We meaning the currupt american bankers/politicians lost their trump card this week.

[slh1812] MarkZ Keenan mentioned something our Indo friends and keeping them in line...hoping that isn't a holdup?
[MarkZ] slh1812 I do not think it is.

[erthtunes] plz sir--$7-$9 CMKX figure includes our trust fund payout, and if not, whether we will receive those funds before the buy-out offer is made?
[MarkZ] erthtunes we should recieve our F&P money first. Approx 10 days ahead of any offer as I understand it. I do not work for the company though. I want that clear. I am just a stock holder like so many of you.

[expectancy] MarkZ i really feel that russia china and the usa had a plan to destroy the devil. the devil felt that he could create a war. but their was a plan to defeat him
[MarkZ] expectancy They made a heck of a move this week on that front.

[snowcap71] It looks like you don't want to answer my question about the Rupiah?
[MarkZ] snowcap71 I can't see all the questions and your pale blue color is hard to see.

[expectancy] MarkZ yes they did. i realized when russia backed off it was planned
[MarkZ] expectancy you were paying attention

[clipper] MarkZ Do you think we will hear from Transfer On Line about CMKX payou?
[MarkZ] clipper yes

[lilypad] MarkZ Do the rates have to show first on the CBI?
[MarkZ] lilypad no, but I expect them to show there at nearly the same time.

[sagefemme] expectancy MarkZ is the window holding up rv
[MarkZ] sagefemme IMO yes

[SpecialAgentGibbs] MarkZ w2hat did I miss?
[MarkZ] SpecialAgentGibbs The special bus for intel people.
[SpecialAgentGibbs] MarkZ The short bus???
[MarkZ] SpecialAgentGibbs I would say yes but I have met many wonderful people that some would say belong on the short bus but you get the idea....

[expectancy] mark z. the zim 100t - 6, 7,8,9 or 10
[MarkZ] expectancy I wish I new that answer.

[MarkZ] I am going to trow you all a curve tonight..... I am going to have a PBJ sammy instead of a pop tart. I found some of my aunt's strawberry freezer jam I had forgotten about....

[notsoguru] MarkZ I think snowcao wanted to know if the rupiah was going to go at the sme time as the IQD and VND or not until llater
[MarkZ] notsoguru yes then. Same basket.

[twinnster] the 7-9 bucks for cmkx that you that for fnp and trust? or only trust? or only fnp? thanks
[MarkZ] twinnster I hope it is just for the f&P portion. I am hoping for it to be in that range. We will not know though until the letters arrive at our doors.

[tc0043] MarkZ Is part of the delay and the window the time it is taking for amaliki to form his new govt with all ministers and president?
[MarkZ] tc0043 I do not think so

[Believe13] MARKZ ..hello ...are we still on track for May 2014
[MarkZ] Believe13 I believe so

[MarkZ] ok. later all.

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